Monday, June 20, 2016

This Is It

Tuesday is here! It is T day.  :)
Monday was hot (around 91 degrees/32 degrees Celsius) and I spent most of the day in a hot third floor classroom (why didn't they run the AC I ask?) cleaning. When I got home,  I was tired and it was just my daughter and myself for dinner, so we went and got take out. Then we sat on the couch watching some episodes of that old series Breaking Bad while we ate our sandwiches. It was that kind of night. 
Stop by Bluebeard and Elizabeth's blog to see what all the T gang folks have been enjoying. They might like tea,  coffee, or like me, a diet coke. 
And besides lazy nights on the couch, how about some other enjoyable things about June.
Daisies are blooming everywhere.
And Siberian irises too.
Sunlight on the lake in the afternoon.
And even though school is just about out, summer is a great time for reading big books. 
And I've started painting this T rex. She's going to be quite festive if she comes out the way I am imaging her to look. 
I'll show you when she's done.
And look at this art storage piece I scrounged up today as everyone was cleaning out their classrooms?
Its one of those paperback book racks that you see in drugstores and libraries. It spins around and once I get some little bins to put in where the books go, it is going to be a really great supply storage holder. 
I am very excited to do a little more organizing, and after this afternoon, I will have plenty of time to do it.
Happy T Day everyone and enjoy your day!


  1. Your post has a festive summer feel to it Erika!
    I would not have been a happy camper in that hot 3rd floor class room.
    Good you had an easy plan for dinner and vegging out a bit too.
    Those daisies make my heart sing.
    Happy T Day to ya oxo

  2. Wow, now you've made me hungry. The diet coke and sandwich look wonderful.

    So glad you got that rack/shelving unit. I suggest you grab some old used file folders at school today and turn them into bins for the rack. There are tons of tutorials of box designs on the internet, so you should have no trouble finding some good ones. I'd come help if I lived closer.

    Enjoyed the summery scenes around your place and could empathize about not having AC in that hot room where windows probably never open. Thanks for sharing your coke and sandwich, as well as your lovely photos with us for T this soon to be Tuesday. It won't be long till you can say goodbye to school for the summer.

  3. Your food looks great, I'm imagining I can smell it from here, or is my neighbour making a fried breakfast? LOVE the book rack you scrounged, what a great find, that will be very useful. Have fun with the flowers, summer, reading and your art. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  4. Fabulous that your holidays are here! Enjoy and relax and read and travel dear Erika---- and make art! A super rag ...
    I am looking forward to see the finished t-rex Lady!

    Happy T-Day!
    oxo Susi

  5. i can see you sitting at this lake, reading and enjoying the summer... looking Forward to the revelations about the dinosaur... and i really envy you for this book rack - oh the possibilities!!
    have a nice t-day:)

  6. A lovely way to relax at the end of a work day, on the sofa with family close by. Loved the photos and look forward to seeing the new storage stack, what a find.
    Happy Tuesday.

  7. Woohoo, I love your paperback rack! What a great find! Please show us what you have done with it. And of course I'm looking forward to seeing Dino (or should that be Dina?) when she's done.
    I've just googled The Gene. It has a good write-up. It sounds very interesting. But it looks like you need a long holiday to read that. I recently read a book called Down the Rabbit Hole and is about neurology written by a neurologist in Boston. It also tells of his work and experience as well as some cases.
    Happy T-Day,

  8. so much June goodness here! That looks like a lobster roll and if it is I'd love one too:) Even though I do like the heat I wouldn't enjoy working or cleaning in a hot room. Wish I had a view of a lake - so pretty along with the summer flowers around! Your t rex is looking very cool already-can't wait to see what else you do. And what a great find to get that storage rack-love it! Happy T day Erika!

  9. Your nature photos are the perfect cap to a solstice celebration. Summertime, I love it! That rack looks perfect, but I'd have never thought of using it that way. You have an eye :) I've heard of that author but have never read anything by him.

    Happy T Tuesday!

  10. Now a pink T Rex (or is it red?) is right up my alley! awesome...a fun June post, and I would enjoy tv and take-out food any the flowers and sunshine on the lake. You had a great score on the book rack, can't wait to see how you fill it up. happy T day!

  11. Love your storage find!!!! The lake photo looks so peaceful I need to get to a water source soon so I can recharge ... That T Rex is going to be awesome I can tell :) Can't wait to see her finished.

  12. Lobstah love, it's summer - YAY!!! xox

  13. Love your photos.So many lovely things to see.Your food is yummy yummy!Gorgeous post!

  14. Lobster sandwiches, yes please! We don't get them here in the UK and I had them when we visited Maine, they are lush and I would happily eat them every day if I lived there :-). The iris are such a pretty colour and the lake looks very inviting. Looking forward to seeing your finished T-Rex. Happy T Day! :-)

  15. Looks like a good meal on a hot day. I'm anxious to see the T-Rex in its finished state and to find out how you use that storage rack.

  16. Mutthergee (sp) is such a wonderful writer. Looking forward to that one. And reading! And I'll take your lunch any day!


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