Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Holiday Fun! OH NO!

Happy Wednesday everyone. Yesterday I had the perfect vacation day-in my pajamas until 3 pm, lots of art and reading time. :) Well there was one little flaw to my day. My washing machine died on Monday night-it was smoking and stunk of burnt rubber. The culprit seems to be some worn bearings, which are a difficult and long job to replace, so I needed to go buy a new washing machine. UGH! Now I am waiting for it to be delivered while the piles of dirty laundry get taller. But it is coming Thursday, so all should be good.
But other than that snafu my holiday vacation is going well. Today I have a few holiday photos to share.
Starting above with this beautiful quiltlet that my friend Elizabeth sent to me. I love it! (You might have seen this back on Monday on Elizabeth's blog Altered Book Lover.) Right now it is hanging on my Christmas tree. :)
I started my break by going with my daughter to visit my mom. She is 87 and lives in this wonderful assisted living complex down in Massachusetts, about 2 hours away.  She has no short term memory,  but her long term memory is good.  We had a fun visit that included 2 fire alarms going off and us having to remain in place until the fire department arrived to shut them off. Luckily they were false alarms.
I also gave her this GIANT box of chocolates, as my mother has always loved chocolate and always liked to get a small box for Christmas. Her eyes bugged out when she saw this big one. But when you are 87 you might as well enjoy!
And the dogs had stockings filled to the brim with  toys and a few treats.  They were very happy pups.
And very interested to see what Santa brought them.
Our family tradition is to have a big Christmas morning breakfast, most of which my husband cooks. I did make some pastries, but he enjoys frying up some bacon, sausage and eggs for a special holiday treat.
And look at this funny Santa flying his bi-plane.  You switch it on the propeller lights up and says Merry Christmas.
 My daughter and her boyfriend Zach made my husband this corn hole game. They made stencils of our college logos and used them to make these fantastic insignias. They figured it would be fun for a little college rivalry- since our schools are actually huge rivals.  My daughter sewed up the bags to toss and you try to get the bags into the holes on these bases. Zach built them and together they painted them  These will be fun to use in the summer when we can put them out on the lawn. I got my husband this silly (but very appropriate) T shirt.
 I think he's about the rest his eyes in this photo.
 And I got a bigfoot/sasquatch scarf from my daughter.  What a riot.
And a new scarf and some matching mittens for hockey games from my husband.
And look at this silly girl with her new dog goggles. :) She liked them, being the stylish pup she is.
And the lover dog she is.
The hubby loved his new hat and football jersey.
I guess we are all just big kids at heart.
Thanks for stopping by for a visit.


  1. What lovely photos, looks like you all, young and old, with 2 or 4 legs, had a great time. It's good not be alone over the holidays. Have fun and make the mot of your break! Hugs, Valerie

  2. And sorry about the washing machine!

  3. Lovely fun post Erika with lots of things to see and smile at - well except the part about your poor old washing machine and having to get a new one :(
    Your mum looks very happy with all those chocolates - I tried to zoom in and count them, but all that did was make me want to go snaffle some myself :)
    Just catching up after Christmas holidays - hope you all had a wonderful time.
    Gill x

  4. Your Christmas looks wonderful. What a fabulous gift your daughter and her boyfriend made for you! That's very clever and will one of those things you can just keep enjoying all year long. Your breakfast looks delish, the scarves cozy and Elizabeth's quiltlet beautiful. As for that box of chocolate? Well, I have NEVER seen one that big! I hope your mom lives a very long time because she will need to to finish that one!

  5. What fantastic Holiday you had!!!! Love all of the gifts and seeing your smiling faces. Glad I was late for a T visit or I wouldn't have caught this post ♥ Happy New Year !!!

  6. Oh my GOSH! I love your post and tears are in my eyes as some of the photos made me laughing out very loud!

    Hope your new washing machine makes you happy and all goes well with putting it in operation then!

    I have finally a dryer since a few weeks now in the cellar and am sooo happy with it ... no more towing the laundry upstairs and downstairs.

    Your mum is so lovely!!!
    This giant chololate box is just wonderful-
    a very good idea!

    oxo Susi

  7. A wonderful set of happy family photos , you all looked like you were having a great time. I loved those pink sun shades for the dog, really made me smile.
    Hope your new washer arrives safely.
    Yvonne xx

  8. How incredibly sweet of you to share the little quiltlet I made. I STILL see all the flaws, but they look better on the tree.

    This is a wonderful uplifting post. Your mother is beautiful, and that big box of candy will keep her happy until Valentine's Day, I'm sure. So glad to see her smiling.

    Your daughter and boyfriend gave you two an awesome gift. I really enjoyed seeing the game they made. Both are very talented in their own right. Of course the scarf she gave you was fun to see, too.

    You and your family are apparently kids at heart. I can tell by the way you baby your dogs, too.

    Have a great remainder of Wednesday.

  9. Hi Erika! What fun to see your Christmas pics. :) Love the pics with your Mom and daughter - and that huge box of chocolates! That dog KNOWS she looks good in those goggles. ;)

  10. Looks like you had a wonderful Christmas!

  11. What wonderful pictures - I enjoyed everyone especially the one of you, your mom and daughter. Thanks for sharing!!
    Sandy xx

  12. What a fantastic happy post! I loved looking at all the photos and giggled with you and enjoyed all the presents and the fun.
    Thank you so much for sharing. It made my day seeing you all.
    Happy new year,


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