Tuesday, November 29, 2016

T For Tuesday- the Thanksgiving Edition

Tuesday is here, and that means, its another T Day. A big hello to the T gang. Today I thought I would share my Thanksgiving dinner with you.
I had a quiet Thanksgiving this year. With the hubby recuperating from his heart surgery and me just wanting a low key day at home. it ended up just being 3 of us for dinner, my husband, my daughter and myself. My daughter's boyfriend came later in the day for dessert and brought a yummy pumpkin pie he baked with him.
I spent a lot of my day cooking, which was actually quite fun since I had no time restraints and no company I needed to entertain.
I got up early and made an apple pie.
 And I decided to try to try this filling in a jaw.
 Just mix it with eggs, pour it into a shell and bake.
No one likes pecan pie but me, and I will say pie in a jar was actually quite good.
 I roasted the turkey, made the stuffing, made a sweet potato casserole and roasted some winter squash too.
 My table wasn't fancy but still felt fall festive.
You can see the pills my husband has to take each meal because of his kidney failure. For some reason he put them on his plate.
And here's my dinner. You can see I had a glass of white wine with my meal.
And then after dinner ended and we had cleaned up, we had a 5 hour Clue game marathon.
Even when my daughter's boyfriend arrived he joined in, and we took a little dessert break and played some more.
I don't think we've ever had such a quiet holiday, but it was just as fun as when we've had dinner with a big crowd.
To see what other T gang ladies have been up to, stop by Bleubeard and Elizabeth's Blog.
And if you have a drink/food related post you can link up too.
Happy T Day!


  1. Quiet holidays are always the best!
    All looks delicious and your daughter is just a lovely young woman !
    Happy T-Day Erika!
    oxo Susi

  2. Dropped by from Elizabeth and Bluebeard. Your pie crusts are absotively gorgeous! I love pecan pie. This year, I made pecan pie cookies. All the taste of a pecan pie in a bar cookie

  3. Oh I think there is nothing like a nice, quiet holiday with those you love along with good food, drink and conversation. Gorgeous looking dinner and setting. And I love a good game too-though no one in my house wants to play any longer:(
    Hope you enjoyed your days off. Happy T day!

  4. What fancy crusts! I like apple pie, but would be just as happy if you shared the pecan pie with me ;) I love the fall festive table. That's more to my liking than a white and silver crystal and fine china theme, and the colors you have there are perfect for the occasion :) Happy T Tuesday

  5. I had to laugh, because even though it appears you used pie in a jar, you also cut the crust into maple leaves. Truly clever.

    I would love all the veggies, and you can keep your turkey. They sound and look lovely. Your table looks quite festive, too.

    Thanks for sharing your lovely Thanksgiving dinner (and dessert) with us for T this Tuesday. White wine and tea make great companions.

    So who did it? Mr. Greenjeans in the courtroom using a witness statement? (had to throw that in for fun)

  6. Your feast and table look very charming and inviting! That pie you made is beautiful! do you use some type of special cutter to do the top crust? it is lovely. Made me smile about the Clue marathon...I am not very good at that game, but I love playing board games with the family, especially the grandchildren! I do hope your hubby is improving and growing stronger. Happy T day!

  7. This all looks so YUMMY, can I stay to dinner? Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  8. Fantastic Thanksgiving food it all looks wonderful

    Happy T Day

    Love Chrissie xx

  9. I find that quiet holidays get better and better ♥ Your pies look yummy I only made one this year....pf course there were many others at my Mom's house.

  10. Wow, your Thanksgiving meal looks wonderful, my mouth is watering now - I guess I will have to dream while I'm eating my leftover roast chicken, stuffing and homemade cranberry sauce sandwich, mmm! My hubby loves peacan pie too and both of your pies look like masterpieces with the beautiful way the pastry is cut! I'm so pleased you had a great time with your family. Wishing you a very Happy T Day! J :-)

  11. Sounds and looks like you had a lovely family day. Your special Thanksgiving dinner looks delicious.
    Happy T day
    Yvonne xx

  12. What a wonderful feast you had! It looks as though you had fun playing a game too - I love it when we get the games out at the caravan when the grandchildren are there! Hugs, Chrisx

  13. Thank you for sharing your thanksgiving meal with us. It all looks rather yummy. I have never had pecan pie (we can't get pecans here).
    I have just found out that the game Clue is what we call Cluedo. I'm sure it is after seeing the board in your photo. (Colonel Mustard with a knife in the kitchen etc). We used to play it with the kids when they were younger.
    Your pie is beautiful. I love the lattice top.
    Happy T-Day

  14. It sounds like a lovely day to me. I'm a fan of pie, most any flavor. Your two look pretty as well as delicious. Are your walls painted red? I have been considering doing one wall in a bright color in our kitchen/dining area. Just need something new and bright.

  15. Gosh your dinner looks so yummy! Sorry to hear your husband had heart surgery, wishing him a successful recovery.

  16. all this Food and the table look so yummy! we don´t celebrate thanksgiving here, but on Christmas i also love being alone with the Close Family, no hustle and bustle... the stillness is more important to me.
    have a great week and all the best for your husband!

  17. You know i like a Holiday both ways.... I like the quiet ones and i like the ones with alot of family and friends and everyone brings their favorite dish .... I'm glad you got the quiet one you needed... A speedy recovery to your hubby...

    At my mother in laws house she used to always put a puzzle out on a table that every one seemed to take turns working during the day... I really liked that... Someone was always playing the piano or fiddle..and there was a domino game going.... Fun times... now long gone... quiet or busy... enjoy every one... Happy Belated Tday! Hugs! deb


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