Monday, April 17, 2017

T is for Delicious World Food

 Happy T day everyone. Its Tuesday again and that means its time to visit   Elizabeth's blog   and see what all the T Gang members have been eating and drinking lately.

So last Tuesday I went with one of my teacher friends out for a late lunch after school. She couldn't believe I had never been to this restaurant in Portsmouth, New Hampshire called Street 360. Its specializes in world street food.
It was a gorgeous afternoon so we went and sat outside in the little patio area which you can see off to the left of this photo. I didn't know what to order as so many items on the menu looked good.  I finally settled on this giant Korean dish called Bibimbop.
It was HUGE, (big enough to bring some for lunch to work for 2 more days) but so delicious. It was made with sticky rice, mushrooms, spinach, zucchini, carrots, bean sprouts, some spring onions, sesame seeds and a fried egg. You had your choice of protein and I choice Korean marinaded steak.
These photos all come from the restaurants web site as I was so busy chatting with my friend I forgot to take any photos. This is the link up : Street 360.
My drink of choice was a diet coke.
I'm not sure borrowing all these photos is in correct form but I wanted to share this yummy meal with you. 
I want to go back and have it again sometime. Next time won't you join me and I will remember (I hope) to  take some actual photos. :)
Happy T day.


  1. Most times, restaurants are pleased that you shared their photos, but I know some really high end restaurants on the west coast won't even allow you to bring your camera in the restaurant. Seems odd, since you are promoting their business when you do.

    That looked like a wonderful place, and a great, hearty meal, too. If that was lunch, I would hate to see what dinner was like. I'm off to see their menu next.

    Thanks for sharing your coke and Street 360 experience and food with us for T this soon-to-be Tuesday.

  2. Hi I think as long as you give credit to the photos and also a direct link to the restaurant you are good-and you are giving them a review too,
    The meal looks delicious! I find that most restaurants serve too much food too Happy T Day Kathy

  3. I would think that they would appreciate the publicity.
    The food looks delicious!!!
    Portion size was great for you to be able to have two more lunches from it!!!
    Now I am hungry 🍳

  4. An interesting pan of food for sure and lots of it for you to enjoy.

    Happy T day

    Love Chrissie xx

  5. Looks delicious and eating al fresco is the best. Sometimes it's more important to be in the moment and experiencing the event instead of photographing it. At least, that's what I tell myself when I forget to take pictures. Happy T day!

  6. That looks like a wonderful place to eat, and my hungry stomach is growling at the sight of your meal! Happy T day and have a good week. hugs, Valerie

  7. WOW.. this restaurant seems to be cool!
    Great Menue!

    We got snow -- not much BUT SNOW!

    Happy T-Day dear Erika!

  8. Lovely photos and it does look a delicious meal, your restaurants always seem to serve up a large quantity of food for one meal.
    In many eating places it is frowned upon to take photos. It may be because they think there will complaints at a later time, folk seem to do that a lot these days, perhaps hoping to get a reduction in price when the bill arrives.
    Happy T day.
    Yvonne xx

  9. oh, take me there, it Looks great!! and good you could take the rest with you and it wasn´t wasted.
    happy t-day!

  10. This place looks amazing and the food so delicious! It's so much fun to taste different foods from around the world :-) . Wishing you a Happy T Day! J :-)

  11. Wow Erika that is some dish! Worth the price especially to get more than one meal out of it. Thanks for sharing the link too. Very interesting menu! Happy T day!
    PS-love your new banner:)

  12. What a great place Erika!
    Like taking a little trip.
    The Bibimbop without meat would be right up my alley...sure looks tasty.
    Had to giggle about not taking photos as that happens to me when I'm out with other people too.
    Somehow it seems easier with just my Mr and I to take pictures.
    Happy T Day to ya.
    It is crazy isn't it when we hit high temps so early in the season.

  13. That just happens to be one of my hubby's favorite Korean dishes! I've never had it... i always go for the bulgogi and kimchi.. Yummers!! So good to see you this T day!!Hugs! deb

  14. Rick is a big bimandbop fan! Looks good. I think most are fine with sharing the photo as long as you credit where it came from. If they aren't they'll ask you to take it down and you will, but that rarely happens. Looks like a fun (and tasty) restaurant!

  15. Looks so yummy! ♥
    xo Michelle

  16. The meal looks quite tasty and interesting. It seems like eggs are being served with everything lately. I would love to try it. Maybe a road trip to Portsmouth is in the cards. ;) Happy T day!

  17. What a beautiful looking dish! I'm ready to try Bibimbop if I ever see it in a restaurant near me - in rural Mexico.

    Happy T-Day, Erika! Hugs, Eileen

  18. The restaurant food does look interesting! I am always forgetting to take photos!! Happy T Day, Chrisx

  19. That looks and sounds like a great place to eat. Ive never had Korean food, and I must say it looks very inviting.
    Sorry to be so lafe in commenting. My computer is playing up so im on my tablet now, which takes much longr.
    Happy T_Day,

  20. That does look like a great meal... I love going to new places and trying new foods. Happy be-lated "T" day ♥

  21. Sounds great, will have to check this one out for sure. xox

  22. What a wonderful concept for a restaurant! I wish there was one here.


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