Saturday, April 1, 2017

Saturday Morning

Happy Saturday everyone. Here's life in New Hampshire this morning.
And the snow is still falling down.
Isn't it April? 
No, this is NOT an April's fool joke but I wish it was.
This is what I want right now.

My plan for the day has been changed due to the inclement weather.
Guess it a good morning to watch another movie in the Highlander series which I am addicted to right now. And read some of my book ( Van Gogh's Ear by Bernadette Murphy). Later I will mosey on up to do a little art or maybe bake something yummy to eat.
So its a new month at Art Journal Journey. This month our lovely hostess is Hazel, and her new theme is Magical Mystery Tour.
Here's my idea of a magical mystery tour right now.
This what spring is suppose to be about.
I'm also linking up to Try It on Tuesday. The theme there is botanical.
I've been into painting flowers lately. Not sure what kind these are except those in my head. 
Hope you have a sunny Saturday full of spring colors.


  1. Oh dear, I'm so sorry about that snow again, you really have had more than our share this time, and I hope that the spring flowers will soon become a reality. Love the journal page, hope the dream soon comes true! Thanks for joining us again at TIOT! Have a good weekend in spite of it all, hugs, Valerie

  2. Beautiful - I would call it dream of things that are coming for surely Spring is right around the corner!!
    Sandy xx

  3. Oh NO! This is pretty but disappointing!

  4. I am really sorry about those amount of snow again - arghh! But I see you make the best of the situtaion - clever girl!
    Your beautiful flower painting is gorgeous - thank you very much for joining Try It On Tuesday and Art Journal Journey with it!
    You will see - soon the spring dreams will become reality - FOR SURE!
    Lovely flowers for the house from the market- well done so you have at least the indoor spring feeling!

    We have nice, springlike weather but a bad forcast for Sunday--we will see!
    oxo Susi

  5. Arghhh - not again! It must end soon mustn't it?
    Sorry it's ruined your weekend plans - hope you've got plenty of DVDs to see you through this.
    Your page is really lovely and I'm sure you'll have your own Spring very soon now too.
    Gill xx

  6. It's just snowing lightly here. Mostly, we've had a rain and snow mix. Either way, it's depressing and a cruel April Fools joke. Hopefully, this storm will be the last of Winter. Your magical mystery page is such a welcome spot of color with cheery flowers.

  7. This journal page is really beautiful Erika! Mar x

  8. wonderful page and beautiful spring selection!
    greetings Elke

  9. Oh dear, more snow, you have had more than your share of the white stuff by now. Lets hope it doesn't last long.
    Your painting looks fantastic, dreams are good and I hope yours come true.
    Thank you for joining us over at TioT's.
    Yvonne xx

  10. Yes, I heard about all the snow that is getting dumped in your area. Good thing it's snow and not rain, or you would have over 15 inches by now. At least the snow will melt slowly and your basement will be safe from flooding.

    LOVE the flowers and the page you created for TioT. They may be flowers in your head, but they are lovely. And of course, I adore them. Hope you have a lovely weekend. It's raining and lightening here right now! Want to trade?

  11. This is such a lovely page, your flowers are beautiful. I'm sorry you woke up to snow - hope it soon disappears and you get some lovely spring weather.
    xxx Hazel.

  12. While the snow is beautiful it's had to get excited about spring with the gardens buried. Beautiful garden page with bright, cheerful colors. Lovely tulips and daffodils.

  13. Hope the weather improves soon Erika

    The page is wonderful. Thank you for joining us at Try it on Tuesday

    Love Chrissie xx

  14. Wunderschöne Blüten-Fotos.
    Und deine gemalten Blumen stehen dem in nichts nach, so farbenfroh !

  15. Snow! Is that normal for you at this time of year? I would actually like it just now as I have lots of indoor ploys to catch up on. Your Sunday plans sound quite idyllic.
    I always love your paintings. they have so much life in them. These flowers looks so happy to be out. I do like your white narcissus header too.

  16. Fabulous journal page, not so fabulous snow.

  17. Oh, it must feel like an April fool joke. So sorry about all that now -- you have been pummelled! I bought daffs and tulips yesterday too -- although we don't have the snow, it's still cold and I'm trying to get into spring. I hope it melts soon!

    And thanks for the comment on the Four Freedoms. Yes, you are right about being afraid these days. I sure am.

    Bundle up. And know it WILL melt. Someday.

  18. Such rich colours and definitely a magical tour I'd like right now to too. Spring comes very late here in my part of Scotland.

  19. Wow! I can't get over the snow! It's beautiful, but does seem a bit misplaced in April, doesn't it :(

  20. Hi Erika, Poor you with all that snow, hope it's not lasting too long. Love your painting of the pretty flowers, so bright and cheerful and I suppose the quote is about right for you at the moment with all your snowy weather.
    Thanks for sharing with us at TioT
    Avril xx

  21. What a great take on our theme- Botanical! Love the spring feeling of your page Erika! Thanks for playing along with us at TioT this time.

  22. A lovely bright cheerful page, a great contrast to all the horrible white stuff.

  23. I don't like snow too, spring has to come.

    Your pictures are wonderful and your painting is awesome.

    Have a nice weekend

  24. Spring and flowers are truly magical and mystical. Beautifully created and lovely photos also~


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