Thursday, January 19, 2017


Wasn't it  Monty Python that  used to say "And now for something completely different?"
This month the theme at Art Journal Journey is every journal page tells a story, and today my page is a little different (for me).
I keep wishing that there was a book that could tell me  what to do in certain life situations. Not a dictator kind of book, but an advice book.
So my page today is the story about having that book of life, being able to open it, give it a little shake, and having advice fall from its pages.
I doodled the book, and cut out random words from some book pages. I glued them down and then hit the TH word stickers and picked out some that seemed to mean something to me right now. I didn't think really hard when I picked them out and it is interesting to see how those words relate to the now.
Oh, I an took some white with light blue Stickles glitter glue and after squeezing a big blob on the page, I ran my finger over it just to give the slightest background texture.
Then I added the title.
That's all for me today. Another day in the classroom awaits.


  1. Wonderful page, words are a great thing to work with, in more senses than one!
    You are rocking the show at AJJ! Hugs, Valerie

  2. A super page - for sure it would be great to have such a book ( some swear on the bible to be it )
    I think that our heart and our soul is our best guide - always good to hear into the body for an answer to any question and situation?!
    Wonderful Thursday Erika!
    oxo Susi

  3. Its a wonderful book page Erika, i am loving all your inspiration on the theme. Where would be be without words, as for advice, sometimes the best answer is what we tell ourselves is the right thing to do.
    Yvonne xx

  4. Love this page! I need that book ��

  5. I would LOVE to have that same book of life that gave good advice. HMMM. Maybe that's why psychics charge $4.95 a minute (grin).

  6. Yes.. it was Monty Python that said that :) but maybe Harry Potter could help you, as that sounds like a magical book he would have on his book shelf.
    Brilliant idea - love what you created.
    Gill x

  7. Fabulous page Erika! If Only!! Hugs, Chrisx

  8. I love MOnty Python. Oh, to be able to have a book that knows... I'd be reading it now for sure.


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