Sunday, April 9, 2017

Oh Gorgeous Sunday

A new week. Wow. We're already at the 10th of the month. Time is flying.
Sunday was a gorgeous spring day and finally the mud has dried up so my daughter, myself and the dogs finally got out for a walk on my road.
 A lot, but not all of the snow is gone. There's a little brook near the road and the water is just pouring down it from all the melt.
 No one was at the sugar shack making maple syrup when we walked by, but you can tell by tracks in the mud they had been in cooking down some sap at some point.
Later in the afternoon we went out for little drive to Lake Winnipesaukee, the biggest lake near us, to see if the ice was out in Alton Bay.
 Not quite.
 But an ice cream stand was open.
First walk of the season, first ice cream of the season. I even sat outside on the deck and read for a little while.
Its officially spring when the phoebe's arrive to their nest up under the eaves of my husband's shop. Yesterday they were back.:) 
I found a little time and did a little doodling in my latest drawing journal. Time to start one for the spring and summer.
But that was all the art I did this weekend. 
It was just too nice outside.
Hope you had some beautiful spring weather and enjoyed your weekend too.


  1. Glad you had a wonderful Sunday with good weather and icecream! Lovely journal pages, have fun wit your new journal. Hugs, Valerie

  2. Looks really as if finally spring has sprung now! Super! Seems you have enjoyed a super weekend and the pages
    say it as well... they are GORGEOUS!

    Happy new week dear Erika!
    oxo Susi

  3. Great photos, the ice on the lake looked amazing, its a few years now since our local river was frozen, time makes you forget how lovely it can look.
    Wonderful, interesting journal record pages as well.
    Yvonne xx

  4. Ice cream and snow at the same time lol. I love how different it is from where I am where I'm having lemonade with mint and a high expected of 78F. Such differences are fun for me to see :)

  5. What a lovely sunny day by the lake. First ice-cream of the season outside - we haven't had that yet and it's freezing here.
    I do love your journal pages - beautifully illustrated and gives the atmosphere and happenings of the day to remember later (we often forget the little things). How nice that your bird is back, that's so heart-warming.

  6. Awesome. Love the catch up from the weekend. Now I'm off to see your T post.

  7. Love these kind of journal pages Erika - you really do a good job with your drawing. I am pea green with envy!!
    Sandy xx

  8. I love your journal pages. There's something about a grid as a substrate that really appeals to me. And the road trip to the lake looked like fun. Maybe a little cold for ice cream. Or maybe JUST RIGHT!


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