Monday, October 31, 2016

Dia de los Muertos

Its Tuesday again, And a new month too. Hard to believe October came and went and now were are already in the 10th month of the year.
My cold is ever so SLOWLY improving. Even though I have made rest my number one therapy. I even stayed home yesterday and gave it some more time. Maybe I've given it too much time and I should fight more fiercely. 
I'll start my post with another Day of the Dead journal page. Tomorrow is All Souls Day and the day this holiday is celebrated.  I picked up this skeleton lady die because she is a lot of fun. And I made my background with parts of a shopping bag, some printed tissue paper and some paint. Then I added the painted stars and glittered them with some silver, gold and copper Stickles glitter glue.
Thanks to all of you who left such interesting comments on yesterdays post about All Saints and All Souls Day.  I've never know anyone who visited cemeteries on those days, which makes it rather interesting to me that people actually do.
And keeping with the Mexican theme of the day, it is Tuesday and time for T for Tuesday
The hubby and I have both been addicted to these taco salads lately. In fact, a couple of weekends ago, I had one for dinner both Friday and Saturday nights. At two different places, but this was the better of the two. You can see I had a diet coke  in the partial glass at the top center of this photo.
In fact, posting this photo I want one now. :) The chicken was hot, the salad fixings cold, and the shell was fresh and also warm, even though I can never finish the whole salad. I guess other than the shell its not a bad meal to crave.
Stop by to see what the T gang has had to eat or drink. And maybe stop by yourself.
Have a great day!


  1. Love your spooky header! And it goes without saying that your Dia de los Muertos piece is FAB- love that skeleton lady die! That taco salad looks divine and now has ME wanting one even tho I just had a grand Mexican dinner recently:) Happy T day !

  2. Now that the tricksters have all headed home or maybe the local swimming hole, since it's still nearly 80 F here, I now have time to visit. I love that die. Wish I'd had it when I was creating my Dia de los Muertos art in 2004. It's a genuine beauty and I absolutely LOVE it.

    I know lots of people visit their graves on All Souls Day. I know because I have a few neighbors in my neighborhood who are Hispanic.

    I adore that you decided to share a taco salad with us for T this week. The salsa looks wonderful with the cilantro, too.

    Thanks for sharing your beautiful Mexican inspired art and your Mexican inspired meal with us for T this soon to be Tuesday. Do try to get better soon. Thursday will be here soon!

    BTW, I like that new header. Your girl is adorable.

  3. Your new header is great, love it. Hope your cold is getting better. I wouldn't mind helping to finish that wonderful salad, either! Beautiful page for Dia de los Muertos. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  4. Now I could just join you for that delicious meal, YUM.
    Love your new header and of course the fantastic journal page with the skeleton woman, rocks.
    Happy T Day
    Yvonne xx

  5. Yumm, that is a lovely salad! It's nearly lunch tme as I am writing this, so my juices are flowing.
    I love your skeleton lady. A really spooky page. Yes, el dia de los muertos is a big thing here in Spain. The cimetaries are full of people and graves are cleaned and decorated with flowers and goodness knows what.Of course it is a public holiday (Tuesday)so most people have taken Monday off as well to make an extra long weekend.
    Thanks for your kind comment.
    Happy T-Day and have a good week,

  6. Gorgeus header Erika!Your salad is fabulous. I hope you are feeling better my freind!both.Happy T-Day and have a magical week,

  7. I love all the different layers on your page. Very nice. And that dinner looks to die for!

    Our annual Halloween dinner is chili, cornbread, apples with caramel dip and salad. It's fun to have traditions. Love that taco salad -- you are reminding me it might be a good time to do this!

  8. Great page for Dia de los Muertos. The day is celebrated by lots of people in our community so I see lots of art and images related to it. Your meal looks great too. Haven't had a taco salad in ages, maybe it is time to correct that.

  9. Super los Muertos collage Erika!
    Taking care of yourself is never time wasted and I always say there is no substitute for rest.
    Hope you're feeling tip top again real soon.
    November already...I can hardly believe it either!
    Happy T Day oxo
    p.s. your taco salad looks scrumptious for sure

  10. Love your ArtJournal page!! I've always been fascinated by All Souls Day... I lived in TX for many years and the graves were always visited then... That salad is to die for... but i would never eat the shell... I've always heard it has a ton of calories... Happy happy Tday! Hugs! deb

  11. Wonderful! Wonderful!
    I WANT one of these salads you lucky lady.
    Sandy xx

  12. Your Day of the Dead journal page is just super Erika and I really hope you are over the worst of your cold now! This salad makes my mouth watery!
    Happy T-Day my friend!
    Great new header!!! Yes!

    oxo Susi

  13. Your art here gave me some spooky shivers, Mrs. Skeleton is certainly dashing but I might just cross the road if I see her coming. It's a great piece, just right with lots of atmosphere, and I love the collagey-graffiti background.
    I love your header, the girl is welcoming a wonderful November, I think.

  14. LOVE your new header.....and your journal page is fantastic.
    Sorry to hear your cold is not going away very fast.
    Your chicken taco salad looks delicious, and is one of my favorite dishes at a Mexican restaurant.......but yours looks much better!
    Happy T-day

  15. I'll think about you when I put the fall flowers on the graves tomorrow. All Souls isn't much observed around here. Your food loves very tasty :) Happy T Tuesday!

  16. Your mexican inspired post is fantastic! I love your All Souls Day page, you have captured the look and feel beautifully and your skeleton lady is so much fun! Mexican food is one of my favouries and your taco salad looks delicious - my mouth is watering! Hope you are feeling better soon and wishing you a very Happy T Day! J :-)

    P.s. your new header is gorgeous!

  17. Love your day of the Dead page! My GD and I have being colouring some Day of the Dead faces today! Your taco salad looks delicious! Happy T Day! Chrisx

  18. That Taco Salad looks fantastic!!! I haven't had one in years and I used to eat them regularly. Guess it's time to remedy that :) Nice art today. Halloween is a fun holiday but we don't do much with it anymore. Living in a country subdivision that has very few children we don't even get any trick or treaters. Which was always the fun part for me after my kids outgrew it.


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