Saturday, May 14, 2016


Not sure I like this page. I like parts of it, but the whole, well, the jury is still out.
I am linking up to Art Journal Journey. I am the hostess this month and the theme is journeys. My personal goal is to try to make my whole month of posts somehow journey related. And we are just about half way there!
(Wow-where is time flying to?)
My issue with the page is that the bottom looks good but I have all this space on the top. I added the gears, which I really like, but something is still missing.
But it what it is- I just hope it isn't too bad to show.
But I do have some bird photos for you today. I finally unloaded a few weeks of photos from my camera onto my computer. A few of my summer visitors have migrated back, yahoo!
 Still working to get a good hummingbird photo.
 The rose breasted grosbeak hasn't  been here for a couple of years. I am so glad to see them back.
And there's LOTS of goldfinches.

 And one day I had a whole flock of red winged blackbirds. A whole flock. I've never had blackbirds at my feeder before.
But my chickadees are still here.
Even though the bird feeders have to come in every night because of some old big black bear (who I have yet to see) I still like to put them out because we get so many different birds.
that's all for me today.
Happy Saturday!


  1. I love your journal page with the railway, which brings back memories for me, as I used to travel the North-Eastern route by steam train when I was traveling from London Kings Cross to Lincoln as a student. Thanks for all your great support of AJJ! Wonderful bird photos too, I wish we had humming birds here! Have a great weekend, hugs, Valerie

  2. Love that row of stamps across the bottom, those are a journey in themselves! Grosbeak, love those guys. We have tiny wren's around as well as everything else. Love wrens and catbirds. xox

  3. It's funny isn't it that sometimes when we look at our work we know something is needed or not quite right. I think your design is great and I love the addition of the gears. It'll come to you when you least expect it... usually at 4am if you're anything like me!
    Well that's something that I don't have to deal with Erika... black bear's!
    I love having bird feeders all around my house. Great to have your visitors return. You must serve up some tasty treats!
    Enjoy your weekend and keep an eye out for that bear!

  4. The piece with the train I like best! This looks really very good with the steam in the air, and the lady waving with her hand, and the stamps fit very fine!

  5. I love your pages - they are fabulous! So grungy and rusty -- super look! Oh half through - time flies indeed - hope that I will find time and my muse to create some pages during the second part of the month -

    I adore all this wonderful bird photos!
    Awesome!Thank you for sharing !!!
    Happy Sunday Erika!
    oxo Susi

  6. Your railway journal page looks fantastic, love the added stamping and the colours you used. Super photos of the birds.
    Yvonne xx

  7. your pages are lovely, I don't see any problems! Lovely bird photos too!

  8. I think your pages are really cool and don't see where anything needs to be added. The important thing is that you're happy with what you created.
    I never see grosbeaks here in Northern Virginia.
    You have some great birds visiting you.
    Your theme is really spurring me on to get more pages in my France travel journal.
    Time certainly does move fast.


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