Monday, October 9, 2017

T Stands for the Weekend Wrap Up

It has been a  grey and  rainy weekend here in my world, but still, it was a good long weekend. Here in the US it was the long Columbus weekend, although lots of people did not have the Monday holiday off. I also want to wish a slightly belated Happy Thanksgiving to my Canadian friends.
 The one chore I  managed to get done was to pull most of my winter things out of the attic. It's still  a bit warm for them,but I'm guessing it is going to suddenly get cold. It is October after all.  That was the one job on my weekend to do list so I am glad to have it started. :)
Sunday we had a wedding 2 hours away in Maine. I was hesitant about going, but glad we did as it was one of the nicest weddings I have attended.  We drove through lots of little towns and lots of miles of leaves which were starting to turn.

 And although it was raining when we left the house, the sun managed to peak out for ceremony. 
The couple got married under a covered bridge.
 The river ran underneath the bridge and you could hear it during the ceremony.

 And on our way to the big event, we passed this Maine roadside landmark. I've always wanted to see it, don't ask me why, but I think it's a cool sign. These are all Maine towns but it sure is a global smorgasbord.
And I managed to have lots of good art time.
I made a tag for Tag Tuesday's latest challenge "All Creatures Great and Small".
No, you're not seeing double either.  I stamped the quote twice in two colors.

And lastly, I can't forget it is time for T. After all that I need a good cuppa to relax and get ready for another work week.

A cup of tea and my knitting. Finally the season to knit some more colorful Christmas stockings. 
Stop by Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog to see what the T Gang has been up to.
And hope its a happy T day.


  1. Isn't this warm weather in Oct. crazy?? No complaints though. However I couldn't bring myself to go for the winter clothes and switch things out yet...
    Sounds like a perfectly lovely wedding and setting.
    Great looking tag!
    Love the last pic of your warming tea and knitting-oh it won't be long now. Happy T day!

  2. Wonderful photos, and you two look like you are having fun. What a great place for a wedding. Love the sign showing all those place names. The tag is fantastic, thanks so much for joining us at TT. Glad you made he most of your long weekend. Happy T Day, Hugs, Valerie

  3. What lovely photos you took on the way to the wedding. I have never seen a covered bridge except in pictures, and would have LOVED to be at that wedding for the ambiance alone.

    Wow, I had no idea there were so many international towns in Maine. That's amazing. I'm thrilled you took a photo of the sign.

    That's a darling tag. You certainly have a thing for bears, don't you. Let's hope one doesn't arrive at your doorstep again this winter.

    I adored your charming owl mug. It is lovely. It goes well with knitting, too, I believe. Those are certainly going to be some very colorful socks!

    Thanks for sharing your wedding photos, your landscape photos, your tag, your knitting, and your owly tea with us for T this Tuesday. Hope you had a wonderful three day weekend.

  4. what a romantic wedding Location! and the Colors of the season are just awesome, as is your beautiful tag. good you are prepared for winter, me not so far...
    happy t-day!

  5. What an amazing post! How wonderful to get married in such a setting and that's a lovely photo of you both, I hope you had a very happy anniversary too ๐Ÿ˜. That sign is so cool, I'll have to seek it out next time I visit Maine, thanks for sharing! I'm loving your awesome tag too - perfect! It's lovely to see you owl mug again and those Christmas stocking colours are so much fun ๐Ÿ˜. Thanks so much for the smiles and wishing you a very Happy T Day! J ๐Ÿ˜Š

  6. Wow nice to hear the river underneath during the ceremony! A beautiful place under the bridge! Great autumnal impressions and I can tell you that it is always so good to see you and your hubby together. It makes me happy to see that you both feel so well after the kidney transplantation. We have a near friend of just 40years age who must get a new liver.
    Waiting time can be up to a whole year.I am so sorry about this and I so fear with him and his family- he feels very bad and has great pains and is now in hospital in Vienna for all the preliminary investigations . My hubby drives him and his family as often as it is necessary - we are unhappy not to be able to help more - so sad- he has a very seldom sickness - his body can not handle sun and this makes the liver decaying. His elder sister died of this a couple of years ago at the age of 45.
    A drama!
    I love to see this lovely autumnal impressions of Maine!
    Happy T-Day Erika and have a good and short work week!
    Great you managed to get the winter stuff out- I did this already as well. Winter will come too soon I fear!
    oxo Susi

  7. And sorry for not mention this really beautiful tag ! It fits the Main Impressions so well with that bear!

  8. That look a beautiful location for a wedding, the photos are lovely.
    The distance signs looked good as well, I wonder how accurate they would be and who would believe it.
    The tag is fantastic, and the double stamp print of the words, does make you stop a while to read it..
    Its looks a great cuppa, I hope you share a photo of the stockings when they are finished.
    Happy T day wishes.
    Yvonne xx

  9. Wow! What an amazing place to get wed! Thanks for sharing your lovely photos Erika!
    I love your tag too, great composition.
    And, I've been cosying up with tea and crochet lately, making a cable throw to keep us warm when it gets colder. Your knitted stocking looks gorgeous!
    Wishing you a wonderful week!
    Alison xx

  10. I pull things out a day at a time when I'm downstairs (for winter) and take down the same. But soon I'll need to bring up more than a handful, though you wouldn't know it by the weather! A great weekend and environment for a wedding -- it looks like you maxed out your long weekend!

  11. What a cool spot to get married! You guys were way up in Maine. I dated a lumberjack from Norway, Maine. He was the brother of a woman I worked with. Such a nice picture of you and your hubby. He's a good sport. No sure Himself would be as accommodating. Love the tie. The black bear is my animal totem so I love your tag. I also love using the brads to hold the leaf petals because I see birds and bees. Your owl mug looks so cozy wrapped in your colorful knitting. Have a happy T day

  12. Married on a covered bridge ! How beautiful and unique... or at least i've never heard of it before.... And that vignette of your coffee cup is a beatuiful photo Erika!! Happy happy T day! Hugs! deb

  13. What a beautiful location! I'm glad they got good weather :) Happy T Tuesday

  14. Good afternoon, what a gorgeous place for an outdoor wedding-that would have been awesome to hear the water-and the scenery i beautiful too. Love your bear tag and your cup-wow I love it hugs Happy T Day Kathy

  15. A wedding under a covered bridge - that's beautiful, Erika. It amazes me how people keep coming up with different venue ideas for weddings. Something to awake the senses and make people focus on the special-ness of the occasion.

    I got a kick out of the road sign too. Sometimes I wish Mexico were only 37 miles away from family and childhood friends ;-)

    Happy T-Day! Hugs, Eileen

  16. What a charming venue for a wedding, and loved the sign pic! Sweet tag you've made too... Happy T Day!

  17. Hmm! We have needed our warmer clothes since we got back from France - from days wearing sandals and shorts sleeves to long sleeves and coats and definitely socks and shoes!!! Wow! What amazing photos - I'm glad you went to the wedding too! Love the selfie too! I am fascinated by those covered bridges so especially loved seeing those photos! Good to see your tag and your knitting - I think my needles will be coming out soon! Belated Happy T Day! Chrisx

  18. The covered bridge has to be one of my favorite wedding venues ever. I enjoyed seeing the countryside you travelled through. I would like to see more of your knitting project sometime.

  19. What a beautiful and romantic setting for a wedding ♥ Your scenery photos are fantastic and I LOVE that sign :) Great photo of you and the hubs too. There's that owl cup that I always drool over and your new stockings re going to be great. Thanks for stopping by and yest I think I will be glad to say goodbye to 2017.

  20. What a stunning place for a wedding. LOVE the sign, I would have taken a picture of it too!
    Thank you for the lovely comment on my T-day post, sorry I'm so LATE in getting back to you.


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