Sunday, July 23, 2017

A Day On the Water

So yesterday was hot and kind of hazy here. The plan was the finally put our little boat onto Lake Winnipesaukee for a day on the lake. We live in an area that has many nice lakes and we also live within 40 minutes of the ocean where there is some interest boating too. My husband invited his sister and her daughter along.
Because the public boat ramp parking on Lake Winnipesaukee lot isn't large it fills up early on a weekend, so we went early, put the boat into the lake and then tried to start the motor. It didn't start after repeated tries.
So we went home and decided to go out on the ocean because we know our other boat works since we've been boating several times on it this summer.
( Yes we have 2 boats, but neither are very large. The "bigger" of the 2 is the one we use on the ocean. With 5 of us on it is pretty crowded. Believe me, it is not a big boat by any means on the ocean. We also have an even smaller boat that we keep in the driveway. We like to take that out on the lakes that we live around. This little boat is 30 years old and needed some work this year and so far it hasn't been ready for the water. We thought it was ready yesterday for its maiden voyage of the year but I guess it wasn't.)
Anyhow,back to the subject of our day on the water.
It was really calm yesterday so we decided to cruise out to the Isles of Shoals.
The Isles of Shoals are a group of small rocky islands 6 miles offshore. Some are in the state of New Hampshire and some are part of the state of Maine. If you're a history buff, they have an interesting background including at one point having their own dialect of the English language and a murder which occurred there in the 1800's and was also fictionalized in the book The Weight of Water. 
One of the islands, Star Island, is owned by the Unitarian Church. They have a hotel there as well as some other buildings and run summer programs. (It closes down in September.) It is rather primitive and the kind of place to get away from it all. The hotel rooms are bare bones and there is no television or computer service on the island (unless you use your phone). However, if you boat out and anchor in the harbor, there is a launch that will pick you up and take you onto the island where you can spend some time during the day. Its  pretty interesting place.  Some of you have seen some of my photos from other years, but here's a few I took yesterday when my sister-in-law and the each of our daughters went over to the island. The hubby decided to remain on the boat and relax.
Here's some view from last summer of the island itself, if you are curious:
And here's a few photos from yesterday. I took several more but since this post is already pretty long I will save those for another day.

 An yours truly in the mirror. :)

 All you artsy folks should know what this is.
 Ssshhhhh. Don't tell the hubby but we had an ice cream at the snack bar. He'd be jealous if he knew.
And here we are:
See the little boat on the right with the guy in the bright blue shirt. That's my husband.We are in the launch and the driver was nice enough to snap a photo with him included. He reminds me of Captain Kirk in the blue. Maybe we should call our boat the Enterprise. :)
More another day. 


  1. What a day - and turned out so good after the dilemma with the outboard engine.
    It's always the same with this engines. I know that from former times on the river Danube- always the same to our boats - this outboard engines don't like winters ... - we had quite the same size of cabin boat with outboard motor ( just to give us place to sleep in the cabin, no kitchen so in- how big is your cabin of the boat "ENTERPRISE-lol"??? and we had a big rubber raft with outboard motor as well for making holidays at the seaside since it was lightweighted and easier to transport with the trailer for longer distances.
    But I wasn't the avid boater all that time - I must admit that I don't miss it, even so I have wonderful memories
    of boating vacations with my hubby at that time.
    You made such beautiful photos - This island is so beautiful and original - awesome!
    Happy start of the new week for you!
    oxo Susi

  2. It must have been refreshing to be out on the water after all the heat and humidity this week. I have a friend who goes to Star Island each year. Perusing Star Island's site, they offer some interesting art programs. I love looking at your photographs. You have such an eye. Your comment about your husband in the blue shirt reminding you of Captain Kirk made me laugh. If he's wearing a blue shirt and commanding a vessel, he should be Mr. Spock. (-; Enjoy the rest of the weekend. Very refreshing breeze today.

  3. Well, you certainly had an enterprising day out! Love all the photos, you had fun even though one boat didn't want to work. Great photos from the island, and love the washing on the line. Have a nice day, hugs, Valerie

  4. That first house looks like it was in desperate need of repair and loads of paint. I'd hate to live there, if I had repairs to make. Getting the materials to the island would be a challenge.

    Loved the photo of the five of you. Look forward to many, many more.

  5. BTW, i would have been by sooner, but the storms knocked my internet and phone out for several hours. Scary storm today, but at least I didn't have to water my herbs.

  6. It looks like you had a lovely day out. The islands seem a perfect place to relax and get away from the rush and bustle of normal life.
    You are lucky to have the boats to enjoy the sea and lakes where you live.
    Great photos.
    Yvonne xx

  7. The Enterprise, yes :) Just make sure nobody wears red and keep Scotty on hand for engine trouble ;)

    It looks so refreshing out there on the water, and the on-shore views are scenic, too. Great location!

  8. What a fantastic day out, looks like you are having fun with all this smiley faces! Great photo with your hubby too, hope there aren't any Klingons on the starboard bow Captain 😀. Have a great day! J 😊

  9. I love the water, so every time I see your boating posts I get a big smile on my face because I know you're having a glorious time (because I'm projecting my joy on you!). More glorious photos. I really love the shells and paper pix and that wonderful stone house with the open door -- just waiting for us!


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