Tuesday, July 4, 2017

T is a Million Calories Today

Hi everyone. It's Tuesday and T Day. And to all my blog friends and visitors who live in the US, Happy Independence Day as its also a big summer holiday here. We're in for some beautiful weather here in New Hampshire, and even better, its time for a cookout and some swimming up at my mother-in-laws. This is a bigger holiday in my husband's family than Christmas I think.
I made this page in my calendar journal. The stripes at the top of the page are really dark blue, although they look black here. I had the  USA and patriotic flag stickers, and I added in this cute little TH cut out girl. Fourth of July is a great summer holiday tradition in my life so I am joining up at Art Journal Journey as the latest theme is Summertime Love. Elizabeth is our hostess this month and I think she's pick a great theme.
And happy T day everyone. Time for a little vacation indulgence.
Back at the end of June my husband, daughter and myself went to Downeast Maine, way up on the Canadian border. We stayed in Eastport, which is a small city on an island called Moose Island. There is a causeway with a road onto the island, so you don't need to take a ferry to get there.
One day we walked around Eastport and checked out the shops and city itself. We discovered this bakery there.
 They had 2 cases of yummy looking goodies. It was so hard to pick.
 These cream puffs were calling to me though.
Even though it probably had a million calories.  Good thing we were going for a hike that afternoon.
The diet coke that is my drink was left over from my lunch, so I figured I would just sip on that, although I must say water would have tasted better.
So my cream puff was a killer with pastry cream and real whipped cream inside. the chocolate sauce on it was rich and pure heaven.
My husband and daughter each had an eclair, and in reality, we could have just split the cream puff. But we were on vacation and up for a little indulgence. 
Stop by Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog to see what the T Gang has been up to.
Hope its a wonderful day everyone and thanks for stopping by!


  1. Your journal page is beautiful, I love all the red, white and blue along with the gorgeous gold stars and the adorable little girl holding the flag! There's nothing better than a little calorific indulgence whilst on holiday ... lol 😉 ... and the cream puff looks very decadent and so yummy too! Happy 4th of July and T Day! J 😊
    p.s. thanks for your lovely comments on my blog. Although the 4th isn't a holiday here, we do celebrate a little by having American food. So as I made a big batch of waffles the other day we had them for breakfast with summer fruits and maple syrup. My hubby has a BBQ/Smoker so we are having Beer Butt Chicken for dinner with side dishes including salad, homemade potato salad and homemade coldslaw. Just thinking about it makes me hungry ... lol ... Oh and of course some home brewed beer - cheers and have fun! J x

  2. beautiful Independence Day page Erika- I love that vintage image! Sounds like big festivities for you today. Just keeping it quiet here-no picnic, no special foods. We should be able to see most of the local fireworks tonight from our front porch. What a lovely looking bakery. I'd go for it too knowing I'd be walking it off later:) Happy T day and enjoy your 4th!

  3. Aaaargh, now you've got me craving cream puffs! They look so good. That was a great holiday in all respects. Your journal page is great and very fitting to the occasion. Have a great day, enjoy! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  4. Spirited journal page. Oh, my! I don't think I'd be able to choose which pastry. Your cream puff looks decadent and worth the calories. Enjoy the sunshine and the day!

  5. Wonderful 4th of July page and such a great place to choose a cake to go with your coke.

    Happy T Day

    Love Chrissie xx

  6. Happy 4th of July, Erika. I hope you have a wonderful time with your family today.

    Cream puff and diet Coke ... now that's just my "cup of tea!"

    Happy T-Day! Hugs, Eileen

  7. some things are worth a Million calories:))
    happy t-day and happy 4th of july!

  8. Happy 4th! The eclair and cream puff would be hard to choose between. I like them both, and those look soooo good :)

  9. Hi Erika!!!

    Oh YUM!!! I have a definite weakness for eclairs! I could put on a pound just looking at that photo! We don't celebrate the 4th here much... Oh we might throw something on the grill but no big get together... We did that maybe years ago when the kids were little but no more.. Now i can't wait for the noise of the fireworks to go away... Happy T day! Hugs! deb

  10. I kept thinking when I saw this little TH doll that you would probably use it, too. I was right, and had to laugh at how similar our tastes are. I simply adore the spread in your calendar journal. It is quite clever, and even though we started with the same doll, the two pages turned out SO different.

    I love your cream puff. My friend Sally bought one one day last week when we were eating in an Italian restaurant. She took hers home. It cost $4.00 and was about the same size as yours. Yours actually looks better, in my opinion, because hers didn't have the cherry on top.

    Thanks for sharing your journal page for Art Journal Journey and your lovely cream puff and diet coke with us for T this Tuesday, too. It's a great TWO-fer and I'm thrilled you chose to participate in both. BTW, please don't forget to link to AJJ when you get home from the festivities.

  11. Very creative work, and that bakery shop has some delicious looking goodies. Greetings!

  12. WOW... what a fantastic post - a fabulous 4th of July entry in your calendar journal - thank you for joining AJJ with it! And wow - this bakery is a hit! This large cream puff really looks like pure heaven... gosh!

    Happy T-Day -

    oxo Susi

  13. Its a great journal page for July in your diary. I hope you enjoyed your family celebrations today.
    The bakery looked very inviting, its good to indulge in a cream cake when on holiday, they looked delicious.
    Happy T day.
    Yvonne xx

  14. What a lovely patriotic page.
    I salivated at the sight of the large cream puff. No calories at all of course! I can imagine you couldn't say no to that beauty.
    Happy (belated) T-Day,

  15. Your pictures are fantastic! What I wnat to know is how many peole out there drink a diet coke and eat a 2,0000 calorie dessert at the same time! Is that what you call an oxymoron
    Sandy xx!

  16. I love that somewhere is called Moose Island! Your cakes look yummy - I would definitely have to share! Belated Happy T day, Chrisx

  17. oh that bakery does look divine! cream puffs like that are pretty amazing, they look huge! happy very belated T day!

  18. Happy Tea Day. Oh, that looks so delicious! I haven't had anything like that in quite awhile! Yum.


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