Wednesday, January 4, 2017

How to Start a Story

For me, the very first thing I need for a story, or an art journal page, is an idea. And then I throw my ideas to my imagination and let them swirl around and congeal and finally come out into the light, like the sunrise in this photo.
For my Art Journal Journey page today, this is one story of where my ideas come from. 
This photo is one of my snapshots that I took a few years back on one of my visits to Taos, New Mexico in the southwestern US. A good friend of mine lives there and I've been lucky enough to visit her a few times.  This is the sunrise view from my friend's house looking out the bedroom window. Its absolutely amazing. Of course, my friend and her husband live out on a flat, treeless mesa so this view isn't something private to them but is the view many of the homes north of town get.
(They also get the sunset from the other side of their house. That is also pretty amazing too, just minus the Sangre de  Cristo  chain  of the Rocky Mountains you see here.)
This is actually only half the photo. If I used the whole one there would have been more mountains off to the left, but it didn't fit my page the way I wanted it to.
I made the checkerboard border with a Sharpie, and then painted in the words. I stamped the balloon and the light bulbs, and then used this gold rub-on of the leaves, which was just suppose to be a border but I turned it into a flowering plant.

My friend out in Taos invited me back out to visit on my next school vacation, and I am trying to decide whether to go or not. What I am actually hoping is my daughter will take a vacation week and join me like she did last year, because I really enjoyed having her to travel with. When I look at that journal page, see the sunrise, and remember in my head how magical it was, it really gets me considering my friend's offer to come visit.
But we shall see.
Here in New Hampshire it is dark and cloudy, with maybe a little left over rain today before the sun arrives later. But at least its not too cold! That I am sure will be back again shortly (like tomorrow).
Hope everyone has, or is having, a wonderful first Wednesday of the new year.
And as always, thanks for stopping by to visit.


  1. Beautiful page, and I love the photo and memories you used for your inspiration- I hope you will visit again, I would if I had a chance. Your checkerboard border need a lot of patience! Thanks for ll your support for AJJ this month and always, hugs, Valerie

  2. I like your description of your creative process. The page captured the depth of your words beautifully too. Happy New Year!

  3. This is a lovely use of your photo and your story brings the whole picture to life. It's fun that the flowering plant decided to grow at the side, sometimes one's paints and brushes have minds of their own.

  4. Love how you transported us to a special time and place Erika.
    You used your photo brilliantly.
    The light bulb stamps is especially cool as it looks doodled.
    I like that your embossed leaves could not help but want to "grow" up the side.
    Happy middle of the week.
    We've had some much needed rain and now the sun is out again here in N. VA.

  5. A great page Erika and that's a beautiful photo and it's lovely that it has happy memories attached to it. Looks like a lovely place to visit. Love the checkerboard border frame.
    Happy New Year and Best Wishes for 2017.
    Avril xx

  6. Its a super page using your photo as a base, the framing with the checkerboard must have taken ages to do.
    Yvonne xx

  7. How can you not be inspired in your imagination in that vast and majestic landscape. The longs views across the high plains to the mountains, simply perfect. xox

  8. Your imagination will take you far, Erika. I absolutely adore the view you shared, as well as the wonderful way you let your imagination guide you through this scene. I hope wherever you go this next school vacation, you go with your daughter. You two seem to have so much fun together.

  9. A fantastic page Erika - I so love your way to journal - that's so very inspiring!!
    I love to have you as a hostess this month even though I have not so much time to bring my ideas to my journals right now!
    oxo Susi

  10. Wow that's some view.. fantastic page! and I love the way you have used your photo Erika and framed it so beautifully. (those light bulbs are fab).
    This is such a brilliant theme to start the year with - thank you :)
    Gill xx


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