Saturday, May 20, 2017


Hi everyone. Happy Saturday evening or Sunday or whatever day it is when you read this.
Today was a beautiful day, and my daughter, my husband and myself went out for a little drive and took our daily walk someplace scenic. Its easier to go walk our daily 3500 (or so) steps someplace that is paved and smooth rather than our gravel driveway and road. Today the daughter took us up to Wolfeboro, New Hampshire and we walked around town for a little bit.
 My husband loved seeing how many boats were in on the town docks. Of course he wished he was in his boat and we were out on the lake taking a cruise.
 We went up later in the day (early evening) when the traffic and crowds were less. I love the effect of the sunlight on this store door.
The closed sign is kind of cute too.
 I saw lots of pansies in store window boxes.
 And look at the cool shadow this railing made on the sidewalk.
 I love this reflection too. I think the pansies frame the bottom  perfectly.
 And the hubby took a little rest on this bench. It had quite the fancy back. The wood chopper and the bear.
 More pansies plus this happy cup.
Plus my daughter and I bought these almost identical sandals. We found them on sale and I decided I deserved a little treat.
She did too.
I need to paint my toenails so they look almost as good as hers.
And here's a couple more doodle pages from my drawing journal. I've been doing more of this than other art as everything I need is right on my work table.

 And finally, one of my classes sent me this homemade card.  I thought the front was pretty funny.
I can imagine them discussing what to put on the front. I wonder who came up with this?
But I like it and really cherish the fact they took the time to make it for me.
That's all here. Hope everyone is having a great (or had) a great weekend so far.


  1. Glad you are having fun and getting out while healing. That was a wonderful place you visited, so pretty, love all the photos, especially the reflections and the shadows, so pretty. The new sandals are great, enjoy wearing them. Love the doodle journals, especially the last one with the proton! Enjoy your Sunday, hugs, Valerie

  2. A lovely town! I can imagine that hubby got nervous seeing the
    I love your new sandals and the sketchbook pages - both is really cool - and I can imagine what a popular teacher you are - so nice of the pupils!
    They love you for sure!
    Take care and be patient furthermore - wish the best to the both of you convalescents!
    Your daughter is a very good girl to look after her two oldies so well!


  3. I've never been to Wolfeboro, but it looks like a quaint, charming town. Love the pansies in the town planters welcoming visitors with their happy faces. I also loved the heart shadows the railing cast on the pavement. Great score on your on sale sandals. Wear them in good health. I'll have to show Himself the card your thoughtful students sent you. Himself teaches chemistry at a community college so would appreciate the pun. Enjoy the glorious weather today. Looking forward to seeing more in your drawing journal.

  4. What a lovely outing and how nice to be able to go to a place that provides a good walking surface plus delightful scenery. :)

  5. How wonderful that you got out and about for awhile, had a chance to take a few photos, and enjoy the day with your daughter and husband.

    I adore the photos of the reflections and the pansies, too. It sounds like a day made in heaven. And good news from the doctor, too. So glad you don't have to go back until after school starts in the fall. now let's hope hubby gets well quickly, too! Now let's get you 100%.

    LOVE the AC. It is a godsend, isn't it?

    That is a fabulous card. Someone (or several someones) were really great and quite the artist(s). It is awesome and you can look at it as you recover fully.

  6. Aww so cute that card. Think like a protein, love it. Nice to see the lovely Wolfboro again, such a fun day we had, now it will be crowded until Fall. Glad you are out and about and feeling better. No driving yet, daughter doing that I assume. xox

  7. What a pretty town. And a perfect day for a road trip and walk. I love the water -- I can't resist it. Your photos are terrific -- especially the shadow of the gate on the sidewalk.

    I'm so glad you're doing well!


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