Friday, June 30, 2017

All Over the Place

Happy Friday everyone. It looks like another grey and stormy day here in New Hampshire. What a week. We haven't seen much sun since Monday,and so far its been rather cool-not summery at all, but the humidity is on its way back. What weather! Its time for some more sunshine. 
Besides the weather, I've also been without my car as I blew a tire the other day. Finding a new match has been a pain, and I ended up back at the car dealer. I've only got 7,000 miles on these tires, and I guess their a rather new model, and most of the tire places around couldn't get them. But the dealer got one in so I have a 7:30 appointment to put it on. :) If the weather isn't too bad when I get out I'm going to go pick some strawberries (if you like strawberries-there's nothing better than fresh picked berries). We shall see.
So today I have a few sketch journal pages for you.

And a few random shots from last week when we went away on out extended weekend journey to Eastern Maine and New Brunswick.
We had some photogenic fog one evening.

And the lupines were blooming everywhere.
They were so gorgeous!

 And wild irises too.
And we saw lots of scenic harbors.

And we had this deer that keep showing up in the yard of our rental. I had a little zoom lens play.

Plus some crows that kept hanging around too.

I'm still working my way through my photos but having fun seeing what I managed to get.
So for some here in the US its a long 4 day Independence Day weekend. With July 4 on Tuesday, some people like my like hubby have Monday off too. Not my daughter though. I guess it depends where you work. Wow-time is just buzzing right by.
Hope this hasn't been too much babbling. Happy weekend! And thanks for visiting.


  1. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your journal pages. There is so much to see and read in them. They certainly put my puny calendar pages to shame. You draw SO well, too.

    Now before I forget, I have no idea what plant you are talking about but here are the plants in the photo: (from the back LEFT to right by row)
    against the fence: blackberry vines
    back row: basil, basil, pumpkin in compost can
    middle row: basil, weeds/grass, sprouting potatoes I threw out of compost can (tan container)
    front row: pineapple sage, sage

    I hope that helps. I suspect you are talking about the sage (front right white pot w/terra cotta interior) that overwintered in the house. It is not doing well, but I suspect once I cut it back, it will do better.

    Hope you enjoy your weekend, too. Your photos are wonderful, especially the misty view and the deer.

  2. Blowing a tire would be so scary. I hope you get your car back in time to enjoy the holiday!

    I have to say every picture in this post sets my happy buttons off -- the wonderful journal pages (I really like these!) and your fab vacation pix. The bird in flight -- wow! And the deer! I love the harbor. Oh, gee, I love it all!

    Have a wonderful holiday and I'll check in when I can!

  3. Hopefully the weather improves enough to reveal some sunshine. Lovely journals and sketches, and your photos are amazing. Do have a restful weekend, greetings!

  4. Your journal pages are so happy and sunny even if the weather hasn't been that great. Your photos are gorgeous. I especially love the crow in flight. Have a great weekend.

  5. I had never heard of lupines until my kids were young and we had a book about a woman who planted the seeds. They are beautiful flowers!

    You got great photos of the fog. Such a different mood than those sunny shots of harbors :) You really captured the crows! They are such big birds!

  6. Your journal pages are fantastic,as are those gorgeous scenery shots. Bummer about the blowout on a fairly new tire!!! I only drive about 8000 miles a year so I'd be really upset to have a tire go so soon.

  7. Your journal pages are fantastic - I so love how easy that looks - and how clever you do this pages!
    Good luck with the new matching tire!
    This photos are beyond amazing!!!
    Thanks for sharing!
    Hope you get sunshine soon again -
    we have had mixed days this week- some were cooler some very hot again -
    a mixed summer - I think we can at least say SUMMER now.... and that's something that makes me happy!
    oxo Susi

  8. Wonderful journaling and terrific photos! Love those birds. Hugs, Valerie, very tired!

  9. Your journal pages look fantastic, the sketches looked super.
    I loved seeing your photos again and was surprised to see, Lupines growing in the countryside. Here they tend to be a garden plant.
    The deer looked wonderful, great close up shots with your camera lens.
    Have a good weekend.
    Yvonne xx

  10. Bad News - bummer about your tire
    Good News - I love your style and you sketch book pages -- your posts make me very happy to say the least!!
    sandy xx


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