Thursday, May 18, 2017

Holy Cow Its Hot

Wow. Yesterday I was saying how nice the weather was and then it just turned plain hot and summer like. Today we are suppose to have record highs. I'm not against the heat, but this might be a little too hot for me. They are saying we should be about 93 degrees (about 34 Celsius). If I wasn't still healing and not allowed to go for a swim I just might have to today. :)
But it is making the leaves pop out.
The oaks all around my house are always the last to get leaves. 
Its a good thing I like violets too. I usually pull them out because they just take over the garden, but no weeding for me right now. They are really pretty little flowers though.
So yesterday I managed to spend just a little more studio time. And I finished up a piece that is good for both Try It On Tuesdays  with a theme of Little Things Mean A Lot and also for Moo Mania with a theme of Dancer.
Not sure what that spot is on the right- I just noticed it. I'm very good at getting bits of this and that plopped all over my pieces. :)
Phew! And I just squeezed it in under 4 inches. :)
Another quiet day on my docket. I'm hoping to read more of book 2 in Elena Ferrante's Neapolitan series and maybe a little more art time too.  The hubby has an afternoon doctor's appointment so I'll even get a little me time too. :)
Probably I will just try to stay cool. And be thankful this heatwave isn't going to last more than a day.
Happy Thursday everyone. Hope you are having/ or had a beautiful May day.


  1. What a lovely happy little dancer! Great! Thank you for linking to Moo Mania & More as well as to TioT dear Erika!
    Take care - no exhaustion!!!
    Wonderful heat - we also have 30°C today and I am off with a book out into the garden under the apple tree...
    no exhaustion for me as well - it is too hot!
    oxo Susi

  2. We might hit a hundred down here. And I'm thrilled. I love hazy, hot, humid weather. It doesn't last more than a couple of days, and you don't have to shovel humidity. Your yard is very pretty. I love violets and dandelions, too. I don't pull them up in the garden because my thumb isn't very green so these little pops of color look pretty. Love what you did with your teeny artwork. I love working small as it's such a challenge. Stay cool!

  3. Beautiful work, love the silhouette figure on the musical background. Thanks so much for joining us at TIOT. It's very hot here today, and today we had some violent rainfalls, wow! Look after yourself Sweetie.

  4. Wonderful pictures and a lovely dancer.

    Thank you for joining us at <a href=">MOO MANIA & MORE</a>

  5. Terrific miniature project with a big impact

    Thank you for joining us at Try it on Tuesday

    Love Chrissie xx

  6. Lovely photos Erika and the violets look so pretty, I would find it hard to pull them out.
    Its a fabulous 4 inch piece of art, full of movement. Thank you for joining us again at TioT's.
    I hope it will be cooler for you tomorrow, but I have to say your weather does sound as mixed as ours is just now. We are needing rain, unusual of the UK.
    Yvonne xx

  7. It's a beauty Erika! Great take on our theme! Thanks for sharing it with us at TioT this time.

  8. A lovely little piece Erika, love the funky dancer on the music paper.
    Glad to read you're feeling stronger even if you are wilting in the heat.
    Checked out the last couple of posts and you've shared some wonderful photos of Boston, thanks.
    Also, thanks for sharing at TioT
    Hugs, Avril xx

  9. I'm glad you're in the art room! And the weather, too. We had that a couple of days ago -- but it's only supposed to be in the 60s today and 40s at night. If it goes east, it's coming your way!

  10. PS -- I do love your card, too! I forgot to say!

  11. It's hotter where you live than it is in Northern Florida where I live!!
    Wonderful page Sugar - sounds like you do better everday!
    Sandy xx

  12. Wow, it's hotter there than here. We're getting highs in the upper 80s. I love violets, but they do take over the place. Our violets bloomed months ago. I love bringing the flowers in for bud vases. So sweet :) I trust that dr appointment went well.

  13. Great project. Thank you for joining us at TioT.

  14. Hope you managed to stay cool in the heat! Great piece for TioT the sentiment is awesome. I'm glad you got to spend some time crafting again 😀. The violets looks so pretty. Wishing you and hubby a speedy recovery! J 😊

  15. Love your dancer on the music background, it reminds me of the beginning of an old tv programme from years back - 'tales from the unexpected by Roald Dahl'.
    Enjoy relaxing and reading your book - I had 2 new ones, one on collages and the other on drawing imaginary animals - I'm addicted to arty/craft books - I counted them up yesterday and found I have 86 - yes eight six but maybe that's not that bad mmm? :)
    Hope you've had a good day... Gill xx

  16. I'm with Divers and Sundry. It was hotter than it was in Kansas, too. We hit the mid to upper 80s, but haven't seen 90s yet this spring.

    LOVE the tiny dancer. It's a beauty. The mark on the right is to show it was hand made.

    I have run my AC several times, though, since I can't take the heat in any form. I simply collapse when it happens. Hope you are feeling better and your husband got a good update on his progress.

  17. Phew! Too hot for dancing - but then you won't really…will you! I love this - like Gill, I thought of 'Tales of the Unexpected! So pleased you found time to join us at Try It On Tuesday! Chrisx

  18. a dancer with big heart :) Gorgeous!

  19. A nice and witty page dear Erika. Well done.
    Our weather in Germany this time is similiar like yours. One day cold, next day hot.


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