Sunday, March 5, 2017

Dreaming of Spring

Hi everyone. Yvonne is hosting this month over at Art Journal Journey and she's picked a great theme:
Out and About.
I made this page in my calendar journal, although I apologize for the slightly crooked photo. 
March around here isn't usually real spring, although being desperate for some green and for all the snow to be gone, I made this page about what I wish was blooming in my garden. If I'm lucky some crocus maybe up by the end of the month, but more likely it won't be until April.  We just have to wait and see what Mother Nature has in mind this year.
But I really like this quote and I think its perfect for this in-between winter and spring season.
Hope everyone had a great weekend too.
Thanks for stopping by my blog.


  1. This is beautiful. I love your faith in spring coming to your area, so hope it arrives soon. I think this is just the page to jump start the process. I adore your crocus and the background of the wood fence, too.

  2. I love your page, and the quote is just what I needed to read this evening, so thank you for sharing the page. I am waiting for a what could be a major event tomorrow, so the uncertainty of what may happen is making me feel a little nervous. Peace, my friend!

  3. Your journal page is beautiful, I think you re trying to lure spring to come out and play. It's cold, wet and windy here, but the spring flowers cheer me up. Have a good week, hugs, Valerie

  4. I love your beautiful daffodil Erika! Hope Spring comes soon!

  5. Yes - a wonderful quote and you added it to a super page Erika!
    My garden also is still in wintery mood. Just some green tops of the tulips.
    We have to be patient...
    Happy new week and thank you very much for joining Yvonne's theme!
    Thank you for your support!
    oxo Susi

  6. Its a beautiful spring time page and I can see why you wanted to use that lovely quote. I'm sure Mother nature will arrive and share all her beauty for you soon.
    I'm so pleased you liked my theme choice for this month Erika
    Yvonne xx

  7. Love this Erika - the few daffodils I have are starting to bud up in my garden but some look like they will only be leaves as they are probably so old. Love your quote, so true - as its definitely a wait and see what happens - nothing is certain.
    Beautiful page - love this one a lot :)
    Have a great week....... Gill xx

  8. Your beautiful page with its cheery daffodil sums up New England early Spring. All the splendor of the season lurks just beneath the snow, and the feeling of anticipation

  9. Great page, I love Daffodils.......mine are just about finished :((

  10. Spring is getting closer here - I have daffodils out at the caravan - only a small variety but others have buds on them! I love your page! Chrisx

  11. Hi Erika,

    Sorry to be so slow visiting here and catching up. But thank you for your wonderful comments on my blog posts (which explained why I've been more than a little scattered!)

    My daffs are about four inches up. We have too much winter to go to make that real but I sure understand your wanting to see spring flowers. I do too. We're headed East on Wednesday-- Berkshires and a small town called Marlborough in MA. Business and family. I keep wondering what weather we will see!

  12. Erika,
    What a beautiful page! I love the quotes you used and I get your yearning for Spring- cold, damp and miserable here today with lots of rain and temps dropping tomorrow to turn back to snow "(
    Thanks so much for your visit and lovely comment-made my heart sing!xx
    Jackie ")

  13. A hopeful quote. The daffodil is what I think of when I think of spring flowers. Perfect illustration :)

  14. Your page is beautiful Erika!
    Spring with its parade of blossoms is certainly worth waiting for.
    Happy Spring to ya


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