Tuesday, August 15, 2017


Hi everyone. Instead of showing you my art today, I am going to show you some art I saw on my long weekend to the Finger Lakes in New York state.
 One of the towns near where we were staying was Corning, New York. It is the world headquarters of Corning Glass, who are the innovators and makers of pyrex glassware, Corelle dishes, as well as fiber optics along with other industrial and scientific glass products. On the campus of their headquarters, they operate the Corning Glass Museum. Part of the museum shows innovations to glass over time, part of the museum is a huge collection glass pieces from various times in history, and part of the museum shows modern art made from glass.

It was an interesting museum but definitely way too large to see it all in one day. My favorite part was the modern glass art. I'm not that familiar with glass creations and I found it fascinating what glass artists can do.
Here's some of what I saw.

 This piece was made from stacked clear glass bars which had a layer of red glass on the bottom. All the bars were the same but I love how they play with the light to look solid red lower in the stack.

 The crows in this piece are not glass but the red flowers are. I think it has an amazing gothic feel.

Here's a close up:

 Too bad you can see my reflection here, but this piece looks like it has a cloud floating in it. 
 What's more interesting is if you look at it from the side. Its just layers of glass. I love what it did to the view of my husband standing on the other side.
 And the glass lynx.
This painting is a "glass" mosaic.
 And I'm not sure I like these snakey candlesticks. 

 This was my favorite piece. I love all the blue glass butterflies.
I have a lot more to show you from the glass museum another day.
But I do want to show you what arrived in the mail.
The postcard I won last week on Valerie's blog arrived already. Talk about a speedy trip from Germany.
 And no line through the stamp. Plus its a pretty flower.

Love this postage "stamped" image too Valerie.
That's all for me. Thanks for visiting.


  1. The Corning Glass Museum looks amazing! Wow! And mail is always great. Love it!

  2. Oh how wonderful. I wish I'd spent longer in the northeast when I had the chance to visit there several years ago. I would have loved to see the Corning Glass Museum. It really sounds fantastic and I would have loved to see it ALL. Of course, the pieces you shared were fabulous. My favorite, other than the cobalt blue butterflies, was the piece where the glass was shattered on the table. I loved that one. Looks like the four of you made a great weekend of it all in the fingerlakes district.

    BTW, that IS art you showed us today! And fabulous art, too.

  3. How wonderful to have found a glass museum. I love glass, as you might know, and am a frequent visitor to our glass museum here. The lynx seems to be made by the same artists as one of the figures in out museum. Glad you got to see it on your trip. And I am surprised that the card got there so quickly, that's almost a miracle! Glad you liked the 'stamped' stamp, too, it's one of my fave images. Have a fun day, hugs, Valerie

  4. I love Pyrex. So versatile. I still have and use some Corning dishes with the cornflower blue pattern and glass lids that belong to my mother. The glass art just amazing. Hard to pick a favorite piece. Lucky you to have Valerie's art in your mailbox.

  5. How beautiful this exhibition is! WOW!! Thank you for sharing the images Erika!
    Congrats on your lovely postcard from lovely Valerie!

    oxo Susi

  6. That is one place I'd like to visit, all the works look very creative and wonderful to see, I'm sure it must have been such an adventure for you. Lovely photos indeed, and thanks for sharing!

  7. That is a fantastic museum. The exhibits looked awesome, thanks for sharing the super photos.
    Yvonne xx

  8. The glass is beautiful, it must be even more so in person. I sure like you postcard. I think I missed out on some trade or something along the way. I see postcards mentioned on several blogs.

  9. What a fun connection to pair with Corning! I love that bright mosaic and the hanging structure in the 2nd photo of what you saw. Striking! So many different kinds of things they can do with glass.

  10. Oh Erika, I am SO impressed by the Corning museum. Yes, it just moved up to "nag Rick about this when we're on the road next year." I can see why one day wouldn't do it between what you've shown me here and elsewhere. Bet they have a great gift shop, too!


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