Saturday, September 2, 2017

Second on the Second

Hi everyone. It's a beautiful Saturday morning here in New Hampshire. Yesterday it was cold, but today is just fall chilly. I think summer has really left us early this year as the forecast is showing us having another week ahead (this will be week 3) with more fall temperatures. 
With my crazy past week and fun day out yesterday, I totally forgot it is Second on the Second. Naughty naughty me.
But here is a post from September of 2015 that I like.
Here is the link up to the original post: A Big Window.
The background looks like late September leaves (or probably earlier this year since we are already getting bits of color) and the clouds are a piece of solar paper that I had made using some cloud die cuts and then placing it in the sun.
And I also want to join Yvonne's Colour My World challenge over at Art Journal Journey.
 Here's a page from my calendar journal.
I used a TH found relative card. I loved this little dancer. I thought he looked so excited for fall-with back to school and probably even the start up of her dance lessons after a summer hiatus. I colored her in with some markers just to celebrate.
Keeping this short. I have a full house this morning and the plan is for boating this afternoon. I promise I will be by people's blogs, and if I don't get by now I will tonight or tomorrow once everything quiets down a bit.
Have a great day.


  1. Love the second look piece, such gorgeous autumn colours. Great new page for Yvonne's theme, too. It's chilly and windy here, summer has gone off with August. Have a good weekend, hugs, Valerie

  2. I love the "extravagant" page from the past and I adore the colors and the design of the "way to go " page ! This orange with the teal is such a happy combination - what an upliftig page!
    Here is dull and rainy and chilly -
    hope you have at least good weather for boating!
    Enjoy your weekend out and all the people around and don't forget to make photos for us!
    Thank you so much for joining AJJ ..and I totally forgot to mention how I LOVE this new header - saw it yesterday and instantly fell in love with it --- this is utterly beautiful made!

  3. good morning, I loved your choice of a past post to share-love the autumn colors-and that lovely dancer too
    Happy second on the 2nd Kathy

  4. Beautiful artwork Erika! I love the dancer too!

  5. Repeat after me: Too early for Fall. Too early for Fall... :-D I'm pretending you lovely page is a Summer page. the little dancer is happy for Saturday. Too fun. Enjoy your day out on the lake. And temps are supposed to be warmer this week!

  6. I love the big window piece, as well as the image of the window reflected in the mirror of the original post, Erika. Your dancing dolly "found relative" is delightful. I enjoyed your musings about why she would be so happy.

  7. Erika, it is a fantastic re-visit project, I can see why you shared it again its great.
    Thank you also for the wonderful colourful page you created for Art Journal Journey. The dancer looks so happy and is enjoying life,
    her dress is a gorgeous vibrant colour.
    Yvonne xx

  8. You sure like to color those paper dolls/found relatives, don't you? This one is superb.

    I really love your choice of second on the 2nd. How wonderful to share the first post and the beautiful window that led to your window AJJ page. That mirror was simply stunning, too.

    Thanks for digging this up for us for a second look on the 2nd. I am so new to your blog, just about anything you created in the past would be new and exciting for me.

  9. beautiful calendar!! and i´m a cloud watcher, too... do not ask how many photos i have of them.
    happy autumn!

  10. You're right about the little dancer -- there is such joy there! I love the colors you used as well. Very happy!

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend!

  11. Loving your new blog header - may your day be full of sunshine too! Your colourful pages are so beautiful especially your little cancer in her bright tutu - I love it 😁. Wishing you a happy start to the week! J 😊
    p.s. Sorry I haven't been around we have family visiting for the week so I haven't found time to blog or visit anyone. It looks like I'm going to have to try and catch up with people before bedtime aslong as I'm not too tired! Hope you had a lovely weekend and wishing you a Happy September! J 😊

  12. Both lovely. Cute ballerina, those TH found relatives cards are great for journaling. I still have a few in my stash, will have to dig them out. xox

  13. Love your second look piece with that beautiful frame! Your journal page is fabulous - the dancing girl looks great in her bright outfit!Chrisx


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