Saturday, October 15, 2016

Yellow Birds

Happy weekend everyone. It is a very chilly morning here in New Hampshire. Even a little frost. Over the last week our leaves have really turned.  As I write this I was noticing (that now) when I look out the window I see yellow, and the other day the view  was still green. I wish this color would last longer than it does but I guess the brief time we have these colors is what makes it so special.

So I have another piece for Art Journal Journey today. This spread began with the branches. What you can't see here is the depth from thick paint layers. I was actually making these on a Gelli printed background. I was trying to get them to pop off the background, but they never did. I guess I picked a background that was a little too busy and the color of the branches just blended too much.
No fear. I cut them out and made a page in journal for them. Then I added the orange leaves and sketched and painted these goldfinches.
I'm not crazy about how some of the green under color is sticking out around my quote, makes it look a bit smudgy, but I  guess that's what happen when you decided to make the have a little more depth on just part of the spread. Next time I need to plan where I place my letters a little better I guess. :)

So I need to do a bit of cleaning today and then the hubby and I are out to run errands. Not very  exciting, but needed. Today is our 28th wedding anniversary. I was thinking last night about what an adventure it has been all these years. The latest heart surgery news (yesterday) was very disappointing too. Even though he saw a dermatologist and she says the rash is gone and he should be good for surgery, the heart surgeon wants him to use the medicine for another 2 weeks and then go back and see the dermatologist again. I just wish they had said this in the first place.  It would have made life a lot less stressful if they had said use the medicine for a month and then we'll check it. Its been a pain in the you know where. GRRRRR.

Oh yes, and a couple of books I have been reading.
 If you knit you might know Arne and Carlos.  They make all kinds of interesting knitting patterns like flowers and Christmas ornaments. I love their books (as I like to knit on occasion) so I thought I was would check out their journaling book. Although I have made my own journals before, their binding technique is a little different from what I have ever seen, and so I am really enjoying this book. Plus I love looking at other people's journals. Arne and Carlos use more collage than anything, which is something I don't do enough of, so it is cool to see how people collect images for other projects, like in their case designing knitting patterns.
And this non-fiction book is an enjoyable romp through chess, medieval life, and archaeology with some British, Norwegian and Icelandic history thrown in. It is all about the Lewis Chess pieces, which are amazing mostly walrus tusk carvings. I saw the ones in the British Museum many years ago and they stuck with me.  Nancy Marie Brown also wrote a book I read earlier this year about one famous early Icelandic woman, Gudrid the Far Traveler. I enjoyed that book so I thought I would check this one out.
So nothing else new here. Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend so far.


  1. A lovely autumn picture dear Erika,
    Currently we have a "golden autumn" the temperatures are so around the 15 - 18 degrees, that would be pleasant.
    But the weather will change. :(
    Nice day.
    Greetings from Austria

  2. Hi Erika, love your journal page, and autumn is always worth singing about, that's for sure - thanks for another wonderful page for AJJ. Sorry that you still have to wait for the heart surgery, that really is a BIG pain in the ***
    I hope that after you have seen the dermatologist again that it will be able to go through. Have a good weekend, and enjoy your reading. Hugs, Valerie

  3. I am sorry to hear the news about the surgery - hope that it will be o.k. then after the two weeks! Keep calm even it is so nerve racking Erika!
    I will keep you in my thoughts furthermore and cross my fingers!
    The page is lovely.. the colors are happy and vibrant and your goldfinches are just super cute!! We had exactly such a Saturday here..sunny and wonderful.
    Thank you for this lovely spread! I like if you paint as well as I like if you make collages or use gelii prints and stamps!
    You are multitalented and it's always a blast to see your art!
    Both books look interesting! Super!
    Happy Sunday Erika! Relax and do art and keeeeep calm!!!
    Thank you for supporting AJJ so well this month again!♥♥♥
    oxo Susi

  4. Love the journal page!!! The colors here are just now happening too ...rather late for us. BUt this week the warm temps are back so who know what that will do to the color show :( It's going to be a busy catch up Saturday here too and then another week of vacation days that will be spent mostly right here doing some more work around the place. was hoping for the color weather as it's easier on us when clearing out more of the invasive that are taking over our woodlands.

  5. I've often been reminded when it comes to art, we are our own worst critics. It doesn't matter that the background looks a bit smudged. I've often said if only I'd planned better, it would look better. But it is what it is and it is fun and extremely colorful.

    At least now you know more about the surgery and won't have to worry again for at least a month. You should talk to the doctors and request that they inform you up front of their plans. It's not fair to you and doesn't look good for them, either. Hope this is the final round of misunderstandings and waiting.

  6. Happy anniversary dear .may you both see many more.
    Loved your art .though never saw yellow birds but they look amazingly cheerful to eyes.
    Best of luck for your celebrations

  7. Good morning, Erika! Checking in (and reading backwards to catch up!). The books (especially the journaling one) sound great. Well worth a look.

    I'm so sorry things are going slowly on the medical front for your husband. It must be very frustrating and somewhat limiting, as well. I hope the next two weeks seem to fly and you get get the procedure over very soon for everyone's sanity and good health.

    Thanks for coming over to the Gypsy. I am glad we are both finally getting a little bit of color -- it has been slow coming. I'm still seeing plenty of green -- but enough tinges that I know it's on the way.

    And finally, most of all, happy anniversary to you both! I'm glad you can be celebrating together and at home.

  8. Happy anniversary!
    Annoying as it is they are just trying to make sure he doesn't end up with some infection or another, I'm sure. But it will be a relief when it is all over and done with and hubby is home again afterwards. :)
    In my thoughts and prayers.

  9. I think your painting looks very good, the birds are so cheerful with their nice little faces and chirpy song. I like the red leaves too.
    What a pain about your husband's surgery schedule, hanging on is so stressful especially for something as important as this.
    Great to see what you are reading, I wish more people would show this (and I suppose I could do it too!). The Arne and Carlos book looks fascinating and funnily enough I cam across them for the first time on Friday, in a craft magazine, isn't it funny how often this happens. The Lewis chessmen book looks interesting too.

  10. I hope you had a lovely day for your Wedding Anniversary.
    The years together are special and I wish you both many,many more happy years
    Its a fantastic journal spread, the yellow birds look so chirpy and bright on the super background. Enjoy the books, they seem very interesting.
    Yvonne xx.

  11. Lovely autumn journal page ~ love it! thanks ^_^

    Wishing you a special week ~ ^_^

  12. Belated anniversary greetings Erika, hope you both had a lovely day.
    I think you were too hard on yourself, I zoomed in to 250% to look at the details - I love your spread and those sweet birds (much different than the Goldfinches we have).
    Sorry to the latest about your hubby - argh! how frustrating not to have been told this before..
    Gill xx


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