Monday, February 6, 2017

T is for Superbowl Sunday from a Patriots Fan's Viewpoint

(WARNING for you any out there Pats haters- this is my Patriot's side Superbowl story .)

Happy T Day everyone one. A big welcome to the T Gang ladies here at my blog today.
So this past Sunday night it was the Superbowl here in the US. Some of you may be familiar with it, but if you aren't, it was the final game of the (American)  football season between the 2 remaining teams after the rounds of already played play off games. The winner of the Superbowl is the national champion. This year the Superbowl teams were the New England Patriots and the Atlanta Falcons.

Now I live in the 6 state area known as New England, and I am a Pats fan. Here, this game was a huge deal. There were billboards up and signs on businesses and homes wishing the Pats good luck.
My husband and I were invited over to our friend's Sherry and Keith's home for dinner and the game. Not a big crowd, just the four of us. They live about 5 minutes away from us and we've watched the Superbowl with them before. 
So before the game really got going we had dinner.

Keith made this fantastic chili with turkey and veggies. I had mine with a glass of prosecco, because we were starting to celebrate a victory. Of course we didn't know whether the Pats would win or not, but they were the favorites by a 3 point spread. And as a fan, you've got to be optimistic!

By the end of the first half the score was awful for us Pats fans. Atlanta had 21 points to our 3. The commentators were even saying it was going to be hard for the Pats to come back at this point.
We were all in a state of disbelief, because even though we thought Atlanta might be ahead, we didn't expect it to be that big of difference.
Atlanta looked good and the Pats looked terrible.
By the end of the third quarter, Atlanta was still ahead 28-9. We were seriously subdued. The commentators again said there was no way the Pats could catch up. They even were predicting that Atlanta's quarterback would be the most valuable player.
 I had brought a cake over for dessert (store bought at Costco), and we all decided we might as well eat that  because at this point, there wasn't much else  to be excited about.
Noticed the prosecco was gone and I (as well as everyone else) was drinking water.

And then, it was the fourth and final quarter. All of a sudden, New England turned it on. The Pats started scoring. We got louder.  My friend Sherry couldn't watch. She got up and cleaned. Broke a couple of glasses right around the turn around time. As the quarter went on and the Pats were scoring, we told her to go break a few more glasses. She kept pacing saying her stomach couldn't take this. It was too stressful.
(OK, a little  dramatic, but, it was funny).
So New England kept moving forward. Score. Stop the Falcons on their drive, and then the Pats scored again. The Pats had momentum in their corner and they were showing the commentators that yes they could come back from the point deficit.
We were shocked and thrilled, but the game ended in a 28-28 tie.
First Superbowl to ever end in a tie.
Overtime began. You can't have a tie in a Championship game. Somebody has to be the National Champion.
We were on the edge of our seats waiting for a little mistake which would turn the ball over to Atlanta. But the tide had turned. The Pats won the toss and got the ball first, which is huge because they get to move towards the goal for a score. Its not a guarantee though. Any little mistake and Atlanta could get the ball. And score.
They had done it earlier in the game. They are a good team.
And then
the Pats
I guess all you need to do is get the ball over the touchdown line to score.
It was wild.
Well as wild as 4 people can make it
(Keith, Sherry , Me and my husband Dave)
The Pats had won the game 34-28!
Time to open a new bottle of  prosecco and toast!
Pardon my lingering excitement. I don't mean to bore you.
Now for non-football followers, this game is sweet for several reasons. I won't bore you with those, but needless to say, it was a HUGE win.
And if you rooted for Atlanta, they are an awesome team.
Monday at work most of us walked around in that weird state of being too tired but still so excited. It was a wild finish to the game. Probably even more memorable then the Pat's last Superbowl win 2 years before. And that  one was still being talked about.
Being a late ending game, and then being so wound up, I don't think anyone who watched the game got much sleep Sunday night.
Even the kids at school were in the same state of mind.  That and the fact we have some bad weather coming in and they are all hoping for a Tuesday snow day.
But as I write this Monday evening, that information is yet to be decided.

So I am linking up to T for Tuesday at Elizabeth's Blog. Stop by and link up your drink related post.
Thanks for stopping by to visit.


  1. I know I said I'm not much of a football fan Erika. BUT who could not be excited about a game like that one. Mr Magpie enjoys sports very much. So I float in and out of the room. Catch a few commercials and the half time show. That said even I got excited toward the end there. What a turn around. BIG CONGRATULATIONS on such a historic win.
    You make me want to toast with some bubbly too ;-)
    Happy T Day and again very exciting to see one for the history books.

  2. Cheers and congratulations!! I am not a football fan but ended up watching til the very end-despite that I had all but given up on the Pates earlier on. LOVED the Lady Gaga halftime! Also enjoyed a bit of the kitten bowl and puppy bowl on Animal Planet too:):) Our menu consisted of minestrone soup and red wine tho I would have preferred your prosecco. Happy T day!

  3. Looks like you had fun and great food and drink

    Happy T Day

    Love Chrissie xx

  4. In the 4th quarter, I was like your friend Sherry. My stomach was sick, I nearly lost it, and when it was over, I was in total disbelief. It was numbing from my standpoint, because I had such high hope for Atlanta.

    Even the commercials didn't seem as enjoyable this year, even though originally we were winning and doing so well. Number 73 for Atlanta is a hometown hero. He was even interviewed on Friday, along with his mother and brother who were already in Houston. Then he got hurt, and it seemed like that was about the time the Pats surged.

    I just saw Linda's comment. I forgot all about the Kitten Bowl, because I normally watch it in the afternoon. I saw only a small part of Lady Gaga, because I was busy in the kitchen when she came on. Everyone said she flew in.

    Congrats to you and your friends. I know you were a lot happier with the outcome than I. I was simply in shock. And thanks for sharing your drinks with us during the Superbowl with us for T this Tuesday, too.

  5. So glad you had a fab evening watching your team win, and plenty of good food and drink. Love your smiling faces. I saw part of the match on the news here. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  6. good you had a great Football time to remember - but this sports isn´t popular here, so it is like talking chinese to me *g*. your Food Looks yummy!
    happy t-day and have a great week!

  7. This post oozes excitement and enthusiasm! Congratulations on your team winning! Thank you for explaining about the game. It sounds really exciting. You have had a great evening. I smiled at you all eating the cake when things got bad. You might as well!
    Did you get a snow day? (I.e. a day off)
    Happy T-Day,

  8. I don't know much about your game, but I can tell from reading this post that you thoroughly enjoyed yourselves and that it must have been exciting to watch. Your meal looked delicious.
    Happy T day
    Yvonne xx

  9. It looks loads of fun and I'm glad your team won! (Quite the game, too!)

  10. Erika~ i think I enjoyed your description of the game a lot more than I would have enjoyed the actual game!! ♥ I am usually only interested in the super commercials *grin* sounds like you had a fun time and glad it turned out well for you super fans! happy T day!

  11. Happy T-day!
    Yes, it was a very good game Sunday. No, I did not root for the Patriots *grin*. Neither team would be my choice since I'm a die hard Dolphins fan......with a little Vikings on the side...LOL!
    That chili looks delicious! Glad you had a "super" Super Bowl Sunday!

  12. You did a great play by play commentary. I was like your friend. I couldn't watch as these kinds of games get me too worked up. I did poke my nose in, sometime during the second quarter. I figured they were finished. I was following Victoria on PBS so I watched that and then watched the 10 pm news where they broke in for a special report. WOW! I never expected the win. Or the unbelievable catch by Julian Edleman (sp?) Really happy the Pats won. Happier that Goodall had to have a heaping helping of crow and humble pie. I hope the Texas Rangers get Brady's jersey back to him. Happy T Day!

  13. Well it looks like you were happy for sure at the end of the game!! We aren't into sports at all here. We didn't watch the game and I didn't even know who won until late yesterday. I spent the evening crocheting while the hubby watched another war documentary on Netflix.

  14. Fun. I didn't stay up but heard about the exciting finish in the morning. Big happiness spread over all of New England for making 5 Mr. Brady. Yeah!

  15. Oh Erica, we watched the game and just couldn't believe what happened, it was a fantastic game! Totally amazing - Go Pats! Happy T Day! J :-)

  16. The patriots are (I'm sure you've heard ;) ) evil/demon/cheaters. I'm happy for you that your team won, though. I don't follow football, so I don't have a dog in the hunt. Happy T Tuesday!

  17. Erika, that is - by far - the best Super Bowl play-by-play I've ever read! Congrats to the Pats. Condolences to Falcons and their fans. Tough loss for them. The game was historic ... and you were there to share it with all of us ;-)

    Happy T Day! Hugs, Eileen

  18. Not being a Patriots fan I cannot celebrate with you but CAN understand or rather HOPE to understand the thrill of victory such as that someday. SKOL Vikings!
    Happy T day!

  19. Events like this are always best when you can get together with friends! It really was a surprising turn around! I had to go to bed when it was 21-3 but recorded to watch in the morning! I used to always watch with my son although again we used to have to record a lot as to starts so late here! Glad you were happy with the result even if it meant braking glasses!! Happy Belated T Day, Chrisx


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