Tuesday, March 8, 2016

T and Breakfast

Another Tuesday is here again. Another T is for Tuesday post. Today I am showing you a breakfast in Santa Fe, New Mexico, back from my trip which was 2 weeks ago. Two weeks ago? Boy time flies.  I had this delicious breakfast burrito and a big cup of steaming hot chai tea. I couldn't eat more than half of this gigantic burrito-and then I didn't need to eat until supper that night.
Stop by Elizabeth's blog,  T Stands for Byblos   to see everyone else's T on Tuesday posts.
And I have a few photos to show you today also. I also took these in New Mexico. Those geraniums made me happy and  inspired me to go through my photos looking for plant photos. Here's what I found.
 Of course it was February and still cold so there isn't a lot of bright green like these potted flowers.

Don't know about you, but I am SO ready for green again.
Warmer week here in New Hampshire, but they are saying rain.  In the 60's (degree Fahrenheit) on Wednesday. I'll take it.
Happy T Day everyone.


  1. Gosh - this burrito looks for sure elephantine - I just had lunch - ate soo much veggie soup and fruitsalad - good that I haven't seen that burrito before - since I would not have been very happy with my veggie soup at all .
    Yummie breakfast indeed!!!

    Gorgeous impressions - you always make such artistic photographs! Awesome!
    Happy T-Day Erika!

  2. Nice breakfast Erika.
    Serving size is always an issue for me.
    I can eat just not a whole gob in one sitting ;-)
    Lovely to see more NM pics...such a special place.
    Happy T Day.

  3. wow! That buritto looks yummy! I haven't had a breakfast burrito in ages... We plan a trip to Texas soon and i plan on having one!! :) Happy happy Tday!! Hugs! deb

  4. I'd love to see NM one day. it looks beautiful and I always hear such good things about it. So nice to have the photos to bring back the memories isn't it? That yummy looking burrito is massive-wow! And I am with you-yes, SO ready for green and blooms! have a great week ahead and happy T day!

  5. Wow, Erika, that is one big breakfast. I see toast and potatoes in the background, too. That chai tea looks good, and I would normally drink coffee, but I'd go for that in a minute.

    Your flower photos look wonderful. It has been so beautiful here up until today. It looks like it might be raining outside right now, but that would be asking too much. It's been so dry and windy, fire danger has taken over.

    I'm also ready for spring, but it seems to have already appeared here. Thanks for sharing that HUGE breakfast, those gorgeous flower shots, and your chai tea with us for T this Tuesday.

  6. That is indeed a gigantic burrito! I couldn't have finished it either. I always enjoy the photos showing what it's like in other places. I think we'll all welcome spring :)

  7. Yummy food, gorgeous photos! Happy T Day, sorry I'm late today, I was at Rehab/Boot camp all day! Hugs, Valerie

  8. That breakfast does look yummy.We are all happy about the good weather :-)
    Happy Tuesday

  9. Yes, it is brown here, too. But brown instead of white--LOL!
    That was one huge breakfast burrito! Love the geraniums with their pop of red and what a cute idea to paint a bunch of flowers on that planter so there is some color around when everything is brown.
    Happy T-Day! :)

  10. The burrito looks delicious! I love your photos! Happy T day! Chrisx

  11. I LOVE that coffee cup!!!! I want one ♥ You know I love big cups :) The breakfast does look wonderful. I probably would have forced myself to eat the whole thing and then been miserable the rest of the day. Thanks for sharing the other photos of your trip. I've always waned to go to Mew Mexico and haven't made it there yet.

  12. never had a burrito for breakfast, but i´m sure i couldn´t eat the half of this size in the morning... and i´m with you: longing for green! though your photos have their Beauty, too with These earth tone Colors!
    happy belated t-day and rest of the week!

  13. Beautiful photos and yummy burrito. Have a great day!

  14. Oh, I DO love your photos! spectacular scenery, and wonderful juxtaposition of the planter with the dried plant stems against the fence! would make a great sketch...happy belated T day!


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