Sunday, August 21, 2016

Birds of Iceland and a Street Fair

 Sorry for the Iceland journal theme about a million times, but today I have another page for Art Journal Journey on the theme of Nature's Wonders.  Gill is hosting this month and she picked this great topic. 
I made this bird spread of some of the shore birds I saw in Iceland, some of which we have here in the  Northeast US and some we don't. The big bird on the bottom right is an oystercatcher,  and I had never seen one until I went to Iceland, where I saw several.  And then yesterday we were boating and what flies right next to the boat but a pair of them. I was excited to see them.  (I was also hoping to see some whales, as we saw a few last summer, but there were none to be seen. It was a good day for seeing seals though. They  get into lobster traps, so I've learned if you look around the buoys you may see some, and we did.)
Anyhow, back to the birds. All these images are cut out of a children's book on shore birds. Several weeks ago my daughter and I went to the local hospital street fair, which is in a big field. There are lots of tents where they sell items donated and all the monies raised go to help the hospital. I love to go and see what I can find for bargains, because none of the items are priced very high. One of the things I found was the set of 3 children's bird books, printed in England so they contained lots of European birds.
 I paid 50 cents for the set, and although I hated to cut them out, I did manage to convince myself to chop some photos out of the sea bird book. It had (in it) lots of the Icelandic birds I saw, and I thought when I bought it it would be perfect for my journal.I also found these cute little shortbread/gingerbread molds. They were $3.50 and are made of ceramic. I know the brand and they sell for quite a bit more new than that.
 Here's a few from the edge of the street fair.  Not a great photos but it gives you an idea of all the tents.
 And this is in the home wares tent where I found the cookie molds. The books came out of the book tent, which is my favorite. I also picked up several fiction reads. I also seem to leave that book tent spending $10 and carrying a very full and heavy back.
 OK, nothing to do with my art journal page but after the street fair my daughter and I went and grabbed a little supper, and then we decided we needed to split this hot fudge sundae, which was quite yummy.
We couldn't even finish it. :)
Happy rest of your weekend.


  1. Now, did you have to show that hot fudge sundae and get me drooling again??! Love the moulds and books you got from the fair, you found some great stuff for a few $. Love the journal page, and I am enjoying your pages about Iceland, so thanks for another great entry for AJJ! Enjoy the rest of the weekend, hugs, Valerie

  2. I love Ladybird books! I used to pick them up for the kids when I would find them, so this brings back fond memories :) That fair looks like it had a lot to offer. And now I want a sundae! lol

  3. Fantastic pages and great to find those books - I would have bought them as well!
    Thank you for another fantastic page to Art Journal Journey and for me you can show another 2 million of Iceland pages -- I enjoy them all!
    A super street fair.. looks like you have found some nice things there!
    And... that hot fudge sundae looks more than delicious - makes my moth water!

    Happy new week ahead - hope your last weekend was wonderful!

    oxo Susi

  4. Great find, love your journaling!
    Yummy sundae!!!!

  5. Another great Iceland page Erika - loved seeing all the different birds and the colourful postage stamp.
    What wonderful bargains you found - those Ladybird books bring back memories - I used to have quite a number of those when I was a child, and the moulds are fab!
    Its 11.15pm here so I'll wish you a great week ahead..
    Gill x

  6. A fantastic journal, these "birds of Iceland" I like very much.
    I wish you a creative week.

  7. Nice to see the Iceland birds...

  8. Those birds practically jumped (or flew) off the pages. Not only did I enjoy the visuals, I thought the idea of cutting the birds out of the books was quite good, too. I know some people would be shocked, but it's not like they were valuable first editions.

    I also enjoyed the street fair and seeing you and your daughter try to finish that hot fudge sundae. Hope your Monday is going great. Sorry I was late visiting.

  9. Great idea to use old books in collage. If you didn't want to cut them up you could always make color copies of pages, too.
    Looks like a fun time with your daughter! :) Have a great week.

  10. What a bargain find with the books. I remember them well from when our kids were small here in the UK, we used to find them second hand at fairs as well. Memories. Love your fabulous journal pages and I am well tempted with the look of that delicious dessert.
    Yvonne xx

  11. Oh my goodness all I can remember is that hot fudge sundae, I think I've got everything to make one so you can guess what I'll be eating in a minute - yummy! I love your pages and will never tire of seeing your Icelandic memories, it's fantastic and so cool! I remember having a couple of those Ladybird books when I was a little girl too :-). Thanks for the inspiration and memories! Have a great day! J :-)

  12. GREAT buy on the shortbread molds. I have several of them (I use them more for pressing paper than baking) and you're right -- very pricey. I saw some at a resale shop recently for 5.50 each so kudos to you! (I have the snowman -- love it!) And the books -- great, but I'm not sure I could have cut them up. I have a whole shelf of things I bought to cut up that I just can't!


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