Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Where is the Sun?

Hi everyone. This week has flown by and it is Wednesday.
With the surgery 2 weeks ago I am really starting to feel a lot better. Still, I can't say I am back to my old pace yet, but that will come I am sure. I am now able to drive though, at least short trips, and I am getting up and down without the difficulties I had at first.
And now that I can sit longer than 30 minutes at my art table, I am a happy girl.
Its all good.
So today I have another grunge page for Gill's fun challenge at Art Journal Journey.
The challenge is Elegance and Grunge.
I started this page quite awhile back, but never finished it off, so I did that yesterday and am quite happy with the results.
And we have really gotten green around here. I have an azalea in my garden that is blooming beautifully.

You can see at the top there are still a lot of blooms to come.
This plant has sentimentality to me because it came from my Dad. He loved his shrubbery, and when his azalea started this little tiny offshoot, he dug it up and gave it to me.  Of course then it was only about 6 inches tall. I put it in the corner of my garden and it has flourished there. My Dad passed away in 2004 and he was sick for a few years before that, so I love having this connection to him.
The rest of my garden is pretty weedy right now, and if the bugs weren't so bad I would go out and sit and pull a few, even if it took me days to do the whole garden, but between surgery recouping and those bugs, its not happening.
I will have my work cut out for me in a week or two when I can finally get out.
Look at this adorable succulent garden-complete with a fairy house- the woman who runs the doggie day care made. She has clever ideas. I like how she made it in a wheel barrow. Nice and portable.
And I have been reading I finished books 1 and 2 of Elena Ferrante's Neapolitan series.

Ferrante is an Italian author, and this is a 4 book series about a friendship between 2 women. My only complained is that each book ends with a cliff hanger. I was hoping to take a little break between them, but then book 2 ended with another palpable  moment, so I ordered book 3 off of Amazon and will start it once it arrives. Meanwhile I am filling my time with a very different read.
I loved  Jurrassic Park so when a long lost new Michael Crichton book about dinosaur bones came out, I wanted to read it. So far its good. I like how its set in the late 1800's and how he takes 2 real historical figures and wounds them into a story.  Luckily its not a big book so I can read it before the other Ferrante book arrives. :)
Maybe I should order the final book in the Ferrante series before I get to the end of book 3 because I am sure that will end in a cliffhanger too.
Enough babbling on for me today. Hope everyone has or is having a good day.


  1. Your azalea is really a dream ! I love your wonderful page Erika! Thanks a lot for joining us so often this month again at AJJ! So good to hear that you feel better with every day! Hope hubby feels good as well! This mini garden is really clever - lovely!!!I knew that you would read a lot .... enjoy!
    Have to play taxidriver this night since with have a holiday tomorrow and the kids want to have fun again!

    oxo Susi

  2. The sun was out yesterday. Sounds like that will be it for the rest of the week. Your page is wonderful. Happy Longer Periods of Crafting! I love the old-fashioned, sailor suit. Your azalea is gorgeous and nice to have a beautiful reminder of your dad. I saw a wheelbarrow fairy garden while trolling the Interwebs. I thought it would be fun for the Zensical garden. The girlies old red wagon is up in the shed and I thought would make a good base.

  3. Glad to hear you are doing well after your surgery, but take it easy and give yourself time. Garden and bugs can definitely wait! There are a lot of wasps here just now, I don't like them. Love your journal page, and the sentiment is wonderful. Your azalea is fantastic, and nice that it has special memories for you. Have a nice da, hugs, Valerie

  4. I keep forgetting its only been 2 weeks since your op Erika because of the things you are doing already - and it's brilliant news that you can do some driving now as well.
    Thanks for creating another page for AJJ - I love the ephemera and grungy background - the children image is sweet ( wondering if its one of TH new collection maybe?)
    Your treasured Azalea is stunning - so many flowers on it and such a lovely colour.
    Enjoy your books - the Dragon Teeth looked interesting and I had to go google and find out more about 'the bones wars'.
    Gill x

  5. What a absolutely stunning journal page. I love the cute kids against that very busy background. They really pop. Hope you continue to heal from your surgery.

  6. Your journal page is gorgeous. I love the flowers and the background of tickets. Simply wonderful.

    I bought two azaleas when I lived in Missouri. They died nearly as soon as I got them home. I don't know what I did wrong, but I sure did something. And mine were bigger than 6 inches, too. In fact, they were in 2 gallon buckets. So glad yours is thriving.

    I LOVE that succulent garden. It gives me ideas.

    I had NO idea Michael Crichton had a lost book in print. I would LOVE to read it. I'm a huge Crichton fan.

    Glad you are on the mend. So I assume hubby is, too.

  7. One day at a time - you had a major surgery and your body is going through not only recoup but readjusting as well. I do admire you ability to experiment with your art journaling. I am so anal retentive it takes me forever! Always love you posts and pictures.
    Sandy xx

  8. I LOVE that succulent garden! So cheerful and pretty!

    And I'm very glad you are feeling so much better. It takes awhile after major surgery. Good for you.

    I love your page. Lots of color and energy. Isn't it weird how you can start something, let it sit awhile and when you come back to it, things fall into place? I love that!

    Glad you are enjoying the Ferrante's. I wasn't thrilled with the first one when we read it for book club. But you're right about the endings. Whenever I'm reading a series with one, it does motivate me to get the next book. (Smart author!)

  9. I love azaleas, and that color is gorgeous. Mother had them, and they remind me of her and my great aunt. Plants do bring back memories :) What a lovely remembrance you have there of your dad.


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