Thursday, January 26, 2017

Play a Little Tune

A little music for today. I think these 2 adorable girls will have their  piano lesson after school.
Tucked among their schoolbooks is the thinner soft cover music book with this song that their family has had to listen to a million times while they each sat at the old upright piano. Fa-la-la.
I remember doing that myself.
This is my entry today at Art Journal Journey. The theme this month is Every Journal Page Tells a Story.
There's still time to participate in this month's challenge too.
I played with some stamps, paint, a little mica piece, a die cut...everything was laying on my table except the sheet of music and the flowers that I freehand painted-because I thought the page needed them and a little bit of color too. 
Today we start new classes at school. My  pet class begins too-its a senior elective in microbiology. Its always a little bit more work setting up all the labs but so much fun! Hopefully all the kids this half of the year won't be a bunch of slackers! I seemed to have a few last too many last semester, and although I enjoyed all my kids, I am really excited for a fresh new start.
And its the second half of the school year! That means we are that much closer to spring weather.
Thanks for stopping by my blog for a visit.


  1. What a lovely story and page ! Reminds me of my own piano lessons.
    Your microbiology class sounds interesting.I think at least our winter here will stay for some more weeks- but spring will come for sure when the time
    is right.
    Happy Day Erika!
    I am thrilled about all that pages you come up with!
    oxo Susi

  2. Lovely page and a great idea with the music lesson. We had to wear ghastly uniforms and hats like that at school, sigh! Have a great day, take care, Hugs, Valerie

  3. Dear Erika
    Thank you for this wonderful music picture ;-)
    I wish you a nice day.
    Greetings from Austria

  4. Its a fabulous music background, I hope the girls enjoy their music lessons, at the time my piano lessons were a chore, but looking back I wish I had been able to keep them going.
    Yvonne xx

  5. Second half of the school year already!
    Tempus Fugit!!!
    Your page is wonderful Erika.
    I especially like your addition of pretty hand painted flowers fa la la ;-)

  6. Oh La La. I love this latest AJJ entry. It is fantastic. I especially like how you treated the mica and the handpainted flowers. Beautiful.

    Thanks again for all that paper. I've already put it to work today!

  7. Sweet page, you definitely make me think of SPRING! That little extra light every day is helping too. xox

  8. Wow -- a new class. Hard to believe it's semester time. Hope the class goes well. I love how you combined your elements on this page. The music is especially pretty.


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