Saturday, March 18, 2017

What You Can See When Out and About

 Hi everyone. Happy Saturday.

I can't  believe its been 2 weeks since I've come home from my little journey. I've gotten so busy I have yet to do much with my photos, but thought I would share some today.
In Taos, New Mexico I visited the Fechin House, which is the former home of Russian artist Nicolai Fechin. Fechin was a fantastic portrait painter, but he was also a skilled carver, a skill he learned from his father. 

He carved furniture, posts, doors and other pieces for his home.

If you can't tell, I was totally amazed by all this carving. The house was filled with it. This is a small selection.
He even carved this  bed.
I love this room. It would make a wonderful place to read or have an art studio.

His home is now own by the Taos Art Museum. Its a really handsome house. Inside there are some of his works of art, along with a few other artists also.
 This is the view into the living area which is sunken by a couple of steps. And that is a baby grand piano down in front of those windows.  I try to imagine what it would be like to live there back in the 1930's when the family was in residence there.
 This is my favorite piece of his that was on display. It is a portrait of his daughter Aya dressed as a peasant.

Here are a few other pieces of his. I was just snapping photos with my phone so excuse their unbalanced centering in some cases.

And the eyes in this sketch below still amaze me.

His studio was in an outer building behind the house. Look at these fantastic windows he put in. 
This was a space I really drooled over. It was big and bright, unlike my small and dark space in our extra bedroom. (But don't get me wrong, I am not unhappy with the extra bedroom. I am glad to have the room for myself.)
You can discover more about Nicolai Fechin here Wikipedia:N. Fechin.
One thing they had in his studio were these printed paper postcards where you could write him a letter and then post it on the wall. 

I was naughty and took one for my journal.

I also made this spread in my travel journal for my visits to both the Fechin House museum and the Millicent Rogers Museum, which I showed you  in these posts, Think Spring and Tea Time. (just in case you want to revisit them)
The little rug on the left lifts up.

I'm linking these pages to Yvonne's fun challenge-Out and About- over at Art Journal Journey.
Hope you enjoyed your museum visit today. 
And I hope you enjoy your Saturday too.


  1. Now, that i a place I would love to visit, he was a very skilled painter and craftsman. Love that room with the huge windows. Good that you took a postcard for your journal, your pages are gorgeous. Enjoy your weekend, and hope the weather gets better for you, hugs, Valerie

  2. Amazing how one minute you're on your vacation with time stretched before you and the next minute you're home wondering if you were even away. Fechin's carvings and home were beautiful. Oh, I'd love his studio, too. I'm sure he'd be delighted you took a postcard to put in your journal. Looking through your fabulous journal you'll be reminded you really did take a trip

  3. Wonderful photos from your trip away. The carvings were awesome, such talent as well as his paintings.
    Your journal pages were fabulous. I think I might have slipped one of those cards into my pocket as keepsake as well.
    Yvonne xx

  4. Wonderful carvings and the paintings are amazing. I like the portrait of his daughter.
    Your art journal is so beautiful.
    I was in Taos only once during the winter, and it was so crowded that we decided to visit the Pueblo instead. No regrets about this decision, but I sure hope to go back to Taos one day.

  5. A beautiful journal and an interesting posting from your trip .. great!
    Have a nice Weekend

  6. What an amazing artist! Thank you for taking me with you, never heard about him. Your Journal pages are fabulous - thank you for another fantastic entry to Yvonne's theme dear Erika! Happy Sunday! oxo Susi

  7. The Fechin house was awesome. Those carved pieces were out of this world. I can see why you went crazy over them. I also enjoyed the beautiful paintings, but the carved wood was what made my day.

    I would have been like you and taken one of those post cards, too. I bet you aren't the first person to keep one as a souvenir. It went quite well in your lovely travel journal, too. Most impressive pages that made me feel like I was there with you during this adventure. You always inspire me!

  8. I'd enjoy that tour. The portraits are nice, and that studio with all that light! But the carving is what struck me most. He had a real gift.

  9. Wonderful photos of your trip! I do not know this painter, but his artwork is incredible - especially the carved furniture, but also his beautiful potraits! Thank you for showing us such treasures!

  10. These wood carvings are tremendous, with so much inspiration in them.
    They did love dark wood furniture in those days, now we can hardly give it away.
    What a great visit.
    I loved seeing your journal pages too with the lovely patterns.

  11. What a great place to visit, the wood carvings are amazing! They look so tactile and the patterns are beautiful :-) . Your journal pages are awesome, the roadrunner image is perfect - I love it! The postcard is a lovely addition to your page and such a great memento of your trip. The blanket with the Native American hidden underneath is so cool too. You have captured such wonderful memories, thanks for sharing! Hope you had a lovely weekend and have a great start to the week, Happy Monday! J :-)

  12. Wow. Just wow. Big, enormous wow! I love this spot -- I would visit in a minute. That rich, dark wood is so beautiful, especially in that open space. It warms it up. Often, I find spaces that are too-wide-open can be a little cold but not this. I could move in tomorrow. It surprised me that the exterior of the house was so white when the inside darker, but I suppose in the climate that makes some sense.

    I loved the bed, chest and that first sunburst carving was just stunning. The painting of his daughter really touched my heart. And I love the postcard wall -- I'm glad you added one to your journal -- it makes the page extra special.


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