Sunday, December 18, 2016

Holiday Journaling

I don't want it to be Sunday night, but it is. It was a good weekend, but as usual, I never have time to do everything I'd like to. However, lest you think I am just complaining, it was a relaxing couple of days, and other than shoveling the 8 inches of snow that came down Saturday, I got a few fun and holiday things done. 
And I found art time too! :)
Here's a couple of recent pages I made in my holiday journal.
 Just some play with some stamped and old photo images, brightened up with some various forms of sparkles, along with some paint play.

And definitely a little snow theme too. I guess its on my brain because
between the snow and some bitter cold weather, winter has arrived.
The dogs seem to like it though.

 Not sure I have quite the same enthusiasm they do.
Stay warm my friends.
And hope you enjoy the start of the new week.


  1. Before I forget, I have deck envy. I love it. It is the perfect size and sits above ground, unlike my back patio that slopes toward the house (I'm sure a man designed it).

    Your journal pages are superb. I wish I had your energy to create these beauties, but I'm still working on making gifts.

    Last night it was -10 F. When I got up, the water in my kitchen was frozen solid. Luckily I had water in both the bathrooms and the basement, so all was not lost. Your weather is WARM compared to mine. You are nearly above freezing. But you got more snow. I got about three inches, I suspect. I didn't see any totals, just guessing from when I went out to get the mail this morning. Yep, Saturday's mail sat in my mailbox overnight, because it was dangerously cold out.

  2. Love the journal pages, it's great that you find the time to keep up with the seasons. The snow dogs look like they are having fun, my dogs always loved snow, too, and had a wow of a time outside, although I would have rather been home, warm and dry! Have a good week, stay warm. Hugs, Valerie

  3. I meant to say before Erika (mmm or did I already.. err... oh well) love the new warm and seasonal blog header.
    Your journal pages are fabulous - great imagery and colours (nice stamps!) and wondering if you have recycled an old telephone listing maybe? it looks great.
    Your dogs look like they are having a lot of fun in the snow... but I don't envy you having to deal with so much snow... if only it would snow anywhere but on roads and pathways to make life easier...
    Keep warm.. and have a good week.
    Gill xx

  4. I love your pages and I LOVE to see how happy this dogs are with the snow! Mine aren't amazed about the snow and cold weather now.. they decided to do just indoor relaxing and indoor security service at the very most for me the whole day! Lazy herd we!!!

    oxo Susi

  5. Love the festive journal pages, a good way to spend time when the snow is deep outside. The dogs are having a great time playing in the snow, super photos.
    Yvonne xx

  6. Just wanted to let you know, since I won't mention it on my blog for awhile, today I picked out the computer of my dreams and a good friend of Scott's and Scott are going to build it for me. I'm simply thrilled and it won't be like any other on the planet.

  7. I'm impressed (and a little envious) that you have managed to get your art time in there. I've had plenty of fun with creative things but longing to paint! I'm hoping to get tables cleared and all together over the next couple of days so I can paint place cards for dinner. We will see!

    Love your pages and your dog sure look like he's having fun!

  8. Your journal pages are beautiful, Erika. I especially like the exulting angels.

    Love the dogs frolicking in the snow. They're so lucky they don't have to shovel the stuff - lol.

  9. Oooh! Love these pages! I love seeing you snow photos but slightly relieved that we don't get that much here! Chrisx


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