Monday, January 23, 2017

A Little Collage Art about T

Glad you stopped by  today for T.  I would like to first to offer all you wonderful T gang ladies a comfy chair. As you can see, there are plenty of mugs and cups to go around once you have gotten comfortable.
Our winter weather is a little rough right now, so I thought a nice hot cup of tea, coco or coffee would be perfect.
But when the weather clears out, you might want to go and take a walk on the beach, and then go have some lunch at the  Union Bluff Hotel.
This is a cool old beach hotel in York, Maine, with a pub open for lunch.
Its right across the street from Short Sands Beach, and if you're lucky you'll get a table with a view.
And there's lots on the menu, but may I recommend the fried haddock reuben sandwich.
I couldn't eat more than a half  so we could split it if you'd like, but I think I'll eat all of the onion rings with the horseradish sauce. And then wash it down with a a local brew-a Stoneface IPA.
Stop by Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog to see what the T gang has been up to, or maybe even join us for T too.
And I am linking my journal page up to Art Journal Journey. The theme this month is "Every Journal Page Tells a Story" I made this paper collaged page by using a few sheets of winter/snow printed paper. Then I spread a little white paper and wrote in the title.
Stop by and join in the journaling fun. 
And thanks for visiting my blog too.


  1. Ooh, I'll gladly have a seat (with an ocean view please) and a meal like this. Happy T day Erika!

  2. You have created a cozy and warm place to sit. I would probably move the pillows out of the way, but it looks quite cozy, anyway.

    I've been worried about you because I saw the weather today and it doesn't look good your direction. I hope all is well there. I guess a good cup of tea, cocoa, or coffee would warm me about now.

    That hotel is elegant and regal looking. It has such an old world feel and charm to it. Your sandwich looks great and the onion rings even better. I see someone had iced tea while you had beer. Thanks for sharing your AJJ page and your wonderful trip to the beach and the Union Bluff Hotel with us for T this Tuesday.

  3. Your lunch looks and sounds delicious, if it weren't so late,here, I'd take half and be on my way down the beach.
    Very clever AJJ page, made me smile :)
    Happy T-day

  4. oh, i would love to have a seat with a view in this Hotel! really Looks gorgeous! good you could enjoy that!
    and i think i will have all those Cups of coco of your artpiece today, as it is chilly cold here!
    happy t-day!

  5. Gorgeous page, and would love to visit that hotel! The food looks fab. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  6. I will come and enjoy the couch and the coffee - Thank you! A super page - one feels relaxed just at the time you look at!And.... I will visit this wonderful hotel and I will have this meal -YES!!!!
    And after meal I will walk along the beach ...
    and for now... I have to wake up!
    Just a dream!
    Thank you for sharing a wonderful post !
    Happy T-Day and happy Art Journal Journey!
    oxo Susi

  7. Happy Tea Day

    It all looks wonderful and the feast yummy

    Love Chrissie xx

  8. It's nice to join you today and enjoy your snowy art work from my comfy chair, there sure are plenty of cups for everyone to share :-). Your choice of food and drink at the Union Bluff Hotel looks wonderful, I've never had a fried haddock reuben sandwich and it would be cool to split it with you, delicious! Looks like I'll order my own side of onion rings though ... lol! Happy T Day! J :-)

  9. Ok my tummy is growling now...that sandwich looks so good!!!!!!
    What a fun journal page.
    Happy T day!

  10. Erika that Reuben sandwich looks sooooo good!!! and what a lovely hotel! Ahhh the shores of Maine... what i wouldn't give to walk along them.. Love your little collage ... I'll have a coffee with two sugars and cream.. :) deb

  11. A comfy chair sounds good to me especially on a cold day. Its a great journal page.
    The hotel looks very grand and your meal delicious. The quantity looks enough to feel two at least.
    Happy T day.
    Yvonne xx

  12. I am in love with that hotel! It is delightful and it reminded me of a film called Somewhere in Time. Your pages are super cute and your sandwich is huge and seems to be so tasty. I am getting hungry! It's lunchtime here. Happy T-Day!

  13. Your collage looks so inviting, and wouldn't it be lovely to have a snow day with a book in your comfortable chair.
    And then there's nothing better (IMO) than a walk on the beach and then an excellent lunch. It all looks great.

  14. Thank you for the invite. That's very kind of you. A hot drink is in order for sure.
    What a beautiful hotel. The photo is beautiful because it looks like a black & white photo with a touch of orange. I would gladly join you for a meal. Looking forward to the haddock. Btw , you can have all the fried onion.I don't care for it much.
    Happy T-Day,

  15. A book and a hot drink, yes! Perfect this time of year.

    Those onion rings look wonderful. I wouldn't mind ordering my own ;) I don't think I'd have any trouble finishing them off lol Happy T Tuesday

  16. Yum, Sounds great to me. We've not been there yet, now I shall have to go. Careful driving tomorrow. xox

  17. Well we might have fight over the onion rings :-) I hAve developed an addiction to them in the past few months. Love the journal page aND I think the hotel would be the perfect place to meet for a journalist retreat :-)!!!! Happy T Day ❤

  18. Ah, York Beach. I used to spend every weekend there with a friend of mine. We stayed at the Anchorage when it was a seedy motel. We'd spend the day on Long Sands and then grab dinner at a clam shack that was on the beach. Sometimes a side trip to Nubble Light or a walk by the Goldenrod to watch the salt water taffy spin. Passed the Union Bluff but never went in.Thanks for bringing back warm memories. Happy Snow and T Day!

  19. Looking yummy good here and I love your snowy couch collage piece, perfect days and moments I say!

  20. What a darling page! So nice of you to set out cups for us all ;-) I never heard of fried haddock Reuben or horseradish on onion rings; but they both sound quite tempting. Happy T Day, Erika! Hugs, Eileen

  21. A delicious post on a dreary winter day!! Love your comfy chair and warm beverages...I'll have coffee with a bit of chocolate! I love Reuben sandwiches, but haven't heard of one made with fish...looks good to me. I might swipe some onion rings, though! happy T day!

  22. Oh I love all the photos in this post but especially that hotel and then the one with the snow on the rocks. Looks like a wonderful time (and food, too!). Fish sandwiches are one of my favorites, no matter how they come!


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