Friday, April 1, 2016

Which Flower is Your Favorite?

Happy Friday. And Welcome April- and that is no April's fool joke. We're having a couple of warm days before it gets bitterly cold for a few days. Love the warm, dreading the cold (and maybe a little snow-eeks!) at the end of the weekend. But last night it was warm enough to sleep with the windows open and I heard the spring peepers for the first time. Love it.
I heard a phoebe the other morning too, but the phoebes who nest in the eves of the outbuilding on my property haven't returned yet. Here's a borrowed photo from the internet photo in case you aren't familiar with this bird.
Eastern phoebe
Spring is really official when these  scratchy voiced little guys return, but maybe the pair that nests in my yard are smart enough to know this cold is coming and they are staying south for a few more days. Their return date always seems to vary, depending on when spring is really here.
So you can see the journal page is all about spring.
 I made this bouquet of hand cut and painted flowers since this is the month I should finally start to see some color in my backyard and around my neck of the woods. I am trying to contain myself with my desperate need for outside color, and at the same time telling myself it is not unusual to still have snow on the ground (which we don't this year) so I should be happy with that.
The flowers are cut from a couple of old music sheets. I then painted and doodled, and stamped the word bloom with an old stamp I have, and then added the die cut letters to make the big word bloom.
The background is a Gelli print on watercolor paper.
And since it is Friday, I am linking up to Paint Party Friday, hosted by Kristen and Eva. Thank you ladies!
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.
And as always
Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Phoebes and red wings, yeah! Although I hear a bit of snow Sunday, Momday, wait a minute ute, haha. Lovely blooms. Xox

  2. What a lovely vibrant piece - it definitely screams spring! I had never heard of a Pheobe - I thought it was just a girl's name! Thank you for sharing - you learn something new every day!

  3. What a pretty little bird, never seen one before. Love your journal page, and the new header is really wonderful, wow! Hope spring soon comes to stay! Happy PPF, hugs, Valerie

  4. I don't see those birds here. What a treat to see this picture :) I love sunflowers best, but I also love flowers shaped in that general way like daisies, zinnias, and black-eyed susans. They cheer me :)

  5. I've also never heard of or seen the phoebe before and thought you had misspelled the word "phobia" as I began reading the sentence. Laughed at myself after that goof.

    Golly, Erika, I love all the flowers. They are truly beautiful. I also like your new blog banner. I was anxious to get here to see what you had "cooked up" for it this month.

    No fooling, have a great Friday and weekend.

  6. a gorgeous mixed media bouquet Erika! I never heard of this bird but I thin we have one visiting!! I thought from a distance it was a junco-a winter bird- but I bet it's a phoebe so I must watch for it. Yes, unfortunately we may see a bit of snow late this weekend too:(:( So, gardening and planting must wait awhile yet. Have great weekend-and stay warm!

  7. Ooooh, what a magical banner and striking flower vase.
    Really fab Art, Erika.
    Have a wonderful weekend 🐈

  8. Good you did show the photo because I didn't know what a phoebe looked like. I have just been reading your previous blog about Mt St Helens. I remember the eruption too. I was studying geology at university so it was extra interesting for me. And I still think it was an amazing (but frightening) thing to happen.
    Have a good week,

  9. What a gorgeous bouquet... If that painting were real flowers all those would be my favourite since I love whimsical anything so much and those colours are terrific! I love peonies, gladiolas, and carnations for their longevity...but truly I love all flowers...those are my favourites in that order!! Great post!

    Hugs Giggles

  10. What an awesome bird. Great capture. Love your colorful piece. Nice work.:)

  11. A wonderful page Erika and what a super photos from the birdie with it's lunch!!

    Hope spring is really here.. the nights are still cold and frosty here .. but I really hope it will turn to spring the next days.

  12. Wonderful painting to start off spring. A great photo too.

  13. Your April header is tremendous with the swoop of orange, and that's a fabulous burst of pink against your lovely painted flowers.
    i love to see the new (to me) bird, he's so sweet.

  14. Hi Erika, I hope you soon have flowers in your yard just as lovely as your painting. The up and down temperatures are hard to plan for. We do have color in the yard here in Virginia with ajuga and hellaborus (spelling?), dogwood trees and chinese redbud trees. Also the wild Quaker ladies flowers are blooming along the edge of the woods. Have a great new week!

  15. those colours are just so gorgeous... insanely beautiful...

  16. Beautiful bunch of spring flowers! It's been spring weather here too for the past few days, almost getting too warm in the sun for my taste. But I do love to see all the flowers appearing. Hope you won't get anymore snow!


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