Tuesday, August 23, 2016

The Wonders of Nature in Cloth

OK, this is the last day of my summer break, which is always a little sad. The idea of getting back into a work routine is always a little tough to stomach, but I am a tough cookie and can do it. Ha-ha. I actually don't mind going back to work, but I will miss my morning walks, the sleeping in a little later than 4:45 and having more me time each day. Have I gotten a little spoiled this summer or what? :)
So today I have my usual end of summer dilemma. Do I go off and do something fun? Do I try to get one of those projects on my summer to do list done, seeing hardly any of them got done this summer? Do I just relax around the house and enjoy a low key day since once back to work, those days are fewer and farther between? I always feel like the last day of break should be something special and not just a wasted day. But the question that always rolls around in my head is what is special to me this year?
OK, enough philosophizing. Today I have as sewn piece for you. I made it from some hand cut designs and also some dies that I used to cut out fabric shapes. Then I sewed them and painted Mr. Fox's eyes and nose.
This piece reminds me of a summer night camping. It is a wonder of nature, so I am linking up to Art Journal Journey. Thanks Gill (this month's hostess) for such a great theme.
I'm also linking up to Moo Mania with a new theme of Nature's Beauty.
That's all for me today. Thanks for stopping by my blog.


  1. Your fabric piece is gorgeous, love the colours, too, you have done great job there. Thanks for another lovely piece for AJJ. Enjoy your last day before school starts, and I am sure you will be back into your usual routine very quickly. Hugs, Valerie

  2. This is super impressive. I love the way you sewed the trees, but Mr. Fox is the cutie of the bunch. I hope whatever you choose to do today it is fun and relaxing.

  3. The end of the holidays are always a little sad, still you'll have all your wonderful memories. I love this stitching piece you made, your fox is cute and your trees are very lovely too, it feels Wintery here. It has a magical touch to it all with that beautiful silvery star twinkling bright!

  4. I hope you enjoy the very last day Erika -
    back now to the normal madness!
    But good for us all to have our normal madness, am I right?! What would we do with just holidays around the year?! Would be boring I guess!
    A lovely fabric painting - I love how you have stitched the trees!
    Thank you for so many wonderful entries to the AJJ Natures's wonders theme Erika!
    They all are so beautiful!

    I have some more daughter without school days here.. but I am quite o.k. with my teenie and her freinds- every days brings a teenager forward to being a normal human being - at least I hope so and I am looking forward to visit Valerie in Düsseldorf for a few days in September .
    oxo Susi

  5. Hi Erika ...firstly thanks so much for the lovely comments about the 'Harold and Madge' post.. I think with time and patience and an awful lot of bird food goodies, it could happen to anyone :)
    I love your fun piece for AJJ - I am in awe of your sewing skills because I can't sew - although it can be a bit better when I've had a glass of wine to give me courage first.
    Hope you crammed in lots of fun for your last day before going back to work. Hope the rest of your week is good too.
    Gill xx

  6. Its a fantastic sewn piece, love the fox. I do hope you are enjoying your last day before going back to work.
    Yvonne xx

  7. That is so cute!
    I was a scrambler. Trying to finish up other projects before I had to go back to school as a student, anyways. And I'd be so excited and nervous about things like remembering my locker number and combination I'd never sleep much the night before. I loved school. :)

  8. Anyone who teaches math or biology gets a HUGE kudos from me...the poor old middle school English teacher... RETIRED. 54 years...so you have a ways to go. I am left brain dead so math and biology are not possible for me to understand. Just had to share that with you because it is such a hoot. I feel for you having your summer ending and having to head back to the grind. Maybe your classes will be small and filled with students who WANT to learn. That would be wonderful. Love this little piece, and I especially like Mr. Fox. I think you are already unconsciously thinking about Christmas holidays :-) I cannot sew anymore because of my back and neck problems so have switched to my artwork. It is a life saver because when they closed my school 3 years ago I went into a state of depression. I missed my kids so much. I missed the interaction and the fun we had each and every day. I think that is why children and childlike figures are always appearing in my stuff. Good luck this year. genie

  9. No matter how you spend( or spent by now) your last day I hope it was filled to he brim with joy! Your fabric art is adorable and they would surely make for fabulous printed Christmas cards:)

  10. These are enchanting, Erika. I didn't know you stitched too -- it's like a magical forest!

  11. Your sewn piece is fantastic, I love it! It reminds me of the great outdoors and camping with it's lovely rustic background, the star twinkling in the night sky, the trees with all their texture and of course Mr. Fox. He is so well designed, I love how you have used the stripes. This piece really makes me smile, thank you! I don't know where the time goes, looking back it seems you have already done so much this summer! And it sounds like you will be making the most of the time you have left too :-). Wishing you a happy week, have fun and enjoy! J :-)

  12. Wonderful piece you have sewn and stitched! The fox looks sweet! Some years ago I also tried this art and so I know how much work it means!

  13. A great idea to do art in cloth for a journal page. Love this

    Chrissie xx

  14. Your fox in the forest under the stars is wonderful Erika!
    You do SO MUCH!!!

  15. Hi Erika!
    I take time (at last sorry, but I'm so busy...) to pay you a little visit back on your blog :)
    That's a lovely walk for me here, beautiful arty photos and your stitched make for this Nature's wonder challenge is so lovely!!
    And reading you a bit is also a pleasure, you look a kind person (working as a teacher if I well understood, a courageous and generous work!!! :D)
    Hope your days back to school and restart have been good anyway (though we all prefer much more being on holidays of course haha!).
    All my wishes Coco xx


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