Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Little Owls

I seem to be obsessed with owls lately.  :)
 When I take a walk I can hear old trees in the woods creaking if there's any wind. That noise was my inspiration for this piece. I started with this free hand painted spooky old tree, and then decided it needed an owl. Or 3.
I am linking up to this month's great theme over at Art Journal Journey. Its all about Indian Summer or Golden October. Thank you Valerie for hosting and a great theme.
I appreciate you stopping by my blog too.


  1. Three wise owls in a fantastic old tree!
    I love the extras here especially..the grass so deep and the sprinkled green foliage ...AMAZING!

    Happy Wednesday Erika! ♥ Thank you says ART JOURNAL JOURNEY!!!!

    oxo Susi

  2. As an owl and spooky fan I love this page, too! I often hear an owl in the evening, but have never seen it :( Thanks for all your support for AJJ, it really is appreciated! Have a great day, take care, hugs, Valerie

  3. Coming from someone who couldn't draw a tree properly if my life depended on it, this is a fine, spooky old tree. And those owls are indeed adorable. You are ROCKING this AJJ challenge!

  4. Fabulous and fun - I've probably said it before and my owl avatar I made might give it away, but I love owls and I Love LOVE your artwork today Erika.
    Hope your day going well... Gill xx

  5. I really like this. My mother's favorite animal is owls. I've seen a lot of owl art and I really, really like this one.

  6. Very atmospheric with your grand ole tree and those great hoot hooty owls too! The one in the center is extra cool.
    Missed everyone as I've been unplugged enjoying our son's time with us before he heads west to Colorado. Boy can he eat! Fun times.

  7. Its a wonderful page with those owls, you just have to wonder what they hoot to each other.
    Yvonne x

  8. I love that solid spooky tree with lots of places to hide in. It's great with the three cheeky owls. The lime green sky is spooky too, it's just right.

  9. You are definitely on an owl roll and I love it!


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