Sunday, June 5, 2016

A Few More Views

 Thought I'd show you a few more views from my USA altered book. In case you are new to this project, its an on-going project where I am making memory pages for each of the states I've visited, leaving blank pages for the ones I haven't made it too.
Yesterday I posted a map page from this book, you can see it underneath the postcard I inserted in.
I'm using whatever memorabilia I have in my stash, including post cards. And I'm creating memorabilia too as I go along.
As you can see. :)
 Here for my Virginia page (Anyone remember this saying from the 1970's?) I also put in the this little  postcard which is a copy from an old postcard folder I have. I guess I should address it to myself and put an old stamp on it to finish it off.
Yesterday I posted the map page underneath.
And last for today is my Georgia page. I added the coke postcard because when I was in Atlanta a few years back at a National Science Teacher's conference, I visited world of Coca- Cola.  It was an interesting place, plus I like diet coke. I was still in college, driving back to Maine from spring break in Florida when I visited Savannah so except for my memories, I had nothing to add for there, but I do remember the gorgeous gardens in each little neighborhood square. It was March so I added in little stamped and colored tulips.
So today we have some much needed rain, and I am actually excited because it gives me a reason not to do any work outside or inside. Instead I am going to go into my studio and maybe watch a little more of Breaking Bad, which is a show I have never seen before the other night and now want to see more of. I had picked up the season 1 dvd for the hubby for his birthday last fall based on tons of people's recommendations, and he'd never opened it. The other night my daughter and I were looking for something different to watch, so we opened it, and now I think I am hooked.
So yesterday I had a busy day. I got my porch all set up with my furniture in the morning.
 I had given the floor a couple of new coats of paint which I'd just finished up a few days earlier.
 I had moved most of my plants out of the house onto the porch too. I never did it before last year, when I had to move to them get a ceiling fixed, and they did so well outside (plus looked so nice), I decided to move them back.
Last summer the hubby built us a fire pit in the back yard. This year he decided to smooth out the lawn around it and put in some sod. That was his project yesterday.
 This what he had done before my daughter and I went out.
And this is what he had done when we got home. He didn't buy quite enough sod, but that's ok. We have some bear areas of our yard that can use some sod too, so next load I requested that sod those areas in too.
But we could have a fire last night.
It was a very summery evening and it was nice to sit outside for awhile.
Plus during the afternoon my daughter and I went to the quilting/knitting sale at a store not too far away. I didn't remember to take a lot of photos, but here are some from last year.

 You can stuff all the scraps of fabric you can fit into these bags for $6.99 I can often fit 3 or more yards into one bag. (They are all pieces, but I can often find 1/2 yard or 1/3 yard pieces which work for what I use it for.) Especially now since this nice lady from Quebec showed us how to stuff bags yesterday. The trick is to snip off the tips of the bottom of the bag so all the excess air gets out. My bags came out perfect. A first for me!
 I am ready to do some more shibori dyeing this summer.
And this is more other sale score. I got this whole set of books for $22,00. It retails on Amazon for $129.00. The outer case is a bit damaged, but the books are fine, and this is something I have wanted for a while now, but not willing to pay that much money for. These books have knitting, quilting, macrame, embroidery and other needle arts from the late Victorian era. It is full of patterns. Some of them I would never use, but I would make some of them. Or modify some. I find the history of knitting and other needle arts really fascinating.
I was kind of disappointed not to find any yarn I wanted, but they were handing out knitting books for free since it was the end of the day, and I got 2. :)
So that was my fun Saturday. Hope everyone enjoyed theirs too.


  1. I have just been having a super catch up on your posts that I missed, loved all the journal pages. The needlework fair looks a great destination and your garden fire place area looks fantastic.

  2. Looks like you had a great weekend. The porch looks fab, as does the garden with fire pit. Lovely views into your travel journal. What fun you must have had at that market with so many bargains! Enjoy, hugs, Valerie

  3. All four pages are super Erika and your porch looks really great now - worth the hard work!
    - lovely place as well as the fire place! It seems like you had have a super weekend ! The fair was a super event for sure!
    Wish you a fabulous new week....
    here is the weather fine as well and I can do some gardening again, so I am quite happy !

    oxo Susi
    Thanks a lot for the support for Art Journal Joureny ♥♥♥

  4. Wow, you've been busy Erika, great expressive journal page and lovely photos from your neat porch and the wonderful fire place. Your hubby looks so proud! It sounds fun with the quilting and knitting sale too, enjoy your new goodies sweetie.

    Love and hugs

  5. I admit you seem to have accomplished a lot more than I did this weekend. Thanks for sharing the front porch. I love it. It's a real porch that's screened in and everything. I'd love a screened in porch because mine gets bugs and birds often drop by, too.

    That's an awesome fire pit. Looks like you and hubby deserved the treat.

    Wow, I'm impressed with your fabric. You certainly know how to shop for bargains, that's for sure.

    I remember going through the Coke factory outside Atlanta. I also remember the gold dome on the capitol. Fun, fun, fun!

    Just think, school is almost out, so you are a short timer, now.

  6. Wow, you have been a busy bee! I love your art journal pages, they are so bright and cheery. I’m glad you got loads of bargains at the yard sale, now to get to work creating things, what fun! :-) The porch and garden fire pit look fabulous, I bet you’ll use them loads now summer is here! Love your post :-)

  7. I know what you mean about rain sometimes being welcome. We had a day like that last week and I got a lot done!

    Lots of pretty here with your plants and fun with your adventures at the quilting and knitting sale. I need to start my knitting up again. And I love your journal pages. That's a great idea.


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