Thursday, April 21, 2016

Feels Like a Summer Evening

Its just about the weekend. I am ready. :) 
Not only does my one week spring vacation begin this weekend, but its also almost the end of a very  busy work week. But today we had temperatures well into the 70's ( in the low 20 degrees Celsius) and it felt so much like summer.  Loving it.:)
So today I have a journal page for you. Since it is Friday I am linking up to Paint Party Friday. Thanks to Eva and Kristen for hosting this fantastic site.
And I am also linking up to Art Journal Journey. This month's ' hostess is Linda and the theme is For the Record. My journal page is based on a Jimmy Buffet song. If you are familiar with his music, you can probably guess my song. It is his song  Fins.
My fish Gelli print might be a bit busy for this page, but I thought the color and fish design was a great match for the  music.  My photo got a little cut off on the right side, but those fins in the waves came out just like I wanted.
I like it much better when I cut the words off the bottom. Maybe I need to paint over them so they are plain black. I think the white outlining is what  bothers me the most since it seems a little too busy with the rest of the page.
But when I take out the words, you don't know what song it is, do you?
That's all for me. Thanks for stopping by.


  1. such a fun colorful journal page,,

    you must be glad the weekend is almost here!!

  2. What a fun journal page, love it! Enjoy your spring break, happy weekend and happy PPF, and thanks for linking to AJJ, hugs, Valerie

  3. I adore this painted journal page, and loved the play on words. Very cleverly painted and well thought out. I actually like both versions, but I'm not one who needs words to make a page work, so I enjoyed it both ways.

    I thought of you today when I saw that Prince had died. I thought of your take on Purple Rain that you shared recently on AJJ. Hope your last day of school before break is WONDERFUL.

  4. A fabulous page.. I love the colors and that there is so much going on - that fits this powerful song perfectly! I didn't know Jimmy Buffet .. it seems it is music that I like... the you tube mix of Jimmy Buffet will accompany me today at housework - thank you for the music and thank you for another fab page and THANK YOU FOR THE FAB page Valerie sent to me recently...SUPERB!!!♥♥♥
    I wish you a wonderful week ahead - enjoy!!!
    Here it is nice and warm as well but gosh..they predict snow for next week.... horrible ....
    Happy Friday!
    oxo Susi

  5. Powerful journaling page, Erika.
    Have a wonderful weekend xx

  6. a super page and song Erika-it totally sings of summer and I love that!

  7. Love the colors on this gorgeous page! And the theme, too, of course. Wishing you a great spring break!

  8. I bet your are thinking of boating....enjoy another warm day this afternoon. Going anywhere fun? xox

  9. What a fun page! (I sure wouldn't want to see shark fins to my left or right!)

  10. Blue and yellow. Those are definitely summer colors. Fun painting

  11. Oh I love it!! I love both with and without words!! The cut down version could be re-purposed as a summer theme one month for your banner!! What is the song I'm wondering... I may google that!! Great fun colours...I think I am so in love with these two colours of late too!! We have had some beautiful exceedingly record breaking weather too! Enjoy!

    Hugs Giggles


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