Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Art and Nature

Hi everyone. Today I have a couple of pieces of art to show you. First of all I have a new journal page for Art Journal Journey. This month Jo is our hostess and her wonderful theme is Poetry in Motion.
Its a mixed media page made on some cleaned up paint brush paper, with 2 TH images (the couple  image I colored) and a piece of printed acetate.  I also stenciled and painted the hearts and then added the typed up poem from Kenneth Rexroth.
And I also made a  tag for Tag Tuesday. The latest challenge is use your scraps, which is a great way to clean off the bits and bobs on my work table. This challenge couldn't come at a better time because I need to do that table cleaning. :)
And I thought I'd share some nature photos with you that I've taken recently. 
Its getting to be that time of year when those crazy mushrooms start appearing.
 This next one was probably 9 inches across, but since I saw it on one of my walks I had no way to measure it for the photo.
 And tis the season for summer insects,
  and sweet ripening blackberries
 as well as Queens Anne lace blooming.
 And finally I've started seeing some of these newts lately, trying to cross the road. I always help them out and move them off the pavement so they don' get squished by a car going by.
So I'm off tomorrow evening for a long weekend adventure to the Finger Lakes region of New York State. Have a great rest of your week and weekend, and I'll be back Sunday or Monday.


  1. I think your AJJ piece is gorgeous. I adore it. I have a "thing" for those paper dolls, and you colored those beautifully.

    Your scraps are fabulous, too. I am truly impressed.

    I'll gladly give you all my bugs, but I'm in AWE of your blackberries. Mine simply did NOTHING this year.

    Have a great weekend. I'll miss you while you're gone.

  2. Love the little newt, so pretty. Those mushrooms are strange. We saw a lot on the park yesterday, too. The photos are all lovely. Great journal page, so much to see, so well put together. And of course the tag is gorgeous. Glad if it helps you clean off your table, that's one of the reasons I chose the theme! Have a great day, it's pouring here again.....Hugs, Valerie

  3. A terrific post Erika. Your page is wonderul and a real story of romance. What fantastic scraps to piece together and make a beautiful tag.

    Thank you for joining us at Tag Tuesday

    Love Chrissie xx

  4. The poem you chose is perfect, it really speaks to me as I'm such an old romantic at heart! I can see how it inspired your wonderful page too with the birds, flowers and hearts. The script acetate looks lovely and your couple are adorable, I love how you coloured them to make them stand out from the background too 😁. Your tag is fabulous and has a great retro vibe with those gorgeous patterns and the little owls are awesome 😁. I've never seen mushrooms like those before and you are kind helping those newts cross the road, aren't they amazing colours! Thanks so much for linking this beautiful page to Art Journal Journey and wishing you Happy Travels, enjoy your adventure! J 😊

  5. I love your wonderful romantic page - this multilayered piece is just AWESOME and such a good idea to color the vintage photo - I love that!
    The tag is wonderful - you found the perfect scraps for it!
    Beautiful impressions of nature , the böackberries are already ripe here as well now in the woods and at the edges of the fields - and I LOVE your new header Erika!
    Thank you for yet another beautiful entry linked to AJJ! You rock the theme again!
    oxo Susi

  6. I love your page and tag Erika! Great photos too!

  7. I like the depth created in your page and the poem is beautiful. Enjoy your vacation.

  8. Liking the mixed media page really creative. And lovely photos too, warm greetings!

  9. It was good to see your journal page. It tells a wonderful story and the quote was a good one for thefFantastic page you created.
    I loved the coloured found relatives. I'll say snap as I have just coloured some for a future project.
    It is a super tag as well.
    Have a good weekend and enjoy your holiday.
    Yvonne xx

  10. wow,your romantic page is amazing,love the images and the beautiful backround,love this page so much.
    happy day.

    hugs jenny

  11. Haha love your happy couple and the girls yellow outfit! The poem is to giggle too! And then those gorgeous photos of crazy mushrooms...what a lovely post! ♥ Conny http://piaromsartjournaling.blogspot.de

  12. I love seeing the nature photos! I've never seen a mushroom like that first one. Blackberries! I don't have a bush so have to buy them when I want them, but I remember eating them right off the vine in the backyard when I was young :) I'd love to have Queen Anne's Lace. I've never been able to get it to "take" anywhere I've tried. That newt would be a real joy for me to see. I don't ever see them around here, so I got a kick out of your photo.

  13. You've found a very powerful quote, and your illustration is so complex and colourful - I love it all.
    I'm glad you rescue the newts, it's so awful to think of them being hurt. We lift insects and caterpillars from the paths on our walks too. Is that a multi-spotted ladybird? I've never seen one like that.

  14. Seriously crazy mushrooms, whoa! Nice poetry in motion. xox

  15. Love your tinting of the paper dolls, and the whole page is beautiful, with great atmosphere and depth. Those fungi are definitely crazy (I'll have to send my mother to take a look - she's the fungi fanatic!). Great photos.
    Alison x

  16. Hello Erika, I'm absolutely sure I already left a comment on this post, but I'll just say again, what a very powerful quote and your artwork illustrating it is fascinating, interesting and so appropriate.

  17. I especially love that top piece -- the Rexroth quote. Fabulous mix of colors, image, words. It just hits.

    Yes, mushroom season is starting here! Odd ones, aren't they?!


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