Monday, September 4, 2017

T Stands for the Mountains

It's Monday night and my long weekend is almost over. It's been a great 4 days off. I hope my 4 day work week goes by as smoothly.
And it is time again for T Day. It's time to share your drink posts over at Bleubeard and Elizabeth's Blog.
This week for T I thought I would share some views from a recent road trip journey. My husband and I both had last Friday off for the long Labor Day holiday weekend. Our original plan was to drive to the top of Mount Washington, the tallest mountain in our state and in the northeast US. At 6,289 feet (1817 meters), the mountain isn't tall by most world standards, but it is known for having some of the worst weather in the world.
This was the photo they posted on Facebook showing the Friday morning weather. They also said They were having wind gusts at 75 miles per hour.
Mount Washington held the record for the fastest wind gust (231 mph) until 1996 when Typhoon Olivia hit 253 mph. Even so, the weather up top can be totally different from the base. When I looked it up online Friday morning I saw that it was 14 degrees F with wind chills making it feel like 7 degrees F  (that's -10 degrees C feeling like -13 degrees C) on the mountain top.
A little too wintery for me.
But even though it was a cold day and not the day to drive up to the top  of a mountain, we decided to take a drive up into the mountains but stay at lower elevations.
 A few other people had the same idea.
It was still a chilly fall feeling day.
But since the sun was shining and we didn't have to go to work it didn't matter. We saw a few of these covered bridges.
 And we even drove over one.

 The river wasn't really very high.
 But this one boy still decided to swim down the rapids. Brrr. I know it is technically still summer but I don't think you'd find me in swimming at that temperature. 

 It was pretty and we even noticed that a few trees had tinges of color. Already.

And after some sight seeing and a bit of light hiking, it was time for some food.
We decided to try the Woodstock Inn in Woodstock, NH. We had never been there before, but we had seen their beer in our local store. 
I tried the Pig's Ear brown beer. It was very good and I would buy it again.
But I needed some food too.
Both the hubby and I had the open face meatloaf sandwich. Yum. It was a thick slice of homemade bread, some delicious meatloaf and a big scoop of mashed potatoes. Enough for lunch not only Friday but also on Sunday.  I would order this again for sure.
Even the popcorn as an appetizer was pretty good.
So if you ever happen to be in Woodstock, New Hampshire I recommend this place.
Hope everyone has a great T day.


  1. Saw Mt. Washington already had their first snowstorm. Too early. I hope that doesn't portend and early winter for us. Looks like a gorgeous day in the mountains. Really beautiful views. The Woodstock Inn looks very cozy. That is one yummy lunch. Have a good week at school

  2. Ah, you shouldn't have shown that open faced meat loaf sandwich, now you have me craving! You keep the beer, I'll have the sandwich, okay? Looks like you had a great day out, but I wouldn't have gone swimming either! Love the covered bridges. Glad you enjoyed your long weekend. Happy T Day, Hugs, Valerie

  3. So glad you shared your trip to Mt. Washington with us. That photo someone took from the top looked brutal, especially for late August/early September. It even appears that people are quite bundled up in the lower levels, too.

    I have always wanted to see a covered bridge and driving on one would be a bonus. You are SO lucky. What a thrill it would be, especially for this midwest girl.

    Woodstock in looks like a very unique place, next to a silo and a church. I want to know how they got those flower boxes filled at that height. Tall ladders, I guess. I know about Woodstock, NY, but not NH. Brown beer? Sure sounds better than pale ale, but I think I still prefer stout. Your food looks excellent, though.

    Thanks for taking us to Mount Washington and Woodstock Inn for T this Tuesday. Loved the look of the meatloaf sandwich and beer.

  4. brrr, what an icy cold photo as intro... but Looks great! nice idea for a trip. and the covered bridges... no Need to say i´m immediately thinking Meryl Streep and clint Eastwood... sigh...
    happy t-day, erika!

  5. I can see you all had a great day in nice weather. nice dinner too ;O))

  6. Beautiful photos from your mountain trip. I think the guy in the river deserved a medal, even with the sun shining I think it would have been very, very, cold.
    I'm not a beer drinker, but your choice did have a great name and your food looked yummy.
    happy T day wishes.
    Yvonne xx

  7. What a lovely day trip, I so enjoyed visiting the mountains and the beautiful covered bridges! Your photos remind me of our wonderful visits to NH, I think I may have even visited that covered bridge in your photo 😉. That's a great photo of you both and I'd love a taste of that meatball sandwich and beer - delicious! Thanks for memories and Happy T Day! J 😊

  8. Wonderful photo's of the mountains with the stream and the views. I would have stayed in the lower elevations too. The top looks BRRR! Lunch looks delicious. It is always fun to try a new place for a meal isn't it?

  9. Oh no-that mountain weather would NOT be for me! Love the covered bridge and beautiful scenery. And with fall like weather you enjoyed a perfectly warming meal. Thanks for sharing and happy T day!

  10. Good morning Erika, wow that was pretty cold and windy to drive to the top-I would stay on bottom elevation as well. what a beautiful area! so glad you shared all the photos. I love the mountains
    the food looks delicious-I like that idea fresh bread with meatloaf and gravy-a nice change instead of mashed potatoes.
    glad you were able to venture out for the long weekend
    Happy T Day Kathy

  11. Always lovely to travel chair wise with you - fabulous photos of your road trip - thank you for sharing and I will visit Woodstock Inn for sure should I ever be in Woodstock, New Hampshire !
    Happy T-Day Erika!
    oxo Susi

  12. Gosh how i miss the mountains sometimes Erika... I think they get in your blood ..just like the ocean... sometimes you just need to visit and be in their shadow for awhile.. I used to love exploring around a little stream like that.. sticking your feet in... finding crayfish.. and a little chilly would suit me just fine.. Thank you for the info on Mt Washington ... that might be a little too cold for me Happy T day! Hugs! deb

  13. We don't have mountains anywhere near us, so I'm enjoying your gorgeous scenic photos. I prefer warm weather, so I wouldn't have been joining the swimming, but I might've waded some :)

    Happy T Tuesday!

  14. What beautiful scenery, Erika. I enjoyed seeing the picture of you and your guy. Glad you made the most of the long weekend and had an enjoyable trip even thought you didn't make it to the top.

    Happy T-Day! Hugs, Eileen

  15. Oh My! How I would love to be in Woodstock, New Hampshire! The food looks fabulous and the scenery even more so! Not so sure about swimming though…bbrrrrr! I think the summit would have been pretty quiet on Friday!! Happy T Day Chrisx

  16. Looks like an awesome place to visit. And oh, my. Your sandwich!

  17. Snow in the first pic? Say it isn't so! The rest of the pix look much more my weather zone! That meatloaf sandwich looks like the most wonderful comfort food!

  18. That meat loaf looks amazing...was it delicious??? I absolutely love the colored bridges. We are into trying different craft beers, that looks like a good one.

  19. thank you for sharing and I will visit Woodstock Inn for sure should I ever be in Woodstock, New Hampshire !


  20. Wow!!!
    i never knew Washington city has such high marvelous mountains too,
    this post is really treat to my eyes and my desire of knowledge too.
    Thank you for sharing such stunning pics of your trip dear Erika!

    sights are breathtaking and your capturing is artistic .
    amazing holiday my friend!


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