Monday, April 11, 2016

Monday is Here

 Another weekend flew by. Monday is here and another work week is beginning.  The nice thing about this Monday is that it is only 2 weeks until my one week spring vacation, and when you get to this point you can not only count the days but you can see the vacation light shining.  As a teacher I usually plan about 2 weeks out, so I am planned out right until vacation. 
Big smile!
So today I have another journal page for Art Journal Journey. The theme this month is For the Record, hosted by Linda.  My page pays tribute to a song by Van Morrison, Moondance.  I used Luna Moths on my Gelli printed page which I did darken up bit some watered down black paint as well as some black spray ink. I also found some of these little metal stars while cleaning, so I added a few to my page, along with some stamped and doodled stars too.
So this weekend was pretty low key. I seemed to have spent a lot of it getting a bunch of errands and chores done. I also started cleaning out a closet in the spare room that I use as a studio space. I actually started this cleaning project last fall. That was part 1, and now I am moving forward and working on part 2, or finishing up this project. I still have a ways to go, because I am totally rearranging my storage set up, but hopefully once I'm done it will be much more functional and I will purged a huge amount of items that I haven't used in a long time. 
A good purge is very cathartic. 
Another big smile.
 Here's a side view of my project. The closet isn't big enough for me to photograph a front view .
Have a wonderful day!


  1. Love your journal page and the song you chose to inspire you, thanks for joining us again at Art Journal Journey. You look like you have a lot of clearing out and up to do, not something I like doing, but it always feels so good when it's all tidy....Soon you will have our spring break! Hugs, Valerie

  2. Another pretty journal page. Have a beautiful day!

  3. beautiful art page,, that looks like a big job,, but I agree with Valerie,, feels good when finished!!

  4. another great song and a super journal page Erika!! I admire you for keeping up with the purging and cleaning out too. I fell back a bit but I am determined too:)

  5. OK, I swear I thought I replied to this early this morning, but in case I didn't (my day has been like that) I think your Moon dancing luna moths are wonderful. I love the background, too. Those stars sure shine through on my screen!

    If I lived closer, I would come help you, although it looks like you already have much of the organizing out of the way. Your storage area makes me envious and puts mine to shame. Lovely.

    I know you are counting down the days till your break. I look forward to reading what you have planned for that time.

  6. I love the page - and it fits the beautiful song so well Erika! Oh my -- so much work-- but you are right-- in the end it makes us happy when everything is new arranged !
    Thank you for another fantastic idea and realization of a song linked to Art Journal Journey!

  7. I think you captured the feel of the song so well. Very nice indeed!


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