Monday, June 19, 2017

Lunch at the Museum

Hi everyone.  Its been a couple of hot and humid days here in New Hampshire. In fact this morning (Monday) we had to leave at 4:30 AM for my husband's appointment back at the hospital in Boston, and it was already 71 degrees F (about 22 degrees C). Its hardly ever that hot so early in the morning here. And that weather brings storms, which is what we've got going on tonight.
But the good news is the hubby now doesn't need to go back to Boston for a month, which means he is doing well after his kidney transplant. :) He was going back every week and then every two weeks.
 I'm writing Monday evening to celebrate  Tuesday which is T day. Time to stop by Bleubeard and Elizabeth's  blog and to share a drink and maybe some food. We T Gang regulars would love for you to join us too.
For T Day today I have some more photos from the Museum of Art in Portland, Maine which I visited last Tuesday.
Part of the museum is an historic mansion- the McLellan House. It is only recently been refinished and opened up as one area of the  museum. If you look at this photo of the house, you can see the brick building behind it which is the museum proper. You enter the home from the actual museum, not the front door.
The art of architecture- the walls, trim, windows, stairs and other design elements of the house are the art they are showing here.
(Whole house photo is from Wikipedia.)
The front door and main stairs made quite a statement.
And looked cool from underneath too. Pretty interesting how they are free floating.

There were a few pieces of art in the house. I wonder what was in the original framed white space to start with?

I love these antique plates.

 I think this wallpaper is stunning, but I don't think I could live looking at it every day. But it would make cool fabric for a quilt.

The federal style details are wonderful. I liked the few additions they added, like this mirror that could be lighted with candles for evening viewing since this house was built pre-electricity. The Federal style (roughly 1780-1840) grew out of the US now being a new nation and the European style of the time (that went by names like Georgian, Empire,Regency and  Biedermeier) . 

And for T Day, how about this statue?  I see a coffee pot, milk, pancakes, a donut, and a few other yummies?
A view of the neighboring mansion out one of the windows.
And a view out a different window on the opposite side of the building into some of the homes and business in downtown Portland.
And lastly, I needed a drink and  some lunch-especially with a 1:30 appointment. I had to go talk financial planning for retirement.  Eeks. Sounds a little daunting to me still. So I went down to the museum cafe and had a little lunch.
So I had this chicken salad wrap with chips  (I believe they are crisps in Britain? If not, please let me know)  and a ice tea/lemonade 1/2 and 1/2 drink. Perfect for a very hot day even in an air conditioned art museum.
Got my body and brain in perfect mode to go  to my meeting. :)
Hope you stop by Elizabeth's blog to see what the T Gang has been up too.
Thanks for visiting.


  1. Good evening, we love pie for breakfast too and that's what hubs had for two mornings.(the left overs from the grill party)
    good news about your husband! hope everything continues to improve for him.
    What a very interesting vintage home you visited-enjoyed all the photos. I wonder too what they put above the fireplace originally-perhaps a family portrait? I love these old homes-I am not into wallpaper but I liked what they had in there.
    Lunch looks delish-Happy T day Kathy

  2. yikes- what an early start to your day-but great news for hubby.
    Love the pics of the mansion including the decor and wall paper.
    Looks like a very nice lunch break and drink.
    We just had two small T storms come thru. I love a good thunderstorm so here they were disappointing:( And yes, the heat and humidity have been hitting here too but I'm OK with it. Happy T day Erika!

  3. Such good news for you and your hubster. The museum looks like a great place. I do love the blue rug with the acanthus leaves. The wallpaper, not so much. Too busy for my taste. And the sculpture is perfect for T Day. So fun to try to find the teapot and all the goodies. Heavy downpours moved through earlier tonight with a far off rumble of thunder. And now a delicious cool breeze. Happy T Day. Stay cool!

  4. Hi Erika, glad to hear the good news about your hubby. That house is wonderful, I would love to wander around there and see all the rooms and treasures. Yes, chips are crisps in GB but Chips in Germany! Your snack looks great. Very hot here, too, just got up and it's nearly 30° already, and unfortunately just as hot inside! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  5. Before I read your T post, I thought you might want to read this:

    Sandra Cox shared Hidden Figures movie on her blog and offered the above link. I went to the post and read the true story of these women. For the most part, I was correct in what I told you yesterday.

  6. I agree that the entrance and stairs makes a fantastic statement. Quite minimalistic, except for the gaudy wallpaper I would not be able to live with for long. I did like the floating staircase, though. Even the parquet floor is unique.

    I really enjoyed the tall statue. I have one of those brown jugs. I was surprised at the number of pieces on that statue.

    Your sandwich and chips (yes, crisps) looked yummy. And of course, your drink looked wonderful.

    Thanks for sharing this museum and your sandwich and drink with us for T this Tuesday.

  7. Good news about your husband, you both must be pleased with both your recoveries going so well.
    The museum photos were great I loved seeing the antique plates and the statue made from crockery and food layers. I am always surprised how light it seems inside your museums , here they are usually dimly lit to preserve the collections and getting good photos is difficult. Flash photography is a big No.
    Your food looked delicious and yes they are crisps here in the UK.
    Happy T day.
    Yvonne xx
    The butternut squash spaghetti was tasty, it cooks in a short time, we like it when it still has a bit of a crunch and add lots of black pepper.

  8. hehe, what a fun stack of yummies for t-day, cool idea!!
    i always love to see Museums which i know i will never see myself.
    and the best of course are the News about your husband. i wish all the best for him that everything will be fine forever!
    happy t-day and have a great week!

  9. It's great to hear that your dear hubby is doing so well after his kidney transplant. Hope you feel also very well meanwhile after the surgery!
    This house looks so good - in and out - really fantastic architecture!
    We call them even chips here in Austria...but my dictionary says crisps in British English - they are always different and!
    Happy T-Day Erika... here it gets hot as well -- there are 32 degrees Celsius now at 10 a.m.
    But the nights are fresh - this is what I like here, I even needed warm bedsocks last night... o.k. my family says that I am not normal - I know that I am crazy...
    oxo Susi

  10. So pleased to hear that your hubby is doing so well 😀. The historic mansion looks so grand with the view down the staircase to the front door. I like that you captured yourself in that lovely gold mirror whilst you were taking the photo too, and the turquoise background is gorgeous. Nice choice for lunch and you are quite right, we call them crisps here in the UK. Happy T Day! J 😊

  11. I'm glad to hear your hubby is progressing so well, Erika. I'm sure you guys won't miss that frequent long drive.

    Very interesting photos of a Federal style mansion. The entrance hall is really something ... and those stairs ... how did they do that?

    What a perfect statue for the T-paty! It's charming.

    Happy T-Day! Hugs, Eileen

  12. I'm afraid its a flyby visit this week Erika... Things are so busy at the moment... Loved seeing your photos. I hope things can slow down and i can make a proper visit again soon!! Hugs! deb

  13. Congrats on the continuing recovery! Good medical news is worth celebrating!

    That staircase is gorgeous, and I enjoyed seeing your photos of the variety of art works. Your meal looks like something I'd enjoy. Yummm!

    Happy T Tuesday :)

  14. wow. a gorgeous mansion with stunning architecture and details! love that entryway and the free-floating stairway. such a cute sculpture you found to share for T day too...and those chips are making me hungry. :) Happy T day!

  15. Erika, your photos of the interiors are fabulous. I especially love the stair ones but they are all beautiful and so well done. Nice shooting and what a fabulous subject. I love old homes and seeing them restored so beautifully really makes my heart all happy, to know someone loves them and cares.

  16. What a beautiful, elegant mansion! That staircase is amazing! I would love to glide down it in some pretty dress...
    I like that statue. So quirky.
    I'm glad your hubby is doing so well.
    Happy T-Day,

  17. That is great about your husband. It must be a huge since of relief for you. I love old houses/mansions.museums. Thank you for sharing your photos and a little of the history. It certainly gives meaning to a grand staircase. Belated happy t day and a wondrous Wednesday!Nan

  18. So glad to hear that your husband is doing so well ♥ Great photos from a beautiful building. The lunch looks great too. I am running so far behind with everything this week :( Playing catch up today with all of the"T" post.

  19. What an amazing place to visit! The wall paper looks fabulous but I must say that yummy statue Is the star here! Your food looks tasty although I would probably have water with mine! Belated Happy T Day, Chrisx

  20. I so enjoyed seeing the photos from your visit and that lovely wallpaper and the fun sculpture that I think I may have deleted the comment late last night! A very belated T Day to you with the yummy looking wrap that I would probably have with a glass of water! Chrisx


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