Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Strawberry Fields

Hi everyone. I'm back with a little bit of the Beatles today. Here's a page for Art Journal Journey. Linda is hosting this month and the theme over at AJJ is For the Record, music inspired pages.  I bet you can guess the song even if you can't read my words. I'm talking about Strawberry Fields. 
To quote Wikipedia:
"The song was written by John Lennon and credited to the Lennon–McCartney songwriting partnership. It was inspired by Lennon's memories of playing in the garden of Strawberry Field, a Salvation Army children's home near where he grew up in Liverpool."
I always wondered about that title. I also found out that there are other musical firsts with this song, which you can read about over at Wikipedia too.  Who knew?
I used this Gelli print for the background because the colors reminded me of outside in the summer, especially the white dots which I thought of being like clouds.
The strawberries were lots of fun to paint and make. :)
So tomorrow I am home for the day. We have a new couch being delivered-which I am very excited about. Ours has several holes and is being held up in one corner with a pile of books after the leg broke off back in the winter. I've also got a doctor's appointment and want to get my snow tires taken off my car. With all of this going on I am hoping it won't be just a chore day and maybe I can squeeze in some art or reading time too. I hate to think of taking a day off from work and not having any fun.
But we shall see.
And I've got a few more spring photos from my walk the other day.

This is a beautiful old farm house is for sale down my street. (And no, I am not trying to help anyone sell it either) It has walls painted by an itinerant painter back in the 1700's.  In those days painters in rural areas would travel around and paint rooms in meeting halls and homes in replacement for wallpaper. Most of those painters are long forgotten, but when you can find a place with the original paintings left that is pretty rare and interesting.
Here's a photo I snagged off the online listing for the property.
I'd love such a beautiful piece on my stairway too, but
I think I'd be afraid to use those stairs if I lived in the house for fear of ruining the paintings. You know hands on the wall and all that.
And for my last photo, here's a cool reflection. We walked up and peered into the barn windows of that house. (The house is empty so please don't think I'm go about peering into people's windows.)
I love how where my phone was blocking the sun you can see the stalls in the barn and then you can see across the street, where the sunlight was reflecting off the window.

And before I sign off, I want to mention about the lobster roll I posted on T for Tuesday this week. A lot of you told me you'd never had it or only once or twice while traveling.  (Here's my post link if you missed it or are even interested: This Isn't About You). I know lobster is a real treat and not common lots of places in the world, but around my neck of the woods, lobster  is very common. We live in lobster country I guess. I even have students at school who lobster as a job in the summer and after school. A lobster roll is a few dollars more than a hamburger in most restaurants, especially in the spring and summer.
OK, enough said for today.
I always appreciate you're stopping by too, . :)


  1. OK, once again, I am NOT a big Beatles fan, but I LOVE your take on Strawberry Fields. I had read years ago about the relationship to Strawberry Fields and the phrase can't be hung by it (playing near the garden). You made it incredibly awesome, and I really like this visual.

    What a fantastic home you live near. I was duly impressed. Great photos, too. Now we know you're a voyeur, though (grin).

  2. such a beautiful journal page and a great song,,
    that is such a beautiful painting in the stair way, I have painted on a few walls and a couple of doors but no stairways,, YET !!! lol,
    it really is amazing,, I have never had a lobster roll but they do sound so good!
    A new sofa sounds great!!

  3. Lucky you having lobster often. Here is is rare and too expensive. Love the photos of the house with the paintings, what a treasure, and glad spring is finally on its way. Your strawberry fields journal page is great, and it's a song I always loved. I have 2 Beatles pages ready for AJJ, too. Thanks for joining us again there. And I loved your comment about Boris/Donald, good one, but Donald is even scarier! Hugs, Valerie

  4. What a fantastic page - I love your strawberries -- great how you painted them all! I want to catch one or two of them..they look so real!Thank you says Art Journal Journey again and again and again. I would also love to tak a lobster roll...oh yes!!!!
    Wonderful house with this mural..
    hope you can find to have fun this day as well...
    please show me the new couch you purchased.... I am such a curious person you know!

    Happy Day Erika!

  5. Pretty painting on the wall. I hope the new owner will appreciate and keep the painting. Have a beautiful day!

  6. A fabulous page to match the song, the strawberries look quite delicious.

  7. oh what a fabulous page Erika!!! I have had a few Beatles songs going thru my head but just have not had enough time to create it all in a journal. I do hope you have found some time for fun despite all the errands etc. Hubby and I have always loved vintage/antique/old so of course I would LOVE to take a walk thru a home like this. Just that at our age it isn't something we want to be tending to and caring for. I hope it goes to a family who can love it for its history.

  8. Now I want a lobstah!!!! Roll. And some fresh Spring strawberries...nice house and barn. Xox

  9. Your strawberries look terrific, Erika, and I love the background you've made for them too with these lovely colours. I always like to see your photographs of your area, different from here.


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