Thursday, December 1, 2016

December Has Arrived

Ho-Ho-Ho.  December has arrived-which is shocking me because it was just July and we were enjoying the warm sunny summer weather.
Now its time to think about  holidays and pretty soon we'll be thinking about a new year.
Holy cow!
So today I have a little bit more from my Christmas journal. A vintage Santa I printed and cut out along with these fun little reindeer buttons that I snipped the backs off so they could be glued on the page.
And I have this  Christmas Santa collection.  It started when my mother-in-law would give me one each year for Christmas, and then my husband and daughter started giving me one. I've got quite the collection at this point.
And how about this crafty wreath my daughter made this fall. Its made with clothes pins to clip your Christmas cards to.  I like it. :)
Happy new month!


  1. Time really flies! Today is 1st December! I like your Christmas Santa collection, they are so cute! Your daughter is very creative with the crafty wreath.

  2. I love your page and I am wild about your Santa collection! Aren't holiday collections the best? Yours look great all together. I tend to spread mine out and they look right in the spots they are but you don't get that critical mass thing going on!

    The wreath is very clever! Much nicer than an old wicker basket!

  3. Lovely, happy Christmas ornaments, and love that wreath, what a great idea. Enjoy your December! Hugs, Valerie

  4. Holy cow! You have a TON of Santas, don't you. Santas who have other jobs, too. I like this collection a LOT. Beautiful.

    Yes, December has arrived and I'm loving that journal page. It's a beauty.

  5. All those Santas! We used to display Christmas cards, but these days I don't get over 2 or 3. That clothes pin wreath is a great way to display them if you get them like I used to. Festive :)

  6. A wonderful jolly Santa on your journal page. The decorations around your home are wonderful, you must have a special memory for each one of the Santa's.
    Its a super idea to display your cards as well.
    Yvonne xx

  7. Oh, what a great Santa collection! And the wreath to attach cards to is fantastic! Good idea.

  8. Look at all the Santas! How nice to get them all out at Christmas. The Santa at the seaside is fun.
    Yes, how did December get here so fast, most peculiar.

  9. I missed this collection! That's just WOW!!!!
    And rge page with the vintage Santa is lovely!
    This wreat is genius - hope it will soon be filled with lovely cards!

  10. I love your Santas! How cool they are! What a wonderful collection :)


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