Sunday, April 23, 2017

Sunday Was

I spend the second day of my vacation cleaning out the screen porch and getting it set up for the season.  The floor needed to be swept and vacuumed and then washed. The furniture needed a wiping down. 
It was a gorgeous day with perfect temperatures and lots of sun and every now and then I had to stop and go soak up some of that sun and read a while. 
Its too early to move plants out there but its still looking good and I'm excited to have it ready to use.
It means the good weather is a coming.
The only art I did all weekend was a couple of pages in my drawing journal.
One more outside work day tomorrow before the rain comes and my week changes directions. 
The kidney transplant doctors decided at the last minute my husband needs one more test. Its scaring me. If this test fails, then there can't be a transplant. Tuesday we go down to Boston and hopefully, HOPEFULLY, everything goes in my husband's favor. Kind of mad these doctors couldn't do this two months ago before they even sent him a letter saying everything was all approved and we have set up so many pieces to this ordeal. 
I could say a lot more about this, but it will just me negative and down., since there's nothing I can do about any of it right now.
So, I am going to focus on doing some more yard work tomorrow and maybe even finding some art time too. :)
Have a great start to your week everyone. 


  1. Your porch is so inviting! And I have the same drop leaf table in my kitchen! My chairs are different. Certainly did a lot this weekend, and I'm glad you took a little time for yourself. Your journal pages made me smile. I'd happily check things off my to-do list if it looked as fun as yours.

    I'll keep you and your hubs in my thoughts that everything goes well.

  2. Erika, your screen porch is lovely... a beautiful place to do your art journaling. I enjoyed seeing these two pages... very nice!!!
    I am so sorry to hear what you and your husband are going through! I wasn't aware of your husband's medical issues. Please know that you will both be in my prayers 💕

  3. I am so sorry you are down and worried because of this new test. I hope very much that all will go well for you both and that the transplant can go ahead as planned. Good that you managed to get a lot done at the weekend, and that your porch is now ready, it looks great. Wonderful journal pages, too. Good luck with the trip to Boston tomorrow! Hugs, Valerie

  4. The porch looks wonderful, the art is fabulous, but the news is NOT good. I'll be thinking about you on Tuesday and hope you and hubby will know the results that day. Here's to a positive outcome and positive thinking.

  5. Don't worry too much, it will all be o.k. ♥♥♥
    I can imagine how nerve-racking this is again... but you will see that in the end all will be GOOD! Be strong!
    I love your porch.. looks so inviting and the pages are just cool! What a fab kind of memory calender this will be in the end!

    Happy new week - you are in my thoughts and I keep my fingers crossed again!
    Much love sent by

  6. I love your porch, Erika! Very cozy and airy. And soon I suspect you'll be on it all the time.

    I really hope the test goes well and will be sending good vibrations your way for it. Oh, and your comment? It's a super zoom lens (on a very small camera -- no way I'm walking near a mama goose on her nest in the middle of the water! Ha!

  7. Love your sun room and the pop of red color. Great journal page. That is very scary about your husband, but I agree with what you say about not thinking about it. Really it doesn't change anything. I just read a book recently, and it said in frustrating/scary situations think of it like a hub on a wheel, the center is your brain, the spokes are your attention, the outside wheel is situations/life. I hope you find a spoke that gives you some joy and strength to get through. As my mom would answer when I would ask, are you worried. She would say, whatever happens, happens. She died two years ago after a 20 year battle with PLS, where she lost everything except her wonderful mind and personality. She never gave up, lost her sense of humor, or hope. I am sending some of her love to you. Courage, dear heart Hugs. Nan

  8. I hope all goes well with the test, and you can move on with the process!

    We're getting a pleasant, sunny day today, and it's good to think about getting plants where we want them :)

  9. Hello Erika,
    Your porch looks absolutely delightful and you have a great view too of the trees, I wonder if that is all your garden. Whether it is or not it is still a great outlook.
    Best wishes for a good result for you and your husband, how stressful this must be for you both.
    I love your journal pages as I always do. The worm is amusing and I like the idea of a Spring clothes changeover. However it has suddenly become freezing here, colder than any day in Winter I think.
    Thanks for your visits to Orange E., always very much appreciated.


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