Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Day 3 is T Day

Happy T Day everyone.  It is Tuesday and if you stop by T for Tuesday at Altered Book Lover      you can check out all the T for Tuesday posts. These are drink related posts, not just tea.
But today I have some tea to show you.
Sunday afternoon I had my friend Vickie over so we could catch up on our lives and I could share some of my baked good from last week's class.  I brought home so many yummies last week and we can only eat so much of them. Too bad I can't send you all a piece over the internet.  I still have lots left in the frig. I could really only freeze one of the pastries I made.
 Anyhow, Vickie and I chatted and munched and sipped on tea while the rain fell down.What a perfect way to spend a rainy Sunday, and then when Vickie went home I finished off the afternoon with a little nap before dinner. That was good too.
 I was also excited to find this tea at the grocery store on Saturday.
At  baking class we got a free cup of tea or coffee coupon every day for our break. I tried this tea the first day and liked it so much that I had it almost every day. Reminds me of taking a journey to some tropical place, like maybe Hawaii which someday I hope to visit. And now, I can have it at home when I feel like a little sweet and fruity taste. And none of those pastry calories either.
And I also got my fence painted. Last Saturday morning the weather was perfect  for a little yard work. ( Not that I wanted to paint the fence, but I wanted the fence to get painted.) It needed to get done before everything really started coming up because then the plants would get all covered in paint. Since we use the paint sprayer it also needs to be pretty still weather so the paint doesn't get blown back into your face.
(And if you happen to notice that the 2 poles that I  hang my bird feeders on seem very bent, you are right.  Friday night I guess a bear came by. Luckily the bird feeders managed to stay intact, but the hungry bruin basically emptied them both out. I've got to remember to bring them in every night.)
Anyhow, the fence got painted and looks great now.
The hubby used the paint sprayer and then I went along and ran the brush over the rips and the missed spots. I actually started using the sprayer, but then I accidentally sprayed my husband (Oh no), so I got delegated to the brush patrol.
So I have to go to my aunt's funeral today. Back to work a day and then off a day. It will be sad but my aunt lived a healthy life for 97 years. I think we can all hope that we just wear out without having any major illness.
That's all for me. Have a great T Day!


  1. Your Aunt had a good, long life, but It is still sad to see people go. Glad you had a good time with your friend; wish I lived nearer, I would gladly help you eat those cakes. The new tea sounds gorgeous, enjoy! Well done on painting the fence, and a few points off for painting your husband! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  2. nice new mailart Header, erika! i can´t help, seeing a fence getting painted always makes me think of Tom sawyer and huck finn;) and you are right - 97 healthy years is more than most People are allowed to have.
    happy t-day, anyway!

  3. Bears! Oh My!
    Your picket fence garden area looks so promising and fresh with the coat of paint...good thing the bear didn't get frisky with that too.
    I bet we all could help you "clean up" your fridge of all of your baked goodies. Nice that you had time with your friend and such a yummy tea too.
    No matter how long someone has lived it is so hard to say goodbye and so final.
    Sending you lots of (((hugs))) Erika. Very sorry for your loss.
    Take care ♥

  4. Love your little garden fence ♥ I need to think of putting up a garden fence but just can't get motivated. LOL! about spraying the husband. Sounds like something I would do. The tea also sounds delightful I'll have to see if I can find it around here somewhere.

  5. There is nothing better than hibiscus tea. After you have enjoyed its wonderful sweetness, you can dye paper or fabric with the leftover or spent leaves. The slight pink/purple you get is just wonderful.

    I have three of those feeder poles and they have now all bent over. It will definitely take a strong man with a large hammer to pound mine back into shape. It sounds like hubby is up to the job. Spray painting that fence is the only way to go. I swear it would have taken you until summer break to paint it, otherwise.

    Sorry to read about your aunt, but at least she wasn't cut down in the prime of her life.

    Thanks for sharing your tea AND your fence with us for T this Tuesday. Loved the mugs, too.

  6. Sorry about your Aunt, but 97 is a grand old age. Painting hubby, as long as you don't bake him into a pie! Nice garden area. xox

  7. what a lovely fence and nice hibiscus tea

  8. The fence looks great Erika, but I could do without the bears....LOL!
    I never ever got promoted to sprayer.....always the brush for me...unless DH was no where in sight!

    The tea sounds interesting enough that I would give it a try....and I'm a coffee drinker...*grin*

    So sorry to hear about your Aunt....my deepest sympathy to you and your family.

    Happy T-day

  9. I must say , I actually love the rustic look of the fence Erika! It does look nice painted too. Bears-oh my!! That's a bit scary to me- a little too close for comfort even though I love animals. Sorry about your aunt but true, she lived a long life. Happy T day!

  10. Saying hello on T Day. I like the sound of the flavoured tea, I imagine it tastes delicious.

  11. Glad to see that you found the tea you like! The fence looks great and I love the way you casually mention the bear! Happy T day! Chrisx

  12. I would have loved to help with the cake - the fence looks great now..very fresh! I am sorry for your loss - she got very old --wow-- that's seldom isn't it??

    oxo Susi

  13. Terrific tea mugs and I really, really, REALLY love your fence and garden lot. It looks terrific. Rick could use one for his little garden!


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