Saturday, July 15, 2017

Rainy Saturday

Its a dark Saturday morning here in my world. I am ready for some more sun. Its been too cloudy the last few days. they say tomorrow. I sure hope so.
So today I have another spread in my ocean journal for you.  I showed you a couple of other pages the other day. You can check them out here if you are interested High Tide and Other Things.
If it looks a little confusing on the right page, its because that page is narrower than the page underneath it.

To make my spread I used paint, some art stamps (ArtChix), some die cuts, some back of a sheet of paper, some left over screening from when we redid our screen door, stamps, some blue gemstone stickers, some other metal art pieces and a goldish charm.
And a few more doodle pages from my drawing journal.

I am linking up with Art Journal Journey. This month is the fun challenge of Summer Love hosted by Elizabeth over at Altered Book Lover.
Both the 4th of July (here in the US) and getting my toenails painted are fun things that happen during the summer. 
And Valerie has been showing us  botanical garden photos, which reminded me I never showed you my photos from Kingsbrae Garden which we visited in New Brunwick when we were away last month.
Here's a few views.

I would love to go back and see what it is like in other seasons since this is all the spring/June flowers.
So no big plans for me this weekend. A lot depends on the weather I guess.  How about you?  Anything exciting going on?
Thanks for visiting.


  1. Oooh, those gardens look gorgeous, would be great to get back at different seasons to see what's going on.Love how they have used contrasting colours. Great art too, love the journal pages. Sorry the weather is not so good but it gave you time to make your lovely summer time page, so that's something! Enjoy your weekend, hugs, Valerie

  2. I like your sea themed journal pages especially the use of the screen as fishermen netting. Your calendar to -do made me chuckle. I'm not into pedis but my favorite blue would be my choice, too. The garden pictures are gorgeous. I liked the Gandalf sculpture.

    I'm tired of the gloom, too, but it makes a perfect day to teach a workshop. I'm at the main branch of the Worcester Public Library teaching a Family Art Journal workshop.

  3. I love everything about this post, from the wonderful Tides pages you shared, to the lovely blue toe nails. Your drawings always make me happy, and the book you are making is simply out of this world. Such a unique theme, I really am enjoying this. I'm glad I caught it from my blog, because I don't see it on AJJ.

    Your garden photos are phenomenal. I loved the really structured formal gardens and the wild gardens. They are truly lovely. There must have been a LOT to see there.

    Thanks for sharing these wonderful journal pages with us at Art Journal Journey. I can truly feel the summertime love oozing out of them.

  4. Fantastic journal pages, your sketching pages look wonderful.
    Great photos from the gardens, the flowers looked beautiful.
    Yvonne xx

  5. Your garden photos are such a treat! Beautiful!

  6. Love your journal pages and the garden photos. Nee Brunswick and PEI are on my bucket list. Blue toenails are one of my favorite fun!

  7. Your post is jam packed with beauty! Your pages are amazing, I love the look you created and all those lovely materials you used, it has such a richness to it - stunning! Your drawing journal is fantastic too and as for those gardens, wow I would love to go back too 😀. Happy Weekend! J 😊

  8. What a fantastic post - I love your pages - the drawing pages and the tides pages - and really amazing photos from the botanical garden as well.
    Hope your weather will get sunny again soon!
    oxo Susi
    Thank you very much for joining AJJ so often this month again! I so love and appreciate all your support Erika!
    oxo Susi

  9. Very nice art and as always, your sketing pages make me especially happy.

    Oh, those gardens! You have some terrific photos there. Sorry about the rain but I think we benefitted from your time inside!

  10. Nice netting on your harbor piece. I am thinking of the tugs and the fishing boats as I look at it. xox


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