Friday, November 10, 2017

Cold Hands

Happy Friday everyone! It's a cold morning.   Brrr.  Glad I didn't have to rush out to work and could stay in my warm bed a little longer. :)
 I took these photos the other day. You can see how the woods look more wintery now that most of the leaves have come down.
Time to rake.
And put the lawn furniture away.
 Now these berries look so bright and stand out without the leaves.
And we've finally gotten a hard frost. 
The cold weather does produce some beautiful skies.

 I have another page for Chris's challenge-101 Ways to Stay Warm- over at Art Journal Journey.
I really like my couple. I painted them first in grey, then a light coat of black, and then I used some watered down cream colored paint to add some details. Finally I used a white Stabilo pencil to draw in any final needed details.
Stay warm if it's chilly where you are. And enjoy the start of your weekend wherever you are.


  1. Such beautiful photos. We had a cold frost here too; love how you captured it on the photos and what a sunset! Cold hands, warm hearts❤️

  2. 34 oF this morning. Brrrrr, indeed. We'll be closing up the sunroom. With the temps expected plummet again tonight, it will be too cold spend evenings out there. Sad face. Only 222 days until the first day of Summer. I'm surprised the birds haven't eaten all those berries. Even though I don't like the cold, I'll grudgingly admit the hydrangea looks pretty with a coating of frost. Red sky in the morning, Sailor take warning. Hope that doesn't mean snow on the way. Red sky at night, Sailors delight. Let's go with that one. Having someone to cuddle with is a great way to stay warm. Enjoy your day off.

  3. fantastic autumn you photograph and sweet card to ;O))

  4. Lovely photos, but it looks cold. The temps are plummeting here, too. Love the journal page, very pretty and a great quote. My hands are freezing today, although I am huddled under a blanket. Have a nice day, hugs, Valerie

  5. I LOVE the AJJ entry because you draw so well. It is adorable. And YOUR hard freeze looks like it damaged the plants more than the two hard freezes we've had. OOPS. Just saw the weather and it's 28F right now at my place. BRRRR. Have a great 3 day weekend, dear.

  6. The photos are so amazingly beautiful and your couple is fantastic - the page is absolutely great - I love how you created it!Perfection !
    HAPPY start of the weekend dear Erika!
    Here it is cold as well!brrrr.
    But not such beautiful frosty layers yet.

    oxo Susi

  7. You've got such wonderful woodland views and a perfect place for your lawn furniture. I miss the summer flowers, but you are right about the colors autumn offers.

  8. Cute couple, gorgeous sky...darn cold about now...some trees are sharing their winter skeletons, the oaks were losing their clothing in this wind. Happy weekend. xox

  9. Beautiful photos, we are getting morning frosts now on a regular basis.
    The shots from the car window looked amazing.
    I loved the journal page and the sweet couple taking a walk.
    have a good weekend Erika.
    Yvonne xx

  10. Yep, it's getting cold. I can 'feel' the cold in your photos. Beautiful photos.
    The sky is magnificent in its colours. And your couple is so sweet. Cold hand, warm heart is an expression we use a lot, as I always have cold hands. In Italy they say: mountain tops, cat's noses and lady's bottoms are always cold.Lol.
    Have a great weekend,

  11. That photo of the frost on the plant is divine. We're getting frost, too. And I really love your page of the couple taking the walk. Perfect winter!

  12. What beautiful photos! Today has been much colder here too and we have a frost forecast for tomorrow and it looks like you definitely are having hibernating weather now 😉. I hope you are having a lovely weekend and Happy Sunday! J 😊


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