Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Abstract Lilies

Another journal page for Art Journal Journey today. This month's theme is "in My Garden there are..." hosted by Yvonne. Its the perfect theme for July, and its a lot of fun creating flower (or other garden) pages. Stop by to check out all the garden pages or better yet, make a page and join in.
My page is  all hand painted  except for the stamped saying and a little spray ink through a stencil. I painted these blooms from memory so they aren't exactly perfect lilies but they are lily like enough that I can tell what they are. I like them that way too.
I'm also linking up to Paint Party Friday. Thanks again to Kristen and Eva for hosting every week. :)
 My inspiration are my lilies which are in bloom right now. They are not pink but I wish. I still love these plants because they are so low maintenance and give  such pretty flowers most of the summer.
The other morning mine were covered with raindrops as it rained during the over night. 

And my hydrangeas are blooming wildly right now too. Last year I barely got a flower, so I didn't cut them back last winter. I don't know if that's how it works or not with hydrangeas. Maybe its more to do with the weather or the amount of rain...? Anyone have any advice? 
Whatever it is they are looking beautiful right now too.
So our humidity came back today with a vengeance.  After 2 beautiful summer days too. Oh well. I had a dentist appointment this morning-yuk- but then I met a friend from work for lunch. We got to do some planning for our upcoming trip  to Iceland in 1 1/2 weeks. There's 4 of us going, my friend, her sister (who I know although she lives in Massachusetts) and a friend of her sister's whom I haven't met. Should be fun-and I am excited since Iceland isn't on my husband's travel radar and with his dialysis  he can't really travel right now. But its been a place I've really wanted to go check out for quite some time.
I guess everything does work out if you are patient. :)
So that's all for me today. Thanks, as always, for visiting.


  1. Your lilies are beautiful in your painting and in real life Erika!
    And your hydrangeas sure are looking great.
    Our bush gave one tiny pompom this year.
    Not sure what's going on...I was a bit disappointed.
    Maybe next year.
    SO excited for you and your upcoming trip.
    p.s. sounds like we're having the same hot and humid weather...we're in for what feels like at 100 for a stretch now ugh!

  2. Your painted lilies are perfect, I love seeing them in people's gardens. I have no idea about hydrangeas, I usually cut mine back, but I don't know if you have to! Have a fun outing with your friends, and thanks for another lovely page for AJJ, hugs, Valerie

  3. Your painting is gorgeous Erika - the quote is fab- haven't heard this before - I love the soft pattern you created on the right - it makes it even more interesting and your lilies and the hydragena in the garden: so beautiful! I don't know much about hydragenas, all those plants have their secrets.
    Thank you very much for another fantastic entry to Art Journal Journey! Funny, I had an appointment at the dentist on Monday - ( glad he didn't find anything this time-yeah).
    - Iceland - oh wow... just great - so exciting - now it is nearly to start the adventure! I wish you a wonderful journey!
    Happy day Erika.
    We have rain meanwhile - they forcast sun again for Sunday.. we will see.

  4. Your paintings looks great. Good looking yellow flowers!

  5. Beautiful painting of the lilies Erika, the colour is gorgeous. Your garden blooms are lovely as well, my hydrangea blooms late April/May and occasionally has a year with no flower, next year it shows up in all its glory. So I do think the weather plays a part in the flowering
    Yvonne xx

  6. I love lilies and hydrangeas :) My only lilies are field lilies -the common orange daylily. I don't have room here for hydrangeas. Yours is so pretty!

  7. Love those yellow lillies and your page too! xox

  8. I absolutely adore the abstract lilies. I also only have day lilies, but I planted Easter lilies one year that bloomed the second year, then seem to have disappeared in the thick of my flower bed.

    It rained here today and I worried about the basement, which is til in bad shape. But we are headed to hot sticky weather for the next week with temps over 100 predicted most days. I feel your pain, which will be mine soon.

    I look forward to your upcoming trip to Iceland. Sounds like a wonderful time.

  9. beautiful page, love the quote!

  10. Lilies are such gorgeous flowers, and your beautiful painting shows that in your art. I love your photos of lilies too. The deer ate all of mine. :(

  11. beautiful flower art and the words that goes with them. :)

  12. these are such wonderful flowers, and I love your drawing! So vibrant

  13. Beautiful lilies Erika, both the paint and the real ones. They just appeared in my garden over this last week.
    As to the Hydrangeas... I'm not too sure myself. I cut mine down last year and they are only just coming to flower buds. Not sure if I've done right either.
    This gardening milarky can be tricky.
    Thanks for sharing... happy PPF to you

  14. I love your beautiful lillies, Erika. Lovely colour and style.
    You will have wonderful trip in Iceland. It's called the Iland of Fairytales.
    Happy weekend ♥

  15. Beautiful colorful flowers. I love daylillies. I had some at my old house but my new home is so shady There is not enough sun to grow them.

  16. Love your page and your real blooms. I love hydrangeas but have no idea how to care for them. Happy PPF

  17. That's a new quote for me and I love it! Your lilies are perfectly gorgeous in all their colour glory!! Good job I love this page so much!! Some hydrangea years are weak that's for sure! Pretty lily in your garden too...Have fun in Iceland! I'm sure it will be a blast!

    Hugs Giggles

  18. First of all I would love to spend 2 weeks at that lighthouse in the summer:):) Your lillies are marvelous Erika!! And how exciting to be planning a trip to a special destination-lots to look forward to. Happy PPF and have a great weekend too!

  19. You have painted your lilies beautifully, the bold pink and stamens remind me of Stargazer lilies. Your trip to Iceland sounds so exciting, not long now! Happy weekend wishes! J :-)

  20. Your work of art is absolutely gorgeous! I love your quote and beautiful interpretation of the garden theme! Your photos of the lilies and hydrangeas and so beautiful, too! Thanks for sharing!!!! HUGS!

  21. Lovely bright lilies! I like the quote too. :D

  22. nice and bright page :)
    enjoy your trip :)

  23. The lilies are lovely, real and the painted ones. I love hydrangeas. Mine have not started blooming yet. I don't trim them any more. The last time I did, they did not bloom the following year. Enjoy your trip to Iceland. Do not forget to take photos.

  24. Your lilies are gorgeous, both the painted and the real ones. And I love your hydrangea! I'm always looking forward to seeing them bloom. There's a big bush of them right outside my bedroom window. They never got to bloom properly last year, because of the heat I guess, and now they're just beginning to colour. I'm waiting for them to be ready so that I can sneak down and cut off a few to put in a vase when my neighbour/landlady is out :)
    Iceland must be one of the most popular destinations this year, everyone seems to be going there at the moment. It's definitely high on my list of places to travel too! Looking forward to seeing some photos! :)

  25. A beautiful page and gorgeous flowers


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