Monday, October 30, 2017

T Stands for Birthdays andHalloween

Happy T days ladies (and any gentlemen also). It is Tuesday, the last day of October, Halloween and time to celebrate a cup of late autumn cheer.
To join in the fun stop by Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog . You can also see what the T Gang has been up to.
So this past Sunday, the 29th, was my husband's birthday. Monday, the 30th, was my daughter's birthday. My daughter and her beau came out on Saturday afternoon and spent the night so we could have a little birthday celebration. Saturday night we went out for pizza and a beer, but did I remember to take any photos?  Nope. 
So on Sunday, my husband's birthday, we had a big birthday breakfast celebration. We had eggs, bacon, sausage, has browned potatoes and some cinnamon French toast. 
And even though it was his birthday, my husband likes to cook breakfast. So he did.
We were having a big breakfast because my daughter and her beau were heading out around noon since they live a couple hours away.
And did I remember to take any photos of all the finished food?
But it did dawn on me just as everyone was getting up from the table.
 You can see my empty plate. I had a slice of cinnamon French toast, a half a sausage, some hashbrowned potatoes and a slice of bacon.
And you can see my last sip of apple cider that I had for a drink. (Nope, not hard apple cider just in case you were wondering.)
It was very good. But at least I don't have to make anyone get hungry looking at thee photos.:)

I almost thought I wouldn't make it to T this week.  We had horrible winds and rain Sunday night as Tropical Storm Philippe came up the east coast. Nothing like the hurricanes in Texas, Florida or Puerto Rico, nor like any of the other big storms that have hit the world recently, but we did lose power and I didn't think it would be back in time. (Seeing when I lose power I usually lose it for a few days, especially when 270,000 people in my state lost power.) But I came home from work today and it was back on. Hurrah for having electricity back.

And since today is Halloween, I have one last Halloween page from my calendar journal to show you.
Have a fun and spooky day everyone.


  1. What fun to spend time with your daughter and her beau to celebrate not one but two birthdays - sending happy birthday wishes to your hubby and your daughter 😁. You must have been having a wonderful time to forget to take photos, or maybe you were just hungry! That cinnamon toast looks lovely - yum! I'm loving your calender journal page too, the paper, quote and embellishments are perfect 😀. Wishing you a very happy, fun and spooky T Day too! J 😊

  2. Sorry you were caught in that bad storm, it must have been scary. But your birthday celebrations must have made for a fun time, your breakfasts sounded great. Lovely Halloween page, too. Have a happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  3. It sounds like you had a good time celebrating the family Birthdays.
    An empty plate shows that everyone enjoyed their food, I can imagine the aroma of the bacon cooking, yummy.
    The Halloween page in your journal looks wonderful, super colours and quote as well.
    Happy T day wishes.
    Yvonne xx

  4. ha-I love your commentary on the celebration pics!! Obviously you were truly focusing and enjoying the time .
    Was thinking about you today with the wicked rains and winds. Glad your power wasn't out too long. We lucked out and the wind, tho gusty, wasn't as bad as predicted.
    Happy T day and happy Halloween-great journal page!

  5. I can eat breakfast any time of the day, so I am still envisioning the awesome meal your husband cooked on his birthday. Photos him cooking and your empty plate and empty food dishes proved it must have all been good. And of course, I love apple cider, too. SO autumn!

    What an adorable Halloween page, too. Just a simply beautiful entry and fun symmetry.

    Thanks for sharing your art, your husband's birthday breakfast, your apple cider, and your time with your husband, daughter, and her beau with us for T this nearly Tuesday. BTW, again, belated birthday wishes to your daughter and husband, dear.

  6. Erika that looks like one yummy breakfast... Happy Birthday to your hubby and daughter.. Sounds like you had a fabulous celebration. Happy happy T day! deb

  7. happy belated birthday wishes to your hubby and your daughter - a nice Occasion to celebrate. hehe, i can relate... how often do i think of making photos AFTER the eating?!
    we had another big storm here, too (with Trains totally cancelled for 1-2 days ín big parts of the Country) - the second time within october. the world runs crazy (but i´m afraid we´re not innocent about it).
    happy t-day and Halloween:)

  8. Halloween is my favorite holiday so how fun that you get to extend the fun with birthdays. Glad the storm didn't spoil the celebration. Happy Birthday to your Hubster and Daughter. He looks good cooking breakfast and it must have been delicious as all the plates are licked clean :-D I love the Felix the Cat clock in your kitchen. I have a gift cert. from Amazon and have been thinking of getting the clock.

    Fun Halloween page. I can hear that gang of kids yelling Trick or Treat. Happy Halloween and T Day

  9. Good morning, I love all of your food photos happy birthdays to all. losing power no fun-we had a bad ice storm several years ago now that we had no power for 19 days-camping in the house lol
    another great halloween page
    Happy T Day and Happy Halloween hugs Kathy

  10. Happy Birthdays! I'm all focused on the bacon :) Makes my mouth hungry.

    Happy T Tuesday

  11. It looks like you a had a very good celebration ! Fantastic! And I love your fabulous spooky Halloween page Erika!
    Happy Halloween and happy T-Day!
    oxo Susi

  12. And good that nothing too bad happened in the storm - we had the same here... short brake down of power as well ... I think I told you already!
    I hope that no storm will come soon again-
    but hubby meant it is the time of the year for that!

  13. I'm glad your power wasn't out long, especially with company coming. Hopefully Phillipe will be the last one to head your way this hurricane season, Erika.

    A lot of birthdays among the T-party ladies this week. Best wishes to your hubby and daughter.

    I guess no one liked the breakfast - lol. There's hardly a scrap left.

    Very cute Halloween page. Happy Halloween and Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

  14. Great that you could celebrate a double birthday all together. The cinnamon toast looks particularly delicious.
    In answer to your question: No I didn't get any pips in my grape juice as the juicer catches those. (The machine Works on the principle of centrifugal force)
    Happy T-Day,

  15. Birthday celebrations are always great! Glad your power is back, and the wind has calmed down for the halloween trick or treaters!

  16. Sorry I'm late in commenting, I thought I had replied to you earlier today...
    It's great that your daughter and her man were able to come to the doublé celebration. It sounds like you had a wonderful time. What is it about men and bacon.... My hubby does the same thing. He cooks a mean breakfast.
    I'm attracted to that slice of cinnamon bread. If it is going spare, I'll have it, thank you very much.
    I hope the storm has abated by now and no more powercuts. We get them too. As soon as the weather deteriorates, we get power cuts.I have a power saver for my computer, unfortunately it's not terribly powerful. In case of a short powercut it holds the connection, and anything longer than a few minutes, at least it gives me the chance to properly close down everything.
    Happy T-Day,

  17. Oh! The times I forget to take photos!! We had our grandchildren to stay last week - did I take loads of photos - nope!! It's good to have family round though isn't it?! Glad to hear that the storms didn't affect your power for to long! Happy Halloween and Happy T Day! Chrisx

  18. Looks like the birthday was enjoyed ♥ Love the Halloween page♥ Thanks for stopping by my blog I always enjoy your visits. Having trouble typing this as the cat is wanting attention and keeps setting on the keyboard. lol!

  19. What a great Halloween page - hope you had a great time celebrating that and your husband's birthday.
    Alison x

  20. That breakfast looks and sounds yummy! I never remember to take pictures in the moment either. I just tell myself I am enjoying it and capturing it through my lenses (eyes).
    I am loving your page. That vintage photo looks great against the spider web and the pattered paper.
    Happy Tea day a day late,

  21. Happy Belated Birthday to Mr. Erika! That is a fabulous looking breakfast -- one of my favorite meals of the day when it looks that good!


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