Sunday, July 3, 2016

Paris Nights

Just a short post today as I seem to be wasting a good chunk of this morning (but I guess that is a nice thing about a lazy Sunday morning after a long morning walk).
 I wanted to link up to Moo Mania. The latest theme is Paris, and the other day I made this page. I used a Geli printed and stamped background, this crazy abstract Eiffel tower that I cut out of one of those old fashioned paper bags, and some assorted ephemera I found on my work table while cleaning up the mess a little bit. I also added the little metal stars which I sparkled up with some gold glitter.
Hope everyone is having (or had) a beautiful summer weekend. We've been busy here celebrating a long holiday weekend.  We've had a couple of boating days, and I think today will be  low key since tomorrow is the big cook out at the mother-in-laws for the 4th. (In the US our Independence Day). I have a cake I need to frost and decorate for tomorrow, and I really want to get in and play with some paint, but we will see what the day brings whether everyone will let me do that or not. My husband tends to get antsy once his "chores" for the day are done, and so he may want to go out and do something, or he may not. He isn't saying now-which gets a bit frustrating as I like to plan my day a little bit at least.  Oh well, it is what it is. Once the weekend is over I have most of the week ahead to play to my hearts content.
Thanks for stopping by for a visit. I always appreciate it.


  1. Wonderful piece, your collage is really well made. Thanks for joining us at MM&M! Enjoy your lazy Sunday! Hugs, Valerie

  2. An Eiffel tower made out of a paper bag! - that's ingenious, and the whole piece is so creatively made, and looks great too. I'm always full of admiration at the way you make art, no matter what.
    Love your bright fresh July header too.

  3. Enjoy your cookout tomorrow. I will be at the gallery for a few hours anyway! xox

  4. Oh la la I love your Paris piece!
    Happy 4th of July for tomorrow - have a lovely day.
    Gill x

  5. A wonderful page Erika! I love all about it! Great that you found time and muse to join Moo Mania & More!♥♥♥
    I had a busy weekend - much on the agenda and nice weather and visitors...
    not much time for internet and art..but that's o.k.!
    Happy new week !
    oxo Susi

  6. Brilliant Paris collage Erika.
    Your lettering is a really fabulous touch along with that happy couple too.
    Happy July oxo

  7. Wonderful page, I love the sparkle especially the gold stars. Your Paris letering is stunning too! Wishing you Happy July celebrations :-)

  8. Wow, this is absolutely stunning.

    Thank you for joining us at MOO MANIA & MORE

  9. Very behind in my visits! I love the Paris layout but then, it's Paris -- what's not to love! Still, this is terrific. I'll be catching up but meanwhile, thanks for your visits!


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