Monday, May 29, 2017

T is for the Perfect Rainy Evening Dinner

Hello everyone.  T Day has rolled around. What a fast week!
Stop by Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog so see what yummy treats and drinks the T Gang has been up, and please, join in. All you need is a photo of some kind of drink.
So for those of you who may not regularly read my blog, I am home recuperating after donating a kidney to my husband. I've finish school early for the year (Yahoo!), and last week 3 of my students came to visit me. We had a nice visit, and they surprised me by bringing us  a yummy dinner, 
cream of tomato soup and a rosemary fougasse which I warmed up in the oven. Tomato soup is a favorite of mine. :)
My daughter had already sawed off a chunk of the bread by the time I snapped this photo.
And for some reason when she set the table she never moved the computer mouse that was out.
I enjoyed my dinner with a glass of ice water.
They even brought dessert, a couple of spice cookies and a couple of sugar cookies.
It was delicious! 
And since today was a holiday with no school here in the US, one of my co-workers came by to visit  and we went out for lunch.
It was a naughty lunch as we both had some fish and chips, and then for dessert, we had hot fudge sundaes. We both love coffee ice cream (weird since I don't drink coffee) so that's what we had in our sundaes.
I thought I would share mine since every now and again its good to splurge on something as decadent as this.
Plus I took most of this home and it is sitting in my freezer so maybe later tonight I will have the rest of it. :)
I also have another journal page for Gill's elegant and grunge challenge over at Art Journal Journey.
 This is my spread for this week in my calendar journal.
These TH cut out people are really the best!
I also want to thank Jeanie at The Marmalade Gypsy for the background paper I used in this spread. She sent me a little care package which I got last week that had LOTS of fantastic paper and ephemera in it.

 And along with this FUN stack of play materials, she also sent me this beautiful journal.
Its always fun to get a box of surprises.  😊
Hope everyone has a wonderful T Day!


  1. Oh how nice to have a visit from some of your students with some delicious food in tow. And you certainly deserve that decadent sundae too! What a lovely stash of papers and ephemera to receive. I know you'll put it all to good use. Beautiful journal page too. Wishing you well and happy T day!

  2. Hi Erika, a wonderful post of "goodies" the food looks delicious-and so thoughtful from your students-and I love goodie surprise packages too-always so fun.
    thanks for dropping by Happy T Day
    Hugs Kathy

  3. So thoughtful of your students to bring dinner. And with the first official weekend of Summer, starting things off right with a sundae. Love the journal page especially the bride and groom. Is your anniversary coming up?

  4. What an incredible post. I am a big fan of tomato soup when I am sick. I remember my grandmother making me tomato soup, a grilled cheese sandwich, and 7-up when I was sick. I never got pop/soda, so everything was a real treat if I got sick. Of course, I had to be REALLY sick before my grandparents went to the store for 7-up. Your treat looks impressive. That rosemary fougasse really looks good. I made sun dried tomatoes and olive fougasse once, but it didn't look as good as the ones those students brought you! You must have made a BIG impression on them.

    I won't even mention the hot fudge sundae. It looks good beyond belief.

    My package of TH people didn't include the one you shared. I think our packages must be different, even though I have a man with a dog, which is similar to yours (from a previous post for those who might be searching for it). I really like your wedding photo and the sentiment is perfect for Gill's theme this month at AJJ.

    Thanks for sharing your meal from the students, your hot fudge sundae, your awesome art journal page, and your water with us for T this Tuesday.

  5. Glad you got spoiled with some delicious looking food and treats. Love the journal page you made for AJJ. Great stash you got from Jeanie, how kind to send you those goodies. Have a happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  6. beautiful journal pages, delicious cake and soup

  7. Hope you are both still doing well after the operation.

    Yummy food enjoyed by all I'm sure

    Great artwork as well

    Have a very Happy T Day

    Love Chrissie xx

  8. Your students brought a wonderful meal and your out lunch sounds delicious as well - my gosh >>>hot fudge sundaes<<< - that must be something the angels eat in heaven!
    And what a wonderful package of goodies for the creative artsy soul you got!
    Hope you feel again a bit better meanwhile!
    We have another hot hot hot day here - tomorrow we will get thunderstorms and even hail is predicted - hope it will be not so bad....
    Thanks for another fabulous entry linked to AJJ - those cut out people are super, would be nice to have them at hand for me as well - but o.k. I will try my best to survive without them.

    oxo Susi

  9. Jeanie that is SOME care package!! And i love what you created with it Erika! Well here's another weird thing.... I like coffee but not coffee icecream... lol But if i didn't know it was coffee flavored it certainly looks yummy... How nice of your students to do that for you. They must really miss you!!So glad you are doing well... Happy T day hugs! deb

  10. so nice of your students to care for you:) i hope both of you will be at 100% recovery soon.
    the ephemera pack really is a wonderful surprise! up to many creations:)
    happy t-day and have a good week!

  11. Oh my, so much to love about this post! Firstly the thoughtfulness of your kids visiting you and providing such a delicious lunch, secondly that amazing hot fudge sundae which looks so so yummy, then the pretty page you created with the TH cutouts which are adorable and finally that wonderful care package from Jeanie that was really kind! I love it! Hope you are feeling better and you both are recovering well, take care and wishing you a Happy T Day! J 😊

  12. I'm glad all arrived and you are playing with it! It was fun trying to find fun papers (and a few plainer ones!)

    And that WAS a naughty lunch but oh, it looks so GOOD! Especially dessert!

    Thanks for your Gypsy comment. I think you are the only person I know who had someone in that China/Burma/India theater. There seems to be very little written about it but yesterday I found a pretty cool website where you can add letters and photos. Of course, the link didn't work right but I've been having computer issues so it could be that, too.

    Glad you are feeling well and recuperating well, too. Makes me smile!

  13. What A beautiful journal page. Those stacks of ephemera and papers look so fun. Lots to keep you busy while you are taking it easy.
    How sweet of you to donate a kidney to your hubby. Hope that you are both recovering nicely.

  14. I have had a lovely catch up tonight, reading your posts I missed while we were away with no internet. All your photos and the art has been fantastic, the pages in your journal here look beautiful.
    It was good to read your husband is getting along well, as you are yourself after the surgery.
    The visitors brought you a delicious looking meal, yummy tomato soup and of course that dessert looked delicious. Your goody box looks good as well.
    Happy T day Erika.
    Yvonne xx

  15. What a thoughtful gesture by some of your students, Erika. That says as much about them as it does about you ;-) The soup and fougasse look yummy. Real comfort food, IMO.

    I don't like coffee either, but like you I love mocha flavor ice crem, icing, candy - you name it. That's not weird at all - unless I'm weird too. lol.

    What a great care package. I look forward to seeing what you make with all those goodies. Especially the beaitiful hand ade journal.

    Enjoy your (early) summer vacation! You certainly deserve it.

    Happy T-Day! Hugs, Eileen

  16. Wonderful to hear you are recuperating nicely, and hope your hubby is too! Yummy meals you've shared with us...I agree that a splurge on occasion is good! Love your vintage image on the page, so love the old photos...Happy T day!

  17. Lots of wonderful goodies today Erika - yummy food and scrummy paper goodies and beautiful journal too.
    Love your journal page - thanks for all the pages you've made for AJJ this month x.
    Was previously looking at a page with those TH people on too - they're great and I must get some as not sure I'd have the patience to print and cut out my own ancestors.
    Was wondering are you still planning to do so some family history or have you already started?
    Have a great day... Gill xx

  18. So glad to hear you are doing well enough to go out for lunch!!! That meal from the kids looks amazing too :) I do love tomato soup. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I hope to get more butterfly release videos up soon. I still have two chrysalis that should open today or tomorrow :) and yesterday I found 9 new caterpillars on my milkweed. I hadn't been checking it lately and was out there planting more flowers and there they were. At least the milkweed has recovered and there are lots of leaves for them. No roaming the countryside in search of milkweed. LOL!

  19. Lovely of the kids to bring you lunch and a wonderful gift from a friend. xox

  20. I've been away from my blog world few a while and am catching up. I felt right at home seeing your fiesta ware :) Fish and chips and a sundae would hit the spot with me today. It looks delicious.

    I like coffee and love coffee ice cream. You're hitting on all my joyful things in your posts lol. If this were Facebook I'd be "liking" every photo ;)


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