Saturday, August 19, 2017

Twinkling Stars

Hi everyone.The weekend, already. This week FLEW right by.  For me, this past week has been the week of good intentions. Tuesday I was ready to go into school and set up my classroom when a friend text me and asked if I wanted to go to lunch, and since I don't see  my friend as often as I go to school, I decided to change my plans. And yesterday I was ready to go into school and set up my classroom when my husband called from his office to tell me his mom was sick. So I once again changed my plans and went up to stay with her until my sister-in-law arrived. Then it was off to the emergency room. Luckily my mother-in-law is doing much better, and they never diagnosed really anything except that her blood pressure was sky high and they sent her home with some meds and a doctor's appointment Monday morning.
I think I might just be skipping the classroom set up into our first teacher work day next Thursday.  I think the universe is trying to tell me something. :)
Do you remember the night sky journal I was working on? I haven't posted about it for awhile but I have another page to show you, which I am linking up to Jo's challenge of Poetry in Motion over at Art Journal Journey .
Here's the spread with this page.

My art has inspired me to read a space science classic.
This book has been on my shelf for years and yet I had never read it.  Until now. A nice geeky read to end my summer break. :)
And I've also been reading  this arty fictional book.
Christopher Moore (if you aren't familiar with him) writes comic fantasy (as Wikipedia calls it). This book is set in Paris during the heyday of Monet, Manet, Toulouse Lautrec, and other Impressionists. And then there's the fantasy character, the Colorman, who tried to sell them paints, especially the true blue or lapis lazuli. I'm enjoying it, but I haven't gotten far enough to see what or who the Colorman actually is and what magic he does, but I am curious to see.
And I'll leave you with this final photo I took one foggy morning while we were away in the Finger Lakes.
Enjoy your weekend.


  1. Love your journal spread , and the wonderful quote from Van Gogh. They fit well together. I don't blame you for wanting to enjoy your vacation this week, school will come soon enough. Time seem to flies by ever faster. Love the foggy photo, too! Enjoy your day, I'm having a play day! Hugs, Valerie

  2. I adore both of your beautiful pages - thanks a lot for another wonderful entry to Jo's theme dear Erika!
    All the best for your MIL! Hope she feels completely well soon again!
    I love this foggy photo - gorgeous!
    Happy weekend - you will find time to set up your classroom! I am sure!
    oxo Susi

  3. Hmm, work I can do later or go out to lunch? Yup, I'm with you lunch. Hope you enjoyed your lunch date. I think Vincent would be dreaming looking at your star spread. Lovely foggy morning photo. Stay cool today

  4. I like the way your journal is coming along.

  5. Your pages and quotes are amazing and such wonderful additions to your night sky journal! What a happy quote from Van Gogh and I love all the glitter and shimmering stars - beautiful! Your second page is perfect too, the cherub is adorable and the gold stars and moon bring both pages together beautifully 😁. I enjoyed finding out about the books and how lovely to wake up to that ethereal foggy morning. Thanks for creating these fantastic pages for Art Journal Journey and enjoy your weekend too! J 😊

  6. The Christopher Moore book sounds like fun. I'll have to check my bookstore and see if they have it. I remember the Cosmos book as awe-inspiring from back in the day.

  7. It is a wonderful page Erika and completes a fantastic spread in your journal.
    I think something is telling you something after reading your post. The school holidays after your recovery time, needs to be longer.
    I hope things are going well for your MIL.
    Have a Happy rest of the weekend
    Yvonne xx

  8. Somehow I thought I had already seen this. DUH! I adore the spread and it is perfect for AJJ.

    School started here last Thursday, so you are behind us. I can remember when it didn't start till after Labor Day. Now it starts mid-August. Yes, the universe is conspiring to tell you something. It's saying what a lovely, long vacation you've had this year. One you won't soon forget, either.

    Will you be creating a solar eclipse in your book? I am starting to get excited about it. Have a super remainder of your weekend.

  9. wonderful work, this at is fantastic!The quote from Van Gogh is beautiful!!!
    Greetings elke

  10. Your journal spread is beautiful Erika! I love that quote by Van Gogh.
    The books look interesting, enjoy your reading and have a great week.

  11. Beautiful double page with this quote, the stars and the little angel! And a wonderful photo of the misty morning sun!

  12. Fantastic starry pages - the Van Gogh quote is just wonderful. I think you should just enjoy the rest of the vacation and worry about the classroom when school starts again! Hope all continues okay with your MIL.
    Alison x

  13. Well no glass on this post but I sure did enjoy seeing your star page and quote again πŸ˜‰. Beautiful! J 😊

  14. Love your night sky journal. Must have been pretty scary with your mom. Elders and ERs aren't a happy combo. But sounds like the time played out right -- good time with a friend, time with mom. Yes, school will be there!


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