Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Working Together

A big thank you to all of you who sent good wishes for my husband's surgery yesterday. Unfortunately he developed some type of rash and the doctor decided it was better to wait than do the surgery, so after arriving at the hospital at 5:30 AM, we were on our way home at 8. Maybe next week. 
Last night I was emotionally wiped out from all the pre-surgery stress. Aaargh! I hate to think of going through all that again soon. :(
Here's another page for Art Journal Journey. There's just a couple more days left to the back to School theme hosted by Elizabeth, so if you haven't joined in, you should.
My page started with this school workbook page that I found in my stash.  I decided it needed a more modern theme than it was meant to have when it was drawn back in the day, so it became my "modern" multicolored page. 
Not much else new here. Its back to work for me, so hope everyone has a wonderful day.


  1. Oh Erika, sorry to hear that it was canceled - but - the doc will know what is the best.
    So I continue to keep you in my thoughts!
    What a lovely page - this looks fabulous with the exact enough white spce to bring all the colors to pop ! Fantastic quote for this page!
    Thank you so much for supporting AJJ so well this month again Erika!
    oxo Susi

  2. I am so sorry to read about your husband and I know how stressful this is for both of you. It's like the universe is testing you.

    I love what you did with the updated version of this old coloring page for AJJ. Dick and Jane never looked better in your wonderful version. Too bad this scene couldn't have happened back when this was originally drawn. This one truly warmed my heart.

  3. Wonderful page, thanks for joining us again. Sorry you had all that stress for nothing! Hugs, Valerie

  4. Oh Erika . I feel for you both, so Tuesday wasn't the right day for the OP, keep positive that next time will go well.
    Its a great journal page, super bright colours and quote, makes it, as you say, a little more up to date.
    Yvonne xx

  5. What a shame about the surgery, but safety first I guess. All will go well next time, and you can know from experience how cautious your doctor is :)

  6. Sorry for the delay of your husband's surgery.
    It can't be easy to be all ready to go and then find out it is not happening after all.
    Your journal page is super and packs a powerful message too!

  7. This is adorable and looks like the drawing could have come from my first grade reader! I'm sorry the surgery didn't go through as planned and you have to go through the pre-surgery preps again. You all are still in my prayers.

  8. Yes, I've know cases where this happened. I suppose the doctors do know best, especially as everyone was ready, but that's not much consolation.
    This is fun page, it looks so much of another time, and I like the way you have added the quote in these colourful letters.

  9. That's a wonderful graphic and I like how you used it on your page very much.

    It must have been very difficult after all the prep for the surgery -- physical and emotional -- to have it backed up. Sending good wishes that the rash disappears and nothign else comes up in its place.

  10. oh... so sorry to hear this Erika and that you will have to do this all again, hope this clears up soon for things to move forward.
    Take care of yourself...
    Gill xx oh and I nearly forgot to say, I love your fun AJJ piece a wonderful quote.


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