Friday, May 26, 2017

Collage not Drawing

Hello from the still raining New Hampshire. Its such a grey and cold morning that it doesn't feel like May at all. They say this has been one of the rainiest Mays on the record. 
The long Memorial Day holiday weekend looks like we might get a little sun, but not a lot of heat. Last year I went for my first swim over this holiday weekend, and this year I don't think I don't think swimming would be on my mind just because its not going to be that warm. But since I can't swim yet from my surgery, I guess the cooler weather is OK on that part.
So today I have a page from drawing journal, which you can see isn't always about drawing.
I used some bits from an envelope as my starting point, along with some stamped, colored and fussy cut pansies. And I love these TH pre-cut people. 
And since this page is a little grungy, I am going to link up again to Gill Elegance and Grunge challenge at Art Journal Journey
And I had a nice visit with my students yesterday. And there was no embarrassing  stories from my husband. :) My husband even said what great kids they were. (Which I said of course they are...ha-ha!)  The kids even brought me a yummy dinner, which I will show you on Tuesday for T. :)
That's all that's going on here in my world.
Enjoy your weekend everyone. 


  1. Love the journal page, but sorry you are still cold, wet and miserable from the weather over there. Glad you enjoyed the visit with the students, and how lovely to even bring you a dinner, that's love! Have a great weekend, and hope the weather perks up a bit for you. Hugs, Valerie

  2. Your page is so nice --- love your sense of humor! I knew that you would have fun with the visitors from school! Looking forward to seeing what they have brought with them. Good hubby!
    We have quite nice weather - I will send it in your direction♥♥♥
    Happy beginning of the weekend!
    Relax and get completely well soon!
    Thank you for another fantastic page linked to Gill's theme!
    oxo Susi

  3. Such a fantastic collage! That postage stamp with the little doggie looking out from your page is my favourite, he is such a cutie pie! I'm glad to hear your kids visit went so well 😁. Hope the weather improves soon, take care and have a lovely weekend! J 😊

  4. Delightful grunge work, Erika. I am so glad that both you and your dh are recovering from your surgeries. Somehow missing PPF put me in the dark about the fact that YOU were going to be his donor. Wow, what a gift! You are an awesome person and I just bet it shows in the classroom too.

  5. Loving the bits and pieces in the background. Looks very nostalgic. Where do you get these pre-cut people? I love little vintage people but my printer is out of ink :( I used to print and cut myself but now I have to do without until I can afford ink. Lovely layout!

  6. What a so lovely page Erika!! wonderful pansies !! love all the details too, gorgeous!! I hope you ´ll feel much better very soon.
    I would like to follow your blog Erika, yesterday I looked how I could do it, but not by e.mail, because I don´t see my e.mail very often, and I haven ´t seen any followers list. So, perhaps you could indicate me an other way to follow your gorgeous blog. Thank you so much.
    I wish you a very nice weekend, big hugs,

  7. What a nice journal page with the bugle boy. I assume you are Mrs Nelson.
    I'm sorry to hear you are having so much rain. Here it is very warm already. My hubby is working very hard to get all the sunshades up over the outdoor spaces (we buy rolls of bamboo type stuff).I myself am preparing the flyscreens. Summer is here!
    I'm looking forward to seeing the meal your students brought you. That was very kind of them.
    Have a good weekend (in spite of the rain),

  8. It certainly has been a wet May! It's supposed to be warmer here this weekend but it's been so cold this past week that the water will be too cold for swimming :( Wanted to let you know that today was a record Butterfly day ... We had 9 butterflies emerge today and they are all healthy!!!! We will be releasing them shortly and will hopefully get it on video . If so I'll post it for T day :)

  9. I'm with you. Those little TH die cuts are fantastic, aren't they. I really like them, too. Your page is fabulous, and only mildly grungy.

    Too bad about your weather. It's been wet and nasty here, too. But for the past two days it's been in the high 80s, so the AC has been running full blast. Not in the 90s, like your last weekend, but still too hot for me. Just remember, the rain will eventually move out and the heat will return in a vengeance.

    Enjoy your weekend and Memorial Day, too.

  10. Love the imagery on your fabulous collage Erika,
    especially the postage stamp and TH boy.
    Pleased to hear your students visits went well and that there were no embarrassing stories..and that was nice of your students to bring you dinner :)
    I'd send you some of our (too hot for me) hot weather but its probably better while you are recuperating if its s bit cooler.
    We're having a break from garden today - Dave is baking bread etc and I shall go and try some new stash out that came on Wednesday.
    Total chaos in garden - flower pots everywhere temporarily filled with the gravel that I took up, piles of bricks from the wall, earth mounds - plenty of grunge everywhere and not a bit of elegance in sight..not taken photos as yet - might be too awful to show anyway :(.
    Have a lovely weekend.... Gill xx

  11. That's really nice about your students' visit! And I know what you mean about the weather, although today is supposed to be sunny and warm all day (for the first time). That means it's coming east and your way. (Of course, Sunday has 90 percent chance of rain.) I'm with you on the rain!

  12. You know Erika, I really don't know what grunge is! I do however, know I like following you. You are always ready with a good idea and/or interesting tings you use and say! Great job sugar. So glad you had a good time with your students.
    sandy xx

  13. Hi Erika, As usual I'm on a catch up!
    Great journal page and perfect for your Memorial Weekend - just wish your weather sounded a bit nicer. Glad to hear hubby is doing well and behaved himself when your students arrived and how thoughtful of them to bring you a dinner.
    The photos of your walk with your DD look lovely and I do like the sandals you both got.
    Have a great weekend.
    Avril xx


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